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Ontario Tech University
    Mar 13, 2025  
2016-2017 Undergraduate Academic Calendar 
2016-2017 Undergraduate Academic Calendar [ARCHIVED CALENDAR]

Applied and Industrial Mathematics and Management – Co-operative Education

General information

Mathematics is a fundamental component within every aspect of scientific endeavour and underlies much of our daily activities. Mathematics is a key component of problem solving, from the modelling of atmospheric physics to the complexities of managing risk in financial markets.

Students in the Applied and Industrial Mathematics program will learn concepts, principles, qualitative and quantitative methods, as well as innovative problem solving skills. Students will gain valuable experience by learning state-of-the-art algorithms and software in courses and by means of research projects related to the workplace.

Mathematics graduates need to be able to apply relevant advanced numerical skills, including statistical analysis of data, modelling of physical or biological phenomena, and computer implementation of algorithms related to their eventual employment. These abilities will be developed in the mathematics courses offered in the upper years. Exposure to the distinctive assumptions and modes of analysis of other disciplines will be provided in the non-science electives available in each year of the program.

The curriculum also provides a basic foundation in chemistry, physics, and computer science, providing settings within which to apply the mathematical concepts and expertise acquired in the program; students are particularly encouraged to explore a deeper understanding of one of these disciplines by means of a minor program of study.

The emphasis on Applied and Industrial Mathematics is reflected in the wide range of courses focused on the applications of mathematics (e.g., Differential Equations, Mathematical Modelling, Optimization, Computational Science, Partial Differential Equations, and Industrial Mathematics).

The Faculty of Science offers separate Bachelor of Science (Honours) degrees in Applied and Industrial Mathematics and in Physics. Students with interest in both disciplines may wish to complete the academic requirements of both programs and be awarded a single degree, Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Applied and Industrial Mathematics and Physics. Eligibility requirements and academic information can be obtained from the academic advisor.

Co-operative education and experiential learning

The Faculty of Science offers an optional co-operative education program to students in Applied and Industrial Mathematics, Biological Science, Chemistry, Computer Science, Physics, and the Management options. Eligible students in the Forensic Science program have the opportunity for academically-related work experience in a fourth year Thesis Project under the supervision of a faculty member or with a forensic professional in an external forensic agency.

As defined by the Canadian Association for Co-operative Education (CAFCE), co-operative education is a program that formally integrates a student’s academic studies with paid, career-related work experience with participating employers. Co-operative education provides many benefits to students including the opportunity to gain valuable practical experience, to earn competitive salaries that partially offset the cost of their education, to help clarify career objectives, and to develop valuable networking that will enhance opportunities for full-time employment upon graduation. Studies have shown that students in the same academic program who graduate from a co-operative education stream have lower debt loads and are employed faster and with higher starting salaries than those who graduate from the regular stream.

Interested students may apply to the Faculty of Science co-operative education program as early as the Fall of Year 2. Applicants are accepted based on their cumulative grade point average (minimum cGPA of 2.70 (B-) required), their academic standing, and having no record of misconduct. While the Faculty of Science cannot guarantee a co-op placement, assistance, advice and counselling is provided to all students in co-operative education.

Beginning after Year 2 of their academic program, eligible students have the opportunity to integrate their academic studies with up to 20 months of relevant experience.  Traditionally, the distribution of academic and co-op work terms have adhered to the pattern outlined below. However, alternative patterns of academic terms and co-op terms may be approved by an advisor, provided the pattern still meets the CAFCE criteria for co-operative education and is acceptable to the employer and the student.

The schedule of study terms and co-op work terms is as follows:

  Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Fall semester Study Term 1 Study Term 3 Study Term 5 Work Term 4 Study Term 7
Winter semester Study Term 2 Study Term 4 Work Term 2 Study Term 6 Study Term 8
Spring/Summer semester   Work Term 1 Work Term 3 Work Term 5  

Students will be required to attend mandatory co-op pre-program workshops prior to attending their placement for the first time.  Each co-op work term is assessed by a faculty advisor on the basis of the student’s work term report and an employer valuation. Co-op work terms are graded on a pass/fail basis. Please note that four work terms are required in order to satisfy the co-op degree requirements.

Students will have opportunities to undertake research inside or outside the university. Please consult for details.

Science and Management

The combination Science and Management program will consist of the curriculum from the selected science program and 10 courses in business and management that are taken in Year 6 of the Co-op program. Graduates will benefit from a complete science education complemented by solid accounting, finance, operations, human resources and marketing skills.

UOIT’s Bachelor of Science and Management (Honours) is available to students in any specialization including co-op education within the following programs:

Students in one of the Faculty of Science regular programs may also complete a Science and Management combination program. The Science and Management programs (without co-op) will take students five years to complete. Details are available within the specific program pages.

Admission requirements

Applications to the Bachelor of Science and Management will be accepted in the winter semester of student’s third year of study. A minimum GPA of 2.3 is required to be eligible to apply to the program. This program may have limited space and applications are considered on a competitive basis.  Successful applicants will be notified by the Registrar’s office by the end of May term of application.

Program details and degree requirements

The Science and Management program follows the same program map and degree requirements as the four-year degree program for each option. The program includes the addition of 10 BUSI courses in sixth year. Please note the Business electives are subject to availability of space and not all electives are offered each semester.

Program map – Regular and Co-operative Education program

Year 1

Semester 1 (15 credit hours)

Program map – Co-operative Education program


No more than 42 credit hours may be taken at the first-year level.

*This course is graded on a pass/fail basis.

**Electives and breadth requirements

All students must complete 42 elective credit hours including the 12 credit hours in Applied and Industrial Mathematics electives. Students not accepted to take MATH 4410U  and MATH 4420U  must take an additional two senior science electives for a total of 48 elective credit hours. A senior science elective is defined as any 3000- or 4000-level science course not specified in the program map, excluding SCIE and ENVS courses.  At least 24 elective credit hours must be in courses offered by the Faculty of Science including the 12 credit hours in Applied and Industrial Mathematics Electives. The additional two senior science electives required for students who are not enrolled in thesis cannot be used to meet this requirement. In order to satisfy breadth requirements, no more than 21 elective credit hours total may be in mathematics (MATH); at least 12 elective credit hours must be in courses outside the Faculty of Science. Students must take the remaining 6 elective credit hours in a general elective (offered by the Faculty of Science or outside the Faculty of Science).

Applied and Industrial Mathematics electives:

***Thesis Project or Senior Science electives

Students in clear academic standing who have completed 90 credit hours of their MATH program and five third-year required courses may optionally apply to take a two-course sequence consisting of MATH 4410U – Mathematics Thesis Project I  and MATH 4420U – Mathematics Thesis Project II . Students not accepted to take the thesis courses must complete two additional senior science electives instead. A senior science elective is defined as any 3000- or 4000-level science course not specified in the program map, excluding SCIE and ENVS courses. A student meeting the above requirements who does not take MATH 4410U  and MATH 4420U  may optionally apply to take MATH 4430U – Directed Studies in Mathematics  as one of the required Senior Science electives. Opportunities for the Thesis Project and Directed Studies options are limited; for either of these options, students must apply through Science Advising by March 30 following completion of the first three years of the program.

Recommended Senior Science electives that students in the Applied and Industrial Mathematics program may choose to take include: