General information
The Faculty of Health Sciences, in collaboration with Durham College, offers a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Honours). The faculty’s mission is to envision, innovate and embrace opportunities to deliver caring dynamic nursing education, which facilitates the vision of leading and challenging the boundaries of nursing education, practice and research, in order to improve and promote the human health experience. The Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Honours) program holds accreditation with the Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing.
This fully integrated partnership provides collaborative learning activities, in which students take an active role in their own learning. This learning strategy combined with traditional methods prepares students for life-long learning, through the development of research, teamwork, practice and leadership skills essential for nursing practice. The state-of-the-art nursing labs provide students with practical, hands-on experience, with the latest technology right at their fingertips. These experiences prepare students for practicum placements in a variety of acute care and community settings.
Nurses are dedicated to serving the health care needs of the public; therefore, obtaining the best possible outcome for the patient is paramount at all times. In order to meet this expectation on graduation, it is important that applicants considering Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Honours) program realize there is an expectation throughout the program that they demonstrate an ability to meet the competencies outlined in the Standards of Practice of the College of Nurses of Ontario. In addition, students should be aware of the College of Nurses of Ontario Requisite Skills and Abilities for nursing practice in Ontario (visit the College of Nurses of Ontario’s website for additional information).
Admission requirements
Admission is competitive. The specific average or standing required for admission varies from year to year. Students are selected by taking into consideration a wide range of criteria including school marks, distribution of subjects taken, performance in subjects relevant to the academic program, and CASPerTM (Computer-based Assessment for Sampling Personal Characteristics) assessment. Possession of the minimum requirements does not guarantee acceptance. Preference will be given to applicants with the best qualifications.
Current Ontario secondary school students must complete the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) with six 4U or 4M credits including English (ENG4U) with a minimum 60 per cent, Biology (SBI4U), Chemistry (SCH4U), and one of Advanced Functions (MHF4U), Calculus and Vectors (MCV4U), or Mathematics of Data Management (MDM4U). A minimum of 65 per cent in MHF4U, MCV4U or MDM4U is recommended. Admission preference will be given to students presenting Advanced Functions (MHF4U) or Calculus and Vectors (MCV4U). All other applicants should refer to admissions for the requirements for their specific category of admission.
Students begin their hands-on experience in their first year using the state-of-the-art nursing lab. Starting in their second term, students will engage in learning within a clinical setting with practicing professionals. Over fifty employers from the health sector provide practicum experience and supervision.
Professional qualifications
Graduates are eligible to write the NCLEX-RN Examination to become a registered nurse. Individuals must comply with the registration requirements of the College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO).
Program details and degree requirements
To be eligible for a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Honours) degree, students must successfully complete 120 credit hours. Degree and program requirements are subject to change without notice.
The following program map is only a guide and is to be used in combination with proper academic advising. Students wishing to make changes to their program of study should consult their academic advisor.
Students must achieve a minimum grade of C in all nursing courses (identified by the subject code NURS) to be eligible for the degree.
Although reasonable efforts will be made to adhere to the following program map, course requirements and term offerings may change. For the most up-to-date list of course offerings, please visit the faculty website at
Semester 1 (15 credit hours)
Semester 2 (18 credit hours)
Semester 1 (15 credit hours)
Semester 2 (15 credit hours)
Semester 1 (15 credit hours)
Semester 2 (12 credit hours)
Semester 1 (15 credit hours)
Semester 2 (15 credit hours)
Program progression requirements
A student must achieve a minimum grade of C in all professional nursing courses (NURS) in order to pass the course. Students who earn a grade lower than a C in any of the courses designated NURS will be put on program probation, regardless of their overall GPA.
A second grade of less than C in any repeated NURS designated course will result in an academic standing of Program Dismissal.
In addition, a second grade of less than C in any repeated or subsequent theory and practicum course (NURS 1700U , NURS 2700U , NURS 2701U , NURS 2705U , NURS 3700U , NURS 3701U , NURS 4700U , NURS 4701U ) will result in program dismissal.
Also, a total of three failures in any combination of required HLSC or NURS courses will result in an academic standing of Program Dismissal.
Students who have failed a third attempt of any required program course will be dismissed from the program as per the university’s repeat policy.
Students who are dismissed from the program, but have maintained the academic standing to remain at the university, may apply for a change of program.
Program progression review
Students who have been dismissed from the program may, with sufficient grounds, request a Review of Academic Standing as outlined in the university’s academic regulations .
Program professional suitability
Safety of students and patients in placement settings is of paramount importance for the Nursing program and for the clinical setting. The following requirements are in place to ensure the provision of safe, competent and ethical nursing care while students are undertaking a placement in a clinical setting.
Requirements for safe practice
In order to be eligible to participate in placement, students will be required to meet specific requirements for safe practice within established timelines as stated in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program Handbook. These requirements include the successful completion of course-related mathematics and practicum assessments, health and safety requirements, and a criminal reference check. Students who do not successfully meet the requirements for safe practice will not be approved to participate in their practicum placement and will be required to withdraw from their respective NURS Theory and Practicum course until the next time the course is offered, the requirements are met, and a placement site is available.
Clinical review
A student on placement in a clinical setting, who has exhibited behaviour that is inconsistent with the norms and expectations of the profession, or that places the student, patients or others at risk, may be immediately suspended from the program and subject to a review and possible sanctions, in accordance with the university’s academic regulations .
Clinical evaluation appeal
A student who receives a failing grade in the practicum component of a NURS Theory and Practicum course may request a clinical evaluation appeal (which will comprise a review of all documentation related to their placement).
Students are normally expected to contact their year coordinator first to discuss their evaluation and seek an informal resolution. If the concern is not resolved, he or she may request a clinical evaluation appeal. The student shall lodge the appeal with the faculty dean, specifying the rationale for their appeal and making clear the components to be re-evaluated. The deadline for requesting a clinical evaluation appeal is the last day of the final examination period or three weeks after the final review meeting, whichever is later.
The appeal will be reviewed by a clinical evaluation appeal committee comprised of the dean’s delegate and two members of the academic staff. In reviewing the appeal, the committee shall meet with the student, who is entitled to be accompanied by a campus advisor at this meeting, provided 48 hours advanced notice is given as to the identity of the advisor. The committee may also meet with the faculty or clinical instructors involved in the assessment. The committee will then conduct a thorough review of the appeal and recommend a resolution to the dean. The dean will notify the student of the decision in writing. It is expected that every effort will be made to render the decision within 30 days of the committee having received the appeal.