Sep 27, 2024  
2016-2017 Undergraduate Academic Calendar 
2016-2017 Undergraduate Academic Calendar [ARCHIVED CALENDAR]

Course descriptions

Not all courses are offered in any one term or academic year. 

Note: If searching by Code or Number be sure to include the U at the end of the number.


Mechanical Engineering

  • MECE 2420U – Solid Mechanics

    This course provides the fundamental engineering knowledge of mechanics of solids including axial loading, plane stress and strain; tension and compression, elastic deformation and Hooke’s law, Poisson’s ratio, principle of superposition, thermal stress, torsion of circular shafts, pure bending, transverse shear, shear stress in beams and thin-walled members, combined loading, stress and strain transformations; Mohr’s circle, deftions of beams and shafts, design of beams and shafts, statically indeterminate beams and shafts, buckling of columns, energy method.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 2 (biweekly)
    Tutorial hours: 1
    Prerequisite(s): MECE 2230U  
  • MECE 2430U – Dynamics

    This course provides fundamental engineering knowledge of time varying systems. It also examines the kinematics and kinetics of particles and rigid bodies. Course topics include: kinematics of particles; rectilinear and curvilinear motions; Cartesian, normal-tangential, polar and cylindrical components of velocity and acceleration in two and three dimensions; planar kinematics of rigid bodies; general plane motion; rotating frames; kinetics of particles; kinetics of systems of particles; planar kinetics of rigid bodies; force and acceleration; friction; work and energy; conservative and non-conservative systems; impulse and momentum; introduction to three-dimensional kinematics of a rigid body.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Tutorial hours: 1
    Prerequisite(s): MECE 2230U  or ENGR 2260U , MATH 1850U  
  • MECE 2640U – Thermodynamic and Heat Transfer

    Nature of thermodynamics, First Law of Thermodynamics, Second Law of Thermodynamics. Control mass and control volume analyses. Properties and behaviour of pure substances. Ideal gases and mixtures; equation of state for a perfect gas. Introduction to conduction, convection and radiation. Solutions to steady-state and transient conduction problems. Free and forced convection for laminar and turbulent flows. Thermal radiation between black bodies. Introduction to heat exchangers.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 2 (biweekly)
    Tutorial hours: 1
    Prerequisite(s): MATH 1020U , PHY 1010U  
  • MECE 2860U – Fluid Mechanics

    Fundamentals of fluid mechanics, including: properties of fluids and their units; fluid static. Kinematics of fluids, conservation of mass and the continuity equation. Dynamics of fluids; Euler equation; Bernoulli equation. The energy equation; energy grade lines. Flow of viscous fluids; laminar and turbulent flows; flow in pipes and fittings; the Moody diagram. Flows around immersed bodies; lift and drag on bodies. Boundary layers; flow separation. Flow measurement techniques.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 2 (biweekly)
    Tutorial hours: 1
    Prerequisite(s): MATH 1020U , PHY 1010U  
    Credit restriction(s): NUCL 2860U 
  • MECE 3030U – Computer-Aided Design

    Geometric/solid modelling, computer graphics and feature modelling. Finite element analysis, discretization and modelling, selection of elements, treatment of boundary conditions, checking for accuracy. Design optimization, optimization models, algorithms for optimization. State-of-the-art software packages will be introduced and case studies will be employed.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 4
    Laboratory hours: 2
    Prerequisite(s): MECE 2310U MECE 2420U  or ENGR 2260U  
  • MECE 3210U – Mechanical Vibrations

    Fundamental concepts of vibrations of mechanical systems; free vibrations of single degree of freedom systems; various types of damping and vibration absorption; forced vibrations; vibration measuring instruments; steady state and transient vibrations; vibrations of multi-degree of freedom systems; vibration isolation; modal analysis; vibrations of continuous systems; introduction to non-linear vibrations, including nonlinear springs and non-linear damping.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 2 (biweekly)
    Tutorial hours: 1
    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 2020U  or MECE 2430U  
  • MECE 3220U – Machine Design

    Theory and methodology related to conceptual design; review of the methods used in stress analysis; simple design factor approach; variable loads; failure criteria; stress concentrations; bolts and bolted joints; springs; shaft, bearing design and gears.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Tutorial hours: 2
    Prerequisite(s): MECE 2310U MECE 3270U , ENGR 2260U  or MECE 2420U  
  • MECE 3260U – Introduction to Energy Systems

    Energy systems, resources and use; energy classifications and terminology; energy sources and currencies; energy supply and demand; energy conversion and utilization technologies; energy storage and distribution; energy use in countries and sectors of economies; energy intensity; global energy flows and utilization patterns; principal fuels; fuel science and technology: origins of fuels, classifications and physical and chemical properties of fuels, fuel handling and fire hazards, non-conventional fuels; sustainability, sustainable development and energy; clean energy systems. Environmental impact of energy systems such as power generation, industrial processes and transportation; air, soil and water pollution and their effects on the environment; generation mechanisms of chemical pollutants, photochemical pollutants and smog. Introduction to renewable energy resources (solar, wind, geothermal, biomass), photovoltaics, microturbines. Introduction to energy storage systems. Introduction to hydrogen and fuel cells. Introduction to life cycle assessment, industrial ecology, and key environmental tools. Application of energy and exergy analysis to energy systems.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 2010U  or MECE 2320U , or MECE 2640U , ENVS 1000U  or ENGR 1015U  
  • MECE 3270U – Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines

    Classification of mechanisms; velocity, acceleration and force analyses; graphical and computer-oriented methods of analyses; balancing, flywheels, gears, gear trains, and cams. Introduction to Lagrangian dynamics; Lagrange’s equations of motion; Hamilton’s equations, and Hamilton’s principle.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 2 (biweekly)
    Tutorial hours: 1
    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 2020U  or MECE 2430U  
  • MECE 3320U – Fluid Power Systems

    The course reviews relevant fluid mechanics principles and proceeds with treatments of individual components. Components analyzed include: pumps, actuators, lines, valves and other related components. Discussions of individual components include: principles of operation, mathematical models, and design considerations. Analysis and design of fluid power systems used in industrial and processing equipment. Selected topics to include: positive displacement components, control devices, actuators, fluid transmission and system dynamics.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 2 (biweekly)
    Prerequisite(s): MECE 2860U , MECE 3350U  
  • MECE 3350U – Control Systems

    Analysis and synthesis of linear feedback systems by classical and state space techniques. Nonlinear and optimal control systems. Modelling of dynamic systems; analysis of stability, transient and steady state characteristics of dynamic systems; characteristics of feedback systems; design of PID control laws using frequency response methods and the root locus technique. Introduction to nonlinear and optimal control systems.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 2 (biweekly)
    Tutorial hours: 1
    Prerequisite(s): (ELEE 2790U  or ELEE 2790U  or ENGR 2790U), MATH 2860U  
  • MECE 3390U – Mechatronics

    This course provides students with the tools required to design, model, analyze and control mechatronic systems; i.e. smart systems comprising electronic, mechanical, fluid and thermal components. The techniques for modelling various system components will be studied in a unified approach developing tools for the simulation of the performance of these systems. Analysis will also be made of the various components needed to design and control mechatronic systems including sensing, actuating, and I/O interfacing components.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 2
    Tutorial hours: 1
    Prerequisite(s): MECE 3270U , MECE 3350U    
  • MECE 3410U – Electro-Mechanical Energy Conversion

    This course provides an understanding of the principles of electromechanical energy conversion and introduces some common devices employed in the process. Specific topics covered include the principles of electromechanical energy conversion; ferromagnetic materials and their properties; basic operating concepts and steady state models for transformers, dc machines, and ac machines; electromechanical test and measurement procedures; characteristics and behaviour of machines.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 2 (biweekly)
    Tutorial hours: 1
    Prerequisite(s): ELEE 2790U , MECE 2320U  or MECE 2640U  
  • MECE 3930U – Heat Transfer

    Introduction to conduction, convection and radiation. Solutions to steady-state and transient conduction problems. Heat conduction across contact surfaces and cylindrical walls. Heat generation in conduction. Solutions to convection problems for laminar and for turbulent flows. Forced and natural convection. Boiling and condensing heat transfer. Two phase flow in a channel. Critical heat flux. Heat exchangers, and heat exchanger effectiveness and operational characteristics.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 2 (biweekly)
    Tutorial hours: 1
    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 2010U  or MECE 2320U  or MECE 2640U  
    Credit restriction(s): NUCL 3930U  
  • MECE 4210U – Advanced Solid Mechanics and Stress Analysis

    Three-dimensional stress analysis; strain energy; energy methods; finite element method; asymmetric and curved beams, superposition of beam solutions, beams on elastic foundations; plate bending; buckling, including Euler’s formulae for buckling; eccentric loading; fracture mechanics; fatigue.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 4
    Laboratory hours: 2 (biweekly)
    Tutorial hours: 1
    Prerequisite(s): MECE 3220U   
  • MECE 4240U – Applied Thermal and Fluids Engineering

    This course incorporates the fundamental principles of thermodynamics and fluid mechanics to engineering applications. Topics covered include refrigeration; heating, ventilating and air conditioning; heat engine cycles, including the Rankine cycle; combustion; pipe networks; flow transients, including water hammer; open channel and free surface flows; flow machines including pumps, turbines and propellers.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 2 (biweekly)
    Tutorial hours: 1
    Prerequisite(s): MECE 2320U , or MECE 2640U , MECE 2860U  
  • MECE 4250U – Advanced Materials Engineering

    Methodology of materials selection; evaluation of property data; materials testing; tensile properties, hardness, impact properties, fatigue, creep; failure and modes of fracture; interrelationships of structure, properties and processing; structural modifications in metals, ceramics and composite materials; strengthening mechanisms; heat treatment; processing and applications of engineering materials; introduction to electron microscopy, x-ray diffraction, and mass spectrometry.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Tutorial hours: 1
    Prerequisite(s): MANE 2220U , ENGR 2260U  or MECE 2420U   
  • MECE 4290U – Finite Element Methods

    This course covers the theoretical and computational principles of the finite element method, including geometrical modelling, materials modelling, and discrete element formulation of flexible structures (bars, beams, frames, plates and shells). An introduction to nonlinear finite element analysis, modelling, errors and accuracy, and assembly of global matrices will be addressed. Students will have the opportunity to utilize commercially available software to solve various engineering problems. They will obtain experience with mesh generation, material property specifications, load applications, boundary condition applications, solution methods and interpretation of results. Applications will include 2-D and 3-D stress analysis and steady-state thermo-fluid applications.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Tutorial hours: 2
    Prerequisite(s): MECE 2420U  or MECE 3030U  
  • MECE 4320U – Advanced Mechatronics

    The focus of this course is to provide the tools required to design, model, analyze and control mechatronics systems. Modelling of various system components into a unified approach and tools for the simulation of the performance of these systems; characteristics of typical mechatronics systems in terms of their impacts on enhancement of performance, speed of operation, and physical size; applications of mechatronics to robotics and automation industry, and other intelligent systems.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): ELEE 3330U MECE 3390U , ELEE 4350U  
  • MECE 4410U – Fossil Fuel Energy Conversion

    Electrical systems loads, peaks, reliability. Types of fossil fuelled power plants. Complex Rankine and Brayton cycles. Combined-cycle power plants. Cogeneration and trigeneration. Efficiencies, irreversibilities and losses. Steam supply systems: coal firing systems; steam generator types; steam plant efficiencies; heat transfer and thermal transport in fossil fuel fired steam generators. Steam turbines: impulse and reaction blading; mechanical design of turbine components and operational considerations; efficiencies. Gas turbines: gas path design; heat balance and efficiency determination; performance analysis of actual power plant turbines; design aspects. Fans, centrifugal and axial-flow compressors, and their design. Auxiliary power plant equipment: heat exchangers, fuel preparation, water treatment, cooling equipment.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 2 (biweekly)
    Tutorial hours: 1
    Prerequisite(s): MECE 3260U  
  • MECE 4430U – Sustainable and Alternative Energy Technologies

    Descriptions of systems and design issues and parameters, including performance, operating characteristics, reliability. Small-scale hydraulic energy. Tidal and wave energy. Solar energy systems, including photovoltaics and thermal systems. Wind energy systems. Biomass energy. District energy. Hydrogen energy systems, including production, storage, transport and utilization technologies. Fuel cells: fundamentals such as fuel cell thermodynamics, electrode kinetics; and types, including proton exchange membrane and solid oxide fuel cells. Energy storage, including thermal, compressed air and battery storage. Geothermal energy systems. Magnetohydrodynamics, thermoetrics, thermionics. Future directions.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 2 (biweekly)
    Prerequisite(s): MECE 4240U  
  • MECE 4450U – Thermal Environmental Engineering

    Heating, ventilating, air conditioning and refrigeration. Psychrometrics and psychrometric processes. Sensible heating and cooling, cooling and dehumidification, mixing and humidification. Ventilation and room air distribution. Human comfort. Indoor air quality. Refrigeration and refrigeration systems. Design of air conditioning and heating systems. Equipment selection. Duct and fan design. Pump and piping design. Energy management in buildings.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 2 (biweekly)
    Tutorial hours: 1
    Prerequisite(s): MECE 4240U  

Medical Laboratory Science

  • MLSC 1010U – Introduction to Medical Laboratory Practice

    This course introduces the student to the profession of Medical Laboratory Science; its history, inter-relationships to other health professionals, relevant professional associations and regulatory bodies. The scope and role of the Medical Laboratory Technologist within the core disciplines (biochemistry, hematology, blood transfusion, microbiology, and histology) and the advanced disciplines (immunology, cytology, cytogenetics, and molecular diagnostics) will be examined. The fundamental knowledge, skills and attitudes required of a student progressing on to MLS discipline specific courses will also be introduced. Safety, specimen collection, basic instrumentation, solution preparation, staining, microscopy and quality control provide a foundation for the role of the medical laboratory technologist.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 2
    Prerequisite(s): CHEM 1020U , HLSC 1201U , HLSC 2110U  
  • MLSC 2111U – Clinical Biochemistry I

