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Ontario Tech University
    Feb 07, 2025  
2019-2020 Graduate Academic Calendar 
2019-2020 Graduate Academic Calendar [ARCHIVED CALENDAR]

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ENGR 5263G - Advanced Control

This course builds upon the knowledge students have gained in a first control course to cover more materials in advanced control systems. Topics covered include a. State variables and state space models: relations between state space models and the transfer function models (controllable and observable canonical forms, and diagonal form), Jordan form, solutions of linear state equations, transition matrix. b. Controllability and observability: definition and criteria, state feedback and output feedback, pole assignment via state feedback, design of servo controlled systems. c. State estimation and observer: observer state-variable feedback control. d. Multi-input multi-output (MIMO) systems: pole assignment via state feedback. e. Introduction to nonlinear systems: describing functions for kinds of nonlinear systems (on/off, dry friction, dead one, saturation and hystersis), phase plane trajectories, concept of limit cycle. f. Stability analysis: Lyapunov function and Lyapunov stability criterion. g. Introduction to optimal control: linear quadratic regulator (LQR), Riccati equation, properties of LQR systems. h. Sampled data systems: pulse transfer function, zero and first order hold systems, stability and root locus in the z-plane, transformations, Routh Hurwitz stability criterion in the z-plane, system compensation in the z-plane using root locus and generalized PID controllers.
Credit hours: 3

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