Oct 12, 2024
NUCL 4810U – Nuclear Fuel Cycles Students study the production of fissile and fertile nuclear fuel; isotope separation; enrichment of uranium; characteristics of fuel-element materials; metal and ceramic uranium fuel; design and fabrication of fuel elements; fuelling strategies; fuel failure mechanisms and detection of failed fuel; properties of irradiated fuel; the role of plutonium; principles of spent fuel reprocessing; dissolution of spent fuel from nuclear reactors; plutonium separation; meeting safe-guards requirements; natural versus slightly enriched fuel cycles; recycling of PWR fuel in CANDU; use of plutonium from the weapons program; thermal breeders; fast breeders. Credit hours: 3 Lecture hours: 3 Prerequisite(s): ENGR 4610U or NUCL 4610U ; ENGR 4780U or NUCL 4780U or NUCL 4540U Credit restriction(s): ENGR 4810U
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