Oct 13, 2024  
2023-2024 Undergraduate Calendar 
2023-2024 Undergraduate Calendar [ARCHIVED CALENDAR]

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METE 2010U – Circuits and Electronics

The course introduces the fundamental behavior of major circuit elements including resistors, independent and dependent sources, nonlinear resistors and diode, switches and MOS transistors, operational amplifiers and energy storage elements. The topics covered includes resistive circuit analysis, equivalent-circuit theorems, dynamics of first- and second-order networks, alternating currents and resistive circuits, basic concepts of signal and systems, operational amplifiers and applications, p-n junction, diode and applications and MOSFET amplifiers.
Credit hours: 3
Lecture hours: 3
Laboratory hours: 2 (bi-weekly)
Tutorial hours: 1.5
Prerequisite(s): MATH 1020U  and PHY 1020U  and MATH 1850U 
Prerequisite(s) with concurrency: MATH 2860U 

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