Sep 13, 2024
PSYC 5020G - Advanced Methods in Neuroscience This course will be separated into two parts. The first part of the course will be lecture-/discussion-based, during which students will gain a broad overview of several popular neuroimaging techniques including electrophysiology (EEG), positron emission technology (PET) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The application, methods and comparative advantages of each neuroimaging technique will be considered. The second part of the course will be lab-based, and will focus more specifically on designing, analyzing and reporting a functional MRI (fMRI) study. Students will gain first-hand experience using Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM; a popular MRI analysis software program) to analyze and interrogate a real MRI dataset. Weekly assignments will step students through the analysis process in a logical, ordered fashion. A final paper will require students to report the findings of their analyses in the format of an official neuroimaging journal article. Students should thus complete the course with the knowledge and ability to design, analyze and report their own fMRI study. Credit hours: 3 Prerequisite(s): SSCI 5010G
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