Oct 11, 2024
NUCL 4640U – Nuclear Plant Operation A combination of lectures and self-paced interactive CD-ROM study will introduce students to the principles of energy conversion, to the operating features of the main nuclear reactor types, the use of pressure vessels and pressure tubes, natural versus enriched fuel, moderators, reactor coolant systems, steam turbines and associated water systems, generators, transformers, electrical output and plant electrical systems, grid frequency and voltage control, reactor following-turbine and turbine-following- reactor unit control systems, turbine generator governing, power maneuvering capability, trips, steam dumping to the condenser, normal and abnormal operating events. Credit hours: 3 Lecture hours: 3 Tutorial hours: 1 Prerequisite(s): PHY 1020U or ENGR 3820U or NUCL 3820U Credit restriction(s): ENGR 4640U and NUCL 3860U
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