    Clinical Biochemistry I examines the theory, application and clinical significance of basic analytical procedures in the clinical chemistry laboratory. It encompasses basic clinical and analytical aspects of enzymes, proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and body fluids as well as common techniques and principles of photometry, electrochemistry, and osmometry. Manual, semi-automated, and automated analyses are used to enforce basic laboratory practices of calibration, sample handling, result reporting, and basic quality control.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): MATH 1880U , MLSC 1010U  
    Corequisite(s): HLSC 2461U  
  • MLSC 2121U – Clinical Hematology I

    This course introduces fundamental knowledge and techniques used in the study of Hematology. Topics discussed include normal composition, production, metabolism, function and morphology of blood cells and hematopoietic organs. Current manual and automated laboratory procedures relating to blood cell structure, function and morphology are examined and applied and their significance in the diagnosis of blood disorders is emphasized.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 1.5
    Laboratory hours: 3
    Other hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): MATH 1880U , MLSC 1010U  
    Corequisite(s): HLSC 2461U  
  • MLSC 2130U – Foundations in Clinical Microbiology and Immunology

    This course introduces students to the microbial world, and will serve as a foundation for Clinical Microbiology courses or for entry into healthcare related programs. Students will learn about the different types of microorganisms, with an emphasis on bacteria, and will come to appreciate the importance of microorganisms in our daily lives. This course will introduce students to the clinical relevance of microorganisms with emphasis on basic principles of identification, culturing, controlling, and pathogenesis of bacteria. The course also includes basic principles of immunology with emphasis on immunological techniques, which will serve as foundation for Clinical Microbiology, Clinical Biochemistry, Clinical Hematology and Transfusion Science courses.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): HLSC 1201U  
    Credit restriction(s): BIOL 2060U  
  • MLSC 2131U – Clinical Microbiology I

    This course provides fundamental microbiology and immunology knowledge with emphasis on prokaryotic cell structure, function and genetics, modes of action of antimicrobial agents and transfer of antimicrobial resistance; the immune response; etiology, pathogenesis, epidemiology, treatment and control of important infectious disease in humans. Laboratory exercises develop fundamental skills in aseptic technique, microscopy, pure culture study, antimicrobial susceptibility testing, and the isolation and identification of pathogenic microorganisms.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 6
    Prerequisite(s): MLSC 1010U , MLSC 2130U .
    Corequisite(s): HLSC 2461U  
  • MLSC 2140U – Medical Laboratory Science (MLS) Bridge Course – Biotechnology to MLS

    The intent of this bridging course is to set UOIT’s expectations for scholarly writing and to bring a health science and medical diagnostic perspective to foundational knowledge in the areas of microbiology and biochemistry. This is in preparation for the year 2, winter semester, Medical Laboratory Science clinically oriented courses.
    Credit hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): Advanced diploma in Biotechnology from Durham or Fleming College, GPA of 3 and the completion of a comprehensive course(s) in human anatomy and physiology.
    Corequisite(s): MLSC 1010U , HLSC 2460U  
  • MLSC 3111U – Clinical Biochemistry II

    Clinical Biochemistry II builds on Clinical Biochemistry I to encourage an enhanced appreciation of the clinical and analytical aspects of biochemical diagnostic procedures related to major physiological systems, organs, and processes including endocrinology, renal, cardiac, gastric, pancreatic, and liver functions. Clinical significance and methods of analysis of special biochemistry analytes such as hormones and metabolites, therapeutic drugs and toxicology, trace elements, and vitamins. It will provide advanced knowledge of techniques used in a clinical chemistry laboratory including chromatography, electrophoresis, and immunochemistry. Automated and specialized laboratory procedures are performed along with method validation criteria and advanced quality control evaluation.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): HLSC 2461U , MLSC 2111U  
  • MLSC 3121U – Clinical Hematology II

    Clinical Hematology II expands on hematology theory and practice with an emphasis on important blood disorders involving erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets. Morphology, investigative procedures and laboratory findings related to blood disorders will be examined. Current automated laboratory procedures relating to blood cell structure, function and morphology are examined and applied and their significance in the diagnosis of blood disorders is emphasized.

