Oct 18, 2024  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Academic Calendar 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Academic Calendar

Academic regulations

Information regarding a student’s academic performance including, but not limited to information relating to grades, academic standing, academic misconduct, professional unsuitability and graduation shall be communicated to students via their official student email addresses. Information sent to a student’s email account shall be deemed to have been received by the student on the day it was sent. Under no circumstance shall failure to monitor this email account constitute grounds for appeal of an academic regulation.

Course selection and registration

The registration and course selection policy outlines the undergraduate-level course selection framework. Specifically, the policy addresses:

  • Auditing courses 
  • Course changes 
  • Course load status 
  • Course selection 
  • Curriculum substitutions 
  • Letters of permission 
  • Prerequisites and corequisites 
  • Repeating courses 
  • Request for consideration for late withdrawal 
  • Voluntary withdrawal 

Grading and academic standing

The grading system and academic standing policy outlines the undergraduate-level letter grade system and academic standing regulations. Specifically, the policy addresses:

  • Academic standing 
  • Dean’s list and President’s list 
  • Grade changes 
  • Grading system 
  • Reappraisals and reviews 

Grading system

Grade Percentage Grade points Grade points description
A+ 90 to 100 4.3 Excellent. Strong evidence of originality and independence of thought; good organization; capacity to analyze and synthesize; superior grasp of subject matter with sound critical evaluations; evidence of extensive knowledge base; an outstanding ability to communicate.
A 85 to 89 4
A- 80 to 84 3.7
B+ 77 to 79 3.3 Good. Substantial knowledge of subject matter; some evidence of organization and analytic ability; a moderate degree of originality and independence of thought; reasonable understanding of relevant issues; evidence of familiarity with literature; an ability to communicate clearly and fluently.
B 73 to 76 3
B- 70 to 72 2.7
C+ 67 to 69 2.3 Adequate. Student is profiting from their university experience; an acceptable understanding of the subject matter; ability to develop solutions to simple problems in the material; some ability to organize and analyze ideas; an ability to communicate adequately.
C 60 to 66 2
D 50 to 59 1 Marginal. Some evidence that critical and analytic skills have been developed; rudimentary knowledge of the subject matter; significant weakness in the ability to communicate.
F 0 to 49 0 Inadequate. Little evidence of even superficial understanding of subject matter; weakness in critical and analytic skills; limited or irrelevant use of literature; failure to complete required work; an inability to communicate.

A semester grade point average is the weighted average of all the grades received at Ontario Tech University within a specific Semester. A cumulative grade point average (CGPA) is the weighted average of all grades received at Ontario Tech University. For more information on calculating a CGPA, refer to the Calculating Cumulative Grade Point Average document.

Academic standing

Clear standing

Students are required to maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0 to remain in clear standing.


Students whose cumulative grade point average falls below 2.0 will be placed on probation. Students on probation will be required to contact an academic advisor.

Students on probation may continue their studies as long as they achieve at least a semester grade point average of 2.0. Students placed on probation remain on probation until their cumulative grade point average is 2.0 or higher.


Students will be suspended if they fail to fulfil the conditions of probation.

Following a period of at least two semesters, a suspended student may apply for readmission to the university through the Office of the Registrar. Students may be required to agree to conditions for reinstatement.


Students readmitted after a period of suspension will be readmitted on probation. Students who fail to comply with the conditions of reinstatement or whose performance would result in suspension for a second time will be permanently dismissed.

Program dismissal

Students who have been dismissed from a program may be eligible to move into another degree or major provided that they are not on suspension and are not prohibited from taking required courses pursuant to any academic regulation or university policy.

Grade reappraisal and review of academic standing

The grade reappraisal and review of academic standing procedures outline the processes for undergraduate-level grade re-appraisals, and academic standing review. The specific processes include:

  • Requests for informal and formal grade reappraisals
  • Requests for consideration of grade review (non-academic grounds)
  • Requests for a review of academic standing

Examination and grading

The examination and grading policy provides a framework that guides effective administration and scheduling. Specifically, the policy outlines the following:

  • In-term examination scheduling
  • Missed in-term course work and examinations
  • Final and deferred examination scheduling
  • Failure to write a deferred examination 
  • Final grade deadline and submission for examinations and deferred examinations
  • Retention and access to final examinations 
  • Students requiring academic accommodations 

Academic integrity

The academic integrity policy provides a framework that outlines the faculty members’, and students’, responsibility in regard to the undergraduate-level related academic conduct and professional suitability. Specifically, the policy addresses:

  • Academic conduct 
  • Academic misconduct 
  • Allegations of academic misconduct
  • Disciplinary sanctions 

The academic integrity procedures outline the process for investigating and resolving undergraduate-level allegations of academic integrity violations. The specific processes include:

  • Initiation and review of investigation
  • Informal and formal resolutions
  • Notification, inquiry, decision, and appeals

Professional unsuitability

The professional suitability policy outlines student’s responsibility in regard to undergraduate-related professional suitability.


The policy also outlines the types of imposed disciplinary sanctions if a student is deemed to have demonstrated behaviour inconsistent with professional suitability.

Graduation and conferral of degrees

The graduation and conferral of degree policy provides a framework for undergraduate-level graduation requirements, and conferral of degrees. Specifically, the policy outlines:

  • Conferral of degrees 
  • Graduation with distinction 
  • Graduation notwithstanding a deficiency 
  • Residency requirements 
  • Second degrees  
  • Time limits 

Academic appeal

The academic appeal policy provides the regulations for the undergraduate-level formal decisions that are eligible for appeal to the Academic Appeals Committee. Specifically, the policy addresses:

  • Eligibility for appeal 
  • Status during an appeal 

The academic appeal procedures outline the process for submitting an undergraduate-related appeal to the Academic Appeals Committee. The specific processes include:

  • Grounds for appeals 
  • Process for submitting an appeal 

Academic accommodation for students with disabilities

Students with disabilities may request to be considered for formal academic accommodation in accordance with the Ontario Human Rights Code. Students seeking accommodation can find more information outlined in the procedures for academic accommodation for students with disabilities.

Documents and student files

Documents submitted in accordance to these regulations become the property of the university and are protected under applicable privacy legislation. Original copies of documents are the property of the university and will not be returned to the student.

For information on privacy, see the university’s access to information and protection of privacy policy.

All student records are retained in accordance with the university’s records management policy. Additional information can be found on the records management website.