Oct 18, 2024  
2020-2021 Graduate Academic Calendar 
2020-2021 Graduate Academic Calendar [ARCHIVED CALENDAR]

Admission policies and regulations

Application procedure

Applications for admission to graduate studies programs are submitted online through the Graduate Studies website at gradstudies.ontariotechu.ca/applynow.

Information on how to submit supporting documentation can be found on the Graduate Studies website.

Application deadline dates

Prospective students should refer to gradstudies.ontariotechu.ca/deadlines for application deadlines. Applications submitted after published deadlines may be considered on an individual basis.

Assessment of eligibility

Applications for admission will be assessed for eligibility in accordance with the university’s policy on graduate admission and application requirements. Meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission.

Students whose grades have been affected by exceptional circumstances that can be documented are encouraged to write to the School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies with appropriate information. Applicants should refer to the graduate equity, diversity and inclusion and non-standard admission policy for more information.

Honesty in applications

Applicants are expected to comply with the university’s honesty in applications policy, found in the graduate admission and application requirements policy.

Failure to declare previous or concurrent post-secondary education, or the falsification of any documents related to such academic pursuits, may result in suspension or expulsion from the university, including possible revocation of degrees awarded.

Admission requirements

Academic requirements

The academic requirements have been established by the School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies and are the minimum required for entry into a graduate program. These are detailed in the graduate admission and application requirements policy.

Some programs may have additional requirements, which could include higher GPA requirements than those required by the School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. Program-specific requirements will be listed in the Graduate Academic Calendar.

Supporting document requirements

A number of supporting documents must be submitted to the School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies to complete an application for admission. Required supporting documentation is outlined in the graduate admission and application requirements policy.

Some programs may have additional requirements than those listed. Applicants should refer to the Graduate Academic Calendar for program-specific requirements.

Information on how to submit supporting documentation can be found on the Graduate Studies website.

Transfer from a thesis-based master’s to a PhD program

This transfer option is for exceptional students who have demonstrated superior academic credentials and outstanding research potential in their master’s degree program. Students should refer to the graduate program changes and transfers policy for more information on eligibility to request a transfer. 

Some faculties may have specific requirements pertaining to transfer from a thesis-based master’s to a PhD program. Please refer to the relevant program information in the Graduate Academic Calendar. 

Transfer from a PhD to a master’s program

In exceptional circumstances, graduate students may apply to transfer from PhD to master’s programs. Students should refer to the graduate program changes and transfers policy for more information on eligibility to request a transfer.

Transfer credits

In some cases, graduate students may transfer credits from another institution. Please see the transfer credits section of the graduate admission and application requirements policy for more information.

English language proficiency

All applicants are required to provide evidence of their oral and written proficiency in English. The graduate admission and application requirements policy outlines the
minimum requirements and the means by which an applicant may meet the university’s English language proficiency requirements. 

If an individual program requires higher levels of proficiency to demonstrate English language proficiency, this is listed in the individual program requirements in the Graduate Academic Calendar.

The university reserves the right to test the English language proficiency of all students and to require further English language training.

Types of graduate students and offers of admission

Applicants may be admitted as a regular student, a qualifying student or as a special student at the graduate level. Offers of admission may be firm or conditional upon other factors. For the types of graduate students and information on offers of admission, please see the university’s graduate admission categories and decisions policy.

Classification of graduate students

Regular and qualifying students may be classified as full- or part-time as defined in the registration and course selection policy.

Deferral of applications and offers

A request for a deferral of application or offer must be submitted to the School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. Applicants should refer to the graduate admission categories and decisions policy for requirements and/or more information.

Refusal of admission

The university may, at its sole discretion, refuse admission to an applicant even if the minimum admission criteria have been met. See the university’s graduate admission categories and decisions policy.

Equity, diversity and inclusion in applications

Applicants with disabilities, Indigenous applicants and equity-seeking applicants may apply for consideration under the graduate equity, diversity and inclusion and non-standard admission policy.

Program changes

Students wishing to pursue a program of study other than the one to which they were originally admitted may request a change of program.  Students should refer to the program changes section of the graduate program changes and transfers policy.