    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): HLSC 2461U , MLSC 2121U  
    Corequisite(s): MLSC 3221U  
  • MLSC 3131U – Clinical Microbiology II

    Clinical Microbiology II addresses the theory and methodologies involved in the laboratory diagnosis of bacterial, yeast and yeast-like infections in humans. An emphasis is placed on diagnosis of infectious agents relevant for each body system/anatomical site. Included are discussions and/or practical activities related to specimen collection and processing, culture and sensitivity procedures, infection control, and the emerging global significance of infectious diseases.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 7
    Prerequisite(s): HLSC 2461U , MLSC 2131U  
  • MLSC 3141U – Molecular Techniques and Complementary Technologies

    This course introduces students to the molecular techniques and complementary technologies employed in research and diagnostic clinical laboratories. Topics will include the theory and application of relevant molecular based assays, quality control, interpretation of results and trouble shooting. There will also be an emphasis on how the implementation of these assays is enhancing the diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of patients, and advancing research approaches to important scientific questions. Laboratory exercises will be carried out predominantly in a wet laboratory, complemented by web-based exercises. Those students intending to apply for a laboratory based research practicum (HLSC 4998U , HLSC 4999U ) must successfully complete this course.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 3 (biweekly)
    Tutorial hours: 2 (biweekly)
    Prerequisite(s): MLSC 3131U  and MLSC 3230U  or HLSC 2465U  with a grade of at least B and 60 credit hours
  • MLSC 3210U – Effective Leadership and Quality Management in the Clinical Laboratory

    This course focuses on specific knowledge and skills that facilitate taking on an informal or formal leadership role in the practice of medical laboratory science. The laws and policies that govern the Canadian health care system will be introduced in the context of the determinants of health and the impact on laboratory systems. This will be followed by investigation of how the practice of professionalism, leadership, effective communication, ethics and ethical decision making apply to medical laboratory science. Students will be exposed to quality management tools including laboratory accreditation.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): MLSC 2111U  
  • MLSC 3220U – Transfusion Science

    This course focuses on the specific knowledge and skills needed for practice in a blood transfusion laboratory, including legal and regulatory requirements related to the Canadian Blood System. Students also learn the protocols for the collection, storage, preparation and testing of donor units.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): MLSC 3121U , MLSC 3221U  
  • MLSC 3221U – Transfusion Immunology and Hemostasis

    The transfusion immunology component of this course introduces the theoretical concepts and immunological principles fundamental to testing in the transfusion laboratory. The material covered in this course will form the foundation for MLSC 3220U  Transfusion Science in the following semester. In the hemostasis component, the principles of hemostasis theory, including related bleeding disorders will be studied. Common laboratory techniques used in the diagnosis of these disorders will be performed. Correlation with clinical findings will be discussed, along with introducing the role of the transfusion laboratory in the provision of blood products to treat bleeding disorders.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): MLSC 2121U  
    Corequisite(s): MLSC 3121U  
  • MLSC 3230U – Microanatomy and Histotechnology

    The microanatomy component of this course emphasizes the morphological identification of the four basic tissues and the normal arrangement of these tissues in the body systems; an essential prerequisite to the practice of both histotechnology and histopathology. This course also introduces the knowledge and skills associated with histotechnology allowing students to prepare tissue samples for microscopic screening and diagnosis. The specific topics included in the Histotechnology portion of the course include tissue grossing, fixation, processing, embedding and microtomy.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): HLSC 2461U , MLSC 1010U , MLSC 2130U  
  • MLSC 3231U – Advanced Histotechnology

    Advanced Histotechnology builds upon the theory and skills learned in MLSC 3230U  Microanatomy and Histotechnology. Students will enhance their skills in embedding and microtomy. The theory of routine and special stains will be introduced and the laboratory sessions will provide students with the opportunity to perform various staining methodologies. Tissue elements to be demonstrated include, but are not limited to; nuclear and cytoplasmic, various connective tissues, amyloid and lipids. Differentiation of carbohydrate classes and identification of pigments, minerals and microorganisms in tissue will also be performed. The principles and application of specific molecular diagnostic tests will be introduced. Quality control and quality management practices in the Histopathology laboratory will be emphasized.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): MLSC 3230U  
  • MLSC 3300U – Simulated Clinical Practicum

    This simulated practicum experience takes place at the university. Students work on multiple simulated clinical specimens that are related to specific patient histories. Students are expected to assess the laboratory results produced and correlate this information to the patient histories and further case study information in order to make recommendations for further testing, monitoring and/or intervention. The emphasis is on clinical reasoning and clinical judgment skills. This course also provides an opportunity for students to gain further experience on a variety of instrumentation. The intended outcome of this course is to enhance the readiness of students to enter the next phase of the clinical practicum.
    Credit hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): HLSC 2461U , MLSC 3111U , MLSC 3121U MLSC 3131U , MLSC 3221U MLSC 3230U  
  • MLSC 4111U – Clinical Biochemistry III

