Oct 11, 2024  
2023-2024 Undergraduate Calendar 
2023-2024 Undergraduate Calendar [ARCHIVED CALENDAR]

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NUCL 4780U – Nuclear Reactor Design

An introduction to thermal and fast reactors and reactor cooling systems. Topics include: natural and enriched fuels; pressure vessels and pressure tubes; reactor structures; moderator materials and systems; reactor coolant materials and systems; shutdown and safety systems, heat generation and removal in the fuel; modes of heat transfer from fuel to coolant; boiling heat transfer; cooling by natural circulation; measurement of thermal-hydraulic parameters; momentum, mass and energy transfer processes; requirements for main heat transport, shutdown cooling and emergency core cooling systems. Nuclear power plant simulators will be used to demonstrate key aspects of reactor design.
Credit hours: 3
Lecture hours: 3
Tutorial hours: 1
Prerequisite(s): NUCL 2500U  and NUCL 2860U  and NUCL 3820U  and NUCL 3930U  and (MATH 2070U  or MATH 2810U 
Credit restriction(s): ENGR 4780U
Experiential learning: Yes

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