Mar 13, 2025
ENGR 4330U – Mechatronic Systems Design I This course constitutes the first part of a two term design endeavour which will culminate in ENGR 4331U – Mechatronic Systems Design II . It covers design considerations for systems that incorporate mechatronic components. The engineering design process will be reviewed along with its application to the design of mechatronic systems. Students will work in small groups on a project of major breadth that will require them to integrate the knowledge that they have gained throughout their course of study and apply it to the design and development of a complete mechatronic system. By the end of this course students will have completed the following parts of the design process for their projects: customer requirements; background search; design plan and project management; brainstorming; preliminary concept generation: sketching ideas; engineering specifications (benchmarking); detailed concept generation: functional decomposition; concept development and screening/selection; preliminary project presentation; preliminary design report; and proof of concept prototype demonstration. Credit hours: 3 Lecture hours: 3 Laboratory hours: 3 Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of all non-elective courses in third year, i.e. ENGR 3030U or MECE 3030U , ENGR 3190U or MANE 3190U , ENGR 3270U, ENGR 3350U or MECE 3350U , ENGR 3320U, ELEE 3330U or ENGR 3330U, ENGR 3390U or MECE 3390U
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