    The Biochemistry laboratory is one of the five major laboratory rotations in which students spend time during the practicum semesters. During this rotation, students participate in the testing, documentation, interpretation, and troubleshooting associated with performing analyses using the site’s principle analyzers and with performing biochemical and microscopic procedures for random and timed urine samples. This includes the maintenance and appropriate preparation, use, and storage of calibrators and quality control material. Depending on the site, students will have the opportunity to perform analyses using any of the following methodologies; electrophoresis, chromatography, osmometry, immunoassay, POCT and molecular genetics. Throughout this rotation quality management and professional practices are emphasized. Students registered in MLSC 4111U must register in MLSC 4112U  to receive a grade.
    Credit hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): CHEM 2130U MLSC 3300U  
    Corequisite(s): MLSC 4400U  
  • MLSC 4112U – Clinical Biochemistry IV

    This course is a continuation of MLSC 4111U . Students are expected to take this course immediately after MLSC 4111.
    Credit hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): MLSC 4111U  
    Corequisite(s): MLSC 4401U  
  • MLSC 4121U – Clinical Hematology III

    The Hematology laboratory is one of the five major laboratory rotations in which students spend time during the practicum semesters. During this rotation, students participate in the testing, documentation, interpretation and reporting associated with processing hematology specimens for analysis, operating and maintaining cell counters, interpreting complete blood counts and reticulocyte results, performing routine hemostasis testing, completing morphology reports on white and red blood cells and platelets, and preparing and analyzing body fluids. Throughout this rotation quality management and professional practices are emphasized. Students registered in MLSC 4121U must register in MLSC 4122U  to receive a grade.
    Credit hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): MLSC 3300U  
    Corequisite(s): MLSC 4400U  
  • MLSC 4122U – Clinical Hematology IV

    This course is a continuation of MLSC 4121U . Students are expected to take this course immediately after MLSC 4121U .
    Credit hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): MLSC 4121U  
    Corequisite(s): MLSC 4401U  
  • MLSC 4131U – Clinical Microbiology III

    The Microbiology laboratory is one of the five major laboratory rotations in which students spend time during the practicum semesters. During this rotation, students participate in the testing, interpretation, documentation, and reporting associated with the identification and antimicrobial susceptibility testing of pathogens isolated from blood cultures, gastrointestinal, genital, respiratory and urinary tract specimens, wounds, tissues, CSF and other fluids. Students also process and interpret cultures from antibiotic resistant organisms and stain and interpret direct Gram smears. Throughout this rotation quality management and professional practices are emphasized. Students registered in MLSC 4131U must register in MLSC 4132U  to receive a grade.
    Credit hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): MLSC 3300U  
    Corequisite(s): MLSC 4400U  
  • MLSC 4132U – Clinical Microbiology IV

    This course is a continuation of MLSC 4131U . Students are expected to take this course immediately after MLSC 4131U .
    Credit hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): MLSC 4131U  
    Corequisite(s): MLSC 4401U  
  • MLSC 4210U – Professional Practice in the Clinical Laboratory I

    Professional conduct is an essential component of the practice of Medical Laboratory Science. The behaviours associated with professional conduct are outlined in the national competency profile of the Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science (CSMLS), which form the basis of the behaviour expectations in this course. The goal is for students to consistently meet, by the end of the practicum, the entry to practice standards as stated in the CSMLS Code of Professional Conduct and the Code of Ethics of the College of Medical Laboratory Technologists of Ontario. Students registered in MLSC 4210U must register in MLSC 4211U .
    Credit hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): MLSC 3300U  
    Corequisite(s): MLSC 4400U  
  • MLSC 4211U – Professional Practice in the Clinical Laboratory II

    This course is a continuation of MLSC 4210U . Students are expected to take this course immediately after MLSC 4210U .
    Credit hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): MLSC 4210U  
    Corequisite(s): MLSC 4401U  
  • MLSC 4220U – Transfusion Science II

    The Transfusion laboratory is one of the five major laboratory rotations in which students spend time during the practicum semesters. During this rotation students participate in the testing, documentation, interpretation and reporting associated with the preparation of specimens for analysis, pre-transfusion testing, antibody identification, blood product management, investigation of transfusion reactions, and fetal-maternal and neonatal serological testing. Throughout this rotation quality management and professional practices are emphasized. Students registered in MLSC 4220U must register in MLSC 4221U  to receive a grade.
    Credit hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): MLSC 3220U , MLSC 3300U  
    Corequisite(s): MLSC 4400U  
  • MLSC 4221U – Transfusion Science III

    This course is a continuation of MLSC 4220U . Students are expected to take this course immediately after MLSC 4220U .
    Credit hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): MLSC 4220U  
    Corequisite(s): MLSC 4401U  
  • MLSC 4231U – Histopathology I

