ENGR 4950U – Capstone Systems Design for Mechanical, Automotive, Mechatronics and Manufacturing Engineering I This capstone design engineering course is envisioned to represent a culminating major teamwork design experience for engineering students specializing in the areas of automotive, mechanical, thermofluids and energy, mechatronics, and manufacturing engineering. It is meant to allow senior-level students to integrate their engineering knowledge and produce useful engineering artifacts. The paramount objective of the course is to expose engineering students to successfully implementing the engineering design process and appropriate engineering design methods into creatively solving design problems conditioned with realistic constraints while using state of the art engineering CAD/CAM/CAE tools and incorporating engineering standards. Another objective of the course is to train design engineering students to focus on a variety of considerations with respect to their designs, such as: economic, environmental, sustainability, manufacturability, ethical, health and safety, social, and political. Yet another objective of the course is to focus on improving the students’ soft skills that include the ability to work in teams, participate in project planning and scheduling, give presentations, and be able to deal with uncertainties in a professional manner. In this context, this capstone design course serves as one of the final preparations for students entering into industry. A wide range of engineering design-related product, process, technology, service or system development topics may be covered in this course. The course covers design considerations for systems that predominantly incorporate automotive, mechanical, thermofluids and energy, mechatronics, and/or manufacturing components and systems. This design-built project based course normally includes studying open-ended engineering design topics of interest to the students. These may consist of real-world design projects proposed and sponsored by industrial partners, or design projects on topics proposed by faculty advisors, or topics proposed by a group of enrolled students. In this context, the engineering design process will be reviewed along with its application to the design of the said systems. Students will work in small groups on a capstone design engineering project of major breadth that will require them to integrate the knowledge that they have gained throughout their program of study and apply it to the design and development of a complete device and/or a complete predominantly automotive, mechanical, thermofluids and energy, mechatronics, and/or manufacturing system. By the end of this course students will have completed the following parts of the design process for their projects: customer requirements; background search; design plan and project management; brainstorming; preliminary concept generation; sketching ideas; engineering specifications (benchmarking); detailed concept generation; functional decomposition; concept development and screening/selection; group preliminary proof of concept prototype demonstrations and oral presentations; and final engineering term report. Credit hours: 3 Lecture hours: 3 Laboratory hours: 3 Prerequisite(s): For Mechanical (comprehensive) Engineering option students this course requires successful completion of all program option-respective non-elective courses in third year as a prerequisite, i.e.: MECE 3030U , MANE 3190U , MECE 3270U , MECE 3350U , MECE 3210U , MECE 3220U , ENGR 3360U or BUSI 1700U , MECE 3390U , MECE 3930U .
For Energy Engineering option students this course requires successful completion of all program option-respective non-elective courses in third year as a prerequisite, i.e.: MECE 3030U , MANE 3190U , MECE 3260U , MECE 3350U , MECE 3320U , ENGR 3360U or BUSI 1700U , AUTE 3450U , MECE 3930U , MECE 4240U .
For Mechatronics Engineering option students this course requires successful completion of all program option-respective non-elective courses in year three as a prerequisite, i.e.: MECE 3030U , MANE 3190U , MECE 3270U , MECE 3350U , MECE 3320U , ELEE 3330U , MECE 3390U .
For Mechatronics Engineering program students this course requires successful completion of all program option-respective non-elective courses in year three as a prerequisite, i.e.: MECE 3030U , MANE 3190U , MECE 3270U , MECE 3350U , MECE 3320U , ELEE 3330U , MECE 3390U .
For Automotive Engineering program students this course requires successful completion of all program-respective non-elective courses in year three as a prerequisite, i.e.: MECE 3030U , MANE 3190U , MECE 3270U , MECE 3350U , ENGR 4260U , ENGR 3000U , MECE 3210U , MECE 3220U , MECE 3320U , AUTE 3450U .
For Manufacturing Engineering program students this course requires successful completion of all program- respective non-elective courses in year three as a prerequisite, i.e.: MECE 3030U , MANE 3190U , MECE 3270U , MECE 3350U , MANE 3300U , MECE 3390U , MANE 3460U , MANE 4045U .
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