Non-standard applicants

Non-standard applicant status allows individuals the opportunity to demonstrate academic potential by other than conventional academic means. For more information see the Non-standard Applicants section of the graduate equity, diversity and inclusion and non-standard admission policy.

Visiting students

If certain conditions are met, students may apply to take courses at other universities within and outside Canada and may request for credits earned to be transferred to their graduate program at the university.

Similarly, students from other universities within and outside Canada may apply to take courses at the university that can be applied to their graduate work at the institution at which they are registered.

Visiting students within Canada - Ontario Visiting Graduate Student Plan and Canadian University Graduate Transfer Agreement

The Ontario Visiting Graduate Student Plan (OVGSP) permits a graduate student to take courses at other Ontario universities while remaining a registered student at their home institution. Students must complete the OVGSP form and provide an outline of the course they wish to take, desired term and the reason for requesting such permission. The course must be a requirement of the student’s program and the request must be formally approved by the graduate program director, as well as the student’s faculty advisor or research supervisor, before it can be submitted to the School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. Students from other universities wishing to register for graduate-level courses at the university should contact the graduate studies office at their home institution for more information regarding the process.

Similarly, students wishing to take courses at institutions outside Ontario but within Canada may do so through the Canadian university Graduate Transfer Agreement (CUGTA). This agreement provides students in good standing enrolled in a graduate degree or diploma program at a Canadian Association of Graduate Studies member university the opportunity to take courses offered at another member institution (host) for transfer credit to the program at their institution (home). The conditions for eligibility, documentation and process are similar to those of OVGSP. The CUGTA agreement requires students to pay tuition for the course(s) concerned and applicable incidental fees at the host institution.

The minimum mark a student must achieve to have the course transferred is B-minus (70 per cent). The grade from the transfer credit is not included in the calculation of the GPA at the university. Once the course is completed, students are responsible for having copies of the final transcript from the host institution forwarded to the School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies for award of transfer credit.

Details and forms for OVGSP and CUGTA are available from the School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies or at gradstudies.ontariotechu.ca/formsandpublications.

Only students who have been admitted without conditions or who have fully satisfied any conditions specified at the time of admission will be approved to apply for graduate courses at other universities through OVGSP, CUGTA or on a letter of permission (see visiting students outside Canada - letters of permission).

Visiting students outside Canada - letters of permission

Students wishing to take courses at universities outside Canada may do so on a letter of permission. Such an arrangement must be approved in advance by the student’s graduate program director in consultation with the student’s faculty advisor or research supervisor, as applicable. A letter of permission ensures that the courses to be taken at the host institution will be recognized for credit and are applicable to the student’s program of study at the university. This allows the student to attend the host institution without formal admission. If the student is in clear academic standing and has the necessary prerequisite courses, the student shall complete a Letter of Permission Request form and submit the course outline(s) to the School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. Students are required to meet any application requirements specified by the host institution.

Once the course is completed, students are responsible for having copies of the final transcript from the host institution forwarded to the School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies for award of transfer credit. The minimum mark a student must achieve to have the course transferred is B-minus (70 per cent). The grade from the transfer credit will not be included in the calculation of the GPA.

Students at the university must apply for a letter of permission before taking a course elsewhere. Failure to do so could result in revocation of admission.

Students completing graduate programs at universities outside Canada can apply to complete individual courses at the university on a letter of permission from their home university. Such students shall be admitted to the university as non-degree students. Letter of permission students are required to submit a letter from the dean of graduate studies at their home university to the School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies at the university. This letter should confirm that the student is registered in a graduate program at the home university, approve the student’s request to take the course and outline the expectations of work to be completed while at the university.

It is the responsibility of the students to ensure they have the necessary prerequisites and are academically prepared for the course. Students are responsible for any applicable application and letter of permission fees.

Readmission of former graduate students

In accordance with the graduate admission categories and decisions policy, students previously admitted to the University, who have withdrawn from their program, are required to apply for readmission.

Graduate students who have been dismissed from the university are not eligible to apply for readmission.