    The Histopathology laboratory is one of the five major laboratory rotations in which students spend time during the practicum semesters. During this rotation students participate in the testing, documentation, interpretation and reporting associated in the processing of specimens for analysis, including accessioning, grossing, fixation, decalcification, embedding, microtomy, H&E staining and numerous special staining procedures depending on the tissue components that need to be demonstrated. The ultimate goal is the production of diagnostic quality slides. Throughout this rotation quality management and professional practices are emphasized. Students registered in MLSC 4231U must register in MLSC 4232U  to receive a grade.
    Credit hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): MLSC 3231U , MLSC 3300U  
    Corequisite(s): MLSC 4400U  
  • MLSC 4232U – Histopathology II

    This course is a continuation of MLSC 4231U . Students are expected to register in this course immediately after MLSC 4231U .
    Credit hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): MLSC 4231U  
    Corequisite(s): MLSC 4401U  
  • MLSC 4400U – Clinical Theory and Project I

    The first half of this two-semester course presents the opportunity for students to complete an extensive literature review related to a current topic in health care. Students also work with their clinical coordinator and clinical project mentor to establish the topic and methodology to be used to complete the clinical project in the second semester course, MLSC 4401U . Students registered in MLSC 4400U must register in MLSC 4401U  to receive a grade.
    Credit hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): HLSC 3910U  
    Corequisite(s): MLSC 4111U , MLSC 4121U , MLSC 4131U , MLSC 4210U , MLSC 4220U , MLSC 4231U  
  • MLSC 4401U – Clinical Theory and Project II

    This is a continuation of MLSC 4400U . Students work with their clinical project mentor to complete the project, create a poster and participate in opportunities to present their work. Students must also participate in a national certification examination review seminar and successfully complete a comprehensive theory examination. Students are expected to take this course immediately after MLSC 4400U .
    Credit hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): MLSC 4400U  
    Corequisite(s): MLSC 4112U , MLSC 4122U , MLSC 4132U , MLSC 4211U , MLSC 4221U , MLSC 4232U  


  • NUCL 1530U – Radiation and Nuclear Technologies

    This course provides an introduction and overview of the application of radiation and nuclear technologies in society with particular emphasis on energy production, the environment and medicine. The importance of safety in general and radiation safety in particular is also covered. A principal aim of the course is to provide students with a broad overview of the many practical applications of radiation and nuclear technologies and the role of scientists and engineers in the development of these technologies for the betterment of society and the protection of the environment.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
  • NUCL 2220U – Radiation Effects on Material Properties

    Structure of crystalline solids, solidification and defects, alloys and phase diagrams, mechanical properties of metals and alloys; irradiation effects on material properties, including neutrons, charged particles and gamma radiation; activation products; selection of materials for nuclear applications; radiation induced damage in materials.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Corequisite(s): NUCL 2500U  
    Credit restriction(s): ENGR 2220U, MANE 2220U   
  • NUCL 2500U – Introduction to Nuclear Physics

    An introduction to nuclear and reactor physics. Topics include: elements of relativity, radioactivity, alpha, beta and gamma decay; binding energy, interaction of radiation with matter; neutron cross sections, neutron scattering and absorption; fission; fusion; neutron density and flux, neutron diffusion, diffusion equation; neutron multiplication factor and reactivity, reactor equation, four and six factor formulae, neutron flux distribution, flux flattening, nuclear energy and applications of radioisotopes in various fields.
    Formerly: ENGR 2500U
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Tutorial hours: 1
    Prerequisite(s): MATH 1020U , PHY 1020U  or ENGR 0101U  and ENGR 0105U  
  • NUCL 2860U – Fluid Mechanics

    Fundamentals of fluid mechanics, including: properties of fluids and their units; fluid static. Kinematics of fluids, conservation of mass and the continuity equation. Dynamics of fluids; Euler equation; Bernoulli equation. The energy equation; energy grade lines. Flow of viscous fluids; laminar and turbulent flows; flow in pipes and fittings; the Moody diagram. Flows around immersed bodies; lift and drag on bodies. Boundary layers; flow separation. Flow measurement techniques.
    Formerly: ENGR 2860U
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 2 (biweekly)
    Tutorial hours: 1
    Prerequisite(s): MATH 1020U , PHY 1010U  
    Credit restriction(s): MECE 2860U  
  • NUCL 2950U – Radiation Protection

    Defines and introduces basic concepts in radiation safety; dose limits and risk; protection from external radiation: time, decay and distance, shielding, access control; external radiation hazards; radiation surveys; internal radiation hazards; behaviour of internal sources, annual limit on intake, derived air concentration for tritium, radioiodines, particulates; bioassay; contamination control; basic principles of radiation dosimetry; calculation of internal and external body radiation exposures; regulations concerning radioactive materials; safe working with radiation.
    Formerly: ENGR 2950U
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 3 (biweekly)
    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 2500U or NUCL 2500U  
    Credit restriction(s): RADI 2100U
  • NUCL 3740U – Scientific Instrumentation

    This course is designed to instruct students how to set, use and analyze the appropriate sensor technology (transducers) for measurements related to nuclear technology. In the course the student will learn how to perform experimental data analysis, how various components of sensing devices inter-relate (for example, relationships between amplifiers, transformers, filters, etc.), the operating principles of transducers for physical measurements, including, but not limited to: ionizing radiation, displacement and area, pressure, flow, temperature, force, torque, strain, motion, vibration, and air pollution. The student will learn both analog and digital techniques for data analysis, including multiplexing, data conversion and error detection and correction. The laboratory exercises will give the student hands-on experience designing measurement systems. Proper data reporting techniques will also be emphasized.
    Formerly: ENGR 3740U
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 3 (biweekly)
    Tutorial hours: 1
    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 2790U or ELEE 2790U , STAT 2800U  
  • NUCL 3820U – Nuclear Reactor Kinetics

    An introduction to the basic principles of nuclear reactor kinetics and nuclear reactor control. Topics include: neutron cycle; reactor period; prompt and delayed neutrons; source neutron effects; sub-critical, critical and supercritical reactor; point reactor model; thermal power and neutron power; fission product poisoning; Xenon override capability; fresh and equilibrium fuel characteristics; reactivity effects of temperature changes and coolant voiding; reactivity control; approach to critical; reactor stability; spatial flux and power distribution. Reactor simulators will be used to illustrate the key principles being taught.
    Formerly: ENGR 3820U
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Tutorial hours: 1
    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 2500U or NUCL 2500U , MATH 2860U  or ENGR 0103U 
  • NUCL 3930U – Heat Transfer

    Introduction to conduction, convection and radiation. Solutions to steady-state and transient conduction problems. Heat conduction across contact surfaces and cylindrical walls. Heat generation in conduction. Solutions to convection problems for laminar and for turbulent flows. Forced and natural convection. Boiling and condensing heat transfer. Two phase flow in a channel. Critical heat flux. Heat exchangers, and heat exchanger effectiveness and operational characteristics.
    Formerly: ENGR 3930U
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 2 (biweekly)
    Tutorial hours: 1
    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 2010U  
    Credit restriction(s): MECE 3930U  
  • NUCL 4360U – Nuclear Plant Electric and Auxiliary Systems

    Nuclear plant unit electrical distribution systems, plant emergency electric power systems; condenser cooling systems; water and air cooling systems; low-pressure, high-pressure and recirculating service water systems; demineralized water systems; heavy water management and upgrading; instrument and breathing air systems.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 2790U or ELEE 2790U   
  • NUCL 4400U – Nuclear Plant Control Systems

    The time and frequency domain performance characterizations of control loops are introduced with consideration of actuator and sensor limitations. Different controller design and tuning methods and instrumentation calibration procedures are discussed. Control technologies used in the existing and newly constructed CANDU power plants are discussed. Students gain familiarity with the use of indicators and alarms; the role of the operator, man-machine interface design; the use of computers in nuclear power plant control; the design and operating principles of the main control systems used in CANDU nuclear plants, including Overall Plant Control, Reactor Regulating System, Unit Power Regulator, Steam Generator Pressure Control, Channel Temperature Monitoring, Gross Fission Product Monitoring. Computer simulations that replicate overall unit operations are used to reinforce the design and operation of these control systems.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): MATH 2860U  or ENGR 0103U  
  • NUCL 4510U – Nuclear Plant Chemistry

    Corrosion and crud formation; heavy water chemistry; heavy water production and upkeep; moderator and heat transport system chemistry; purification systems to remove particulates, contaminants and chemicals added to control reactivity; decontamination; steam generator, condenser and feedwater chemistry; pH and pD control in power plants; online and offline control of process chemistry; metallurgical problems in nuclear power plants; metallurgical techniques for irradiated materials.
    Formerly: ENGR 4510U
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): CHEM 1800U  or CHEM 1020U  
    Note(s): Elective for Nuclear Engineering programs.
  • NUCL 4520U – Nuclear Plant Safety

    Worker and public safety requirements; codes and standards; sources of radioactive release; defence in depth; principle of control, cool, contain; accident prevention, mitigation and accommodation; separation and independence; redundancy; common mode events; inherent safety features; plant safety systems; safety culture, management of plant safety; design basis accident; accident analysis; examples of nuclear accidents.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Tutorial hours: 1
    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 4640U or NUCL 4640U  
    Credit restriction(s): ENGR 4520U  
  • NUCL 4540U – Nuclear Steam Supply Systems

    Introduction to thermal and fast reactors and reactor cooling systems; natural and enriched fuels; pressure vessels and pressure tubes; reactor structures; moderator materials and systems; reactor coolant materials and systems; shutdown and safety systems, heat generation and removal in