Oct 11, 2024
NUCL 4625U – Radioactive Waste Management Design Students will study: nature of radioactive waste; origin of low, intermediate and high activity waste; characteristics, forms and quantity of radioactive waste; production of radioactive waste at each stage of the nuclear cycle: mining, fuel fabrication, reactor operation and maintenance, spent fuel, reactor structural components; medical and industrial waste; handling, transporting, storing and disposing technologies for each type of waste; on-site and off-site storage; spent fuel reprocessing and disposal methods; radioactive waste management plans and practices in various countries; public concerns and perception of radioactive waste management. Two field trips will be arranged. Credit hours: 3 Lecture hours: 3 Tutorial hours: 1 Prerequisite(s): ENGR 3570U or RADI 3570U ; ENGR 3930U or NUCL 3930U ; ENGR 4610U or NUCL 4610U Credit restriction(s): ENGR 4620U or NUCL 4620U Experiential learning: Yes
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