Mar 11, 2025
2018-2019 Undergraduate Academic Calendar [ARCHIVED CALENDAR]
Communication and Digital Media Studies
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General information
The Bachelor of Arts in Communication and Digital Media Studies (Honours) program offers a four-year degree with a high-quality, socially relevant curriculum designed to provide students with a strong foundation in the theory and practice of communication in the 21st century. This program emphasizes digital media and social justice and equity, while providing a broad-based liberal education in communication studies in a range of courses designed to impart professionally relevant communication skills. The curriculum explores crucial developments in human communication, from oral traditions and the emergence of literacy to the development of contemporary social media, with an emphasis on how changes in communication technologies and practices shape culture and society. The courses are designed to help students not only to understand the role of communication in society, but also teach how communication can be employed to promote social justice and equity. Students are given the opportunity to develop communication skills and to relate them to developments in the economy and society, with attention to practical applications in such sectors as corporate communication and social advocacy. The curriculum provides insights into the role of communication in the Canadian and global contexts. Admission requirements
Admission is competitive. The specific average or standing required for admission varies from year to year. Students are selected by taking into consideration a wide range of criteria including school marks, distribution of subjects taken, and performance in subjects relevant to the academic program. Possession of the minimum requirements does not guarantee acceptance. Preference will be given to applicants with the best qualifications. Current Ontario secondary school students must complete the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) with six 4U or 4M credits including English (ENG4U). All other applicants should refer to admissions for the requirements for their specific category of admission. Practicum
A limited number of fourth-year students are granted an opportunity to participate in a learning experience with a community organization. The Practicum course consists of 100 hours of fieldwork, in-class seminars, a set of academic assignments and a major research paper and poster. As part of the pre-practicum process, students will be required to acquire a Vulnerable Sector check. For additional information, please refer to the course description for SSCI 4098U . Double majors
Students registered in a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) program within the Faculty of Social Science and Humanities at UOIT are permitted to pursue any combination of two majors within the Faculty of Social Science and Humanities concurrently as a double major. Double major program maps have been approved by the Faculty of Social Science and Humanities and are available through the Academic Advising Office. Students undertaking a double major within the Faculty of Social Science and Humanities will, in most cases, be required to complete more than 120 credit hours. Students wishing to declare a double major must consult with the Academic Advising office. Degree and major requirements
To be eligible for the Bachelor of Arts (Honours) degree in Communication and Digital Media Studies, students must meet both the degree requirements and requirements of the major as outlined below for a total of 120 credits. Each year prior to course registration, the order and timing of course offerings will be released by the faculty and communicated to students. Required first-year courses for all Bachelor of Arts students [21 credit hours]
Communication and Digital Media Studies major [99 credit hours]
*Second-year Communication electives
**Third-year Communication electives
***Fourth-year Communication electives
- Not all Communication electives will be offered every year.
- Communication elective courses from adjoining years can be chosen with permission of the academic advisor.
- Communication electives may be chosen as general electives.
****General electives
General electives can be taken at/or adjoining their year level, where permission has been granted and prerequisites have been fulfilled. No more than three 1000-level elective courses can be included and a minimum of three elective courses must be offered by the Faculty of Social Science and Humanities but outside of major and at the 2000-level or higher. ALSU 1101U is recommended as a general elective in first year. SSCI 4101U and SSCI 4102U Honours Thesis I and II
In order to be considered for the Honours Thesis I students must apply during their sixth semester to begin their Honours Thesis I in semester seven. The course application must include a detailed statement of intent outlining the methodology, theoretical significance and the projected timelines for completion of the project. To proceed to Honours Thesis II a student must have successfully completed Honours Thesis I with a minimum A- and prepare a written statement outlining the projected timelines for completion of the project. Please note: only a limited number of applicants will be admitted to the Honours Thesis. Consent is required from both the instructor and the dean. |
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