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Ontario Tech University
    Mar 14, 2025  
2017-2018 Undergraduate Academic Calendar 
2017-2018 Undergraduate Academic Calendar [ARCHIVED CALENDAR]

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ELEE 3130U – Communication Systems

Classifications of signals, Fourier transform; and properties, basic operation on signals; classifications of systems, filter types and design requirements distortionless transmission, bandwidth, and low-pass/band-pass signals. Modulation requirements and design trade-offs; amplitude modulation (AM, DSBSC, SSB, VSB); frequency modulation; FDM, AM and FM radio broadcasting. Digital communications design objectives and constraints; filtering, sampling, quantization, line coding; TDM, PCM, DPCM, DM pulse shaping; Nyquist-I criterion, intersymbol interference; adaptive equalization and LMS algorithm; coherent and con-coherent; digital modulation techniques: BASK, BFSK, BPSK, OPSK. Source coding fundamentals; entropy and Huffman and Lempel-Ziv lossless data compression; channel coding fundamentals; interleaving, error detection schemes and ARQ techniques, FEC and Hamming codes.
Credit hours: 3
Lecture hours: 3
Laboratory hours: 3 (biweekly)
Tutorial hours: 1.5
Prerequisite(s): ELEE 3110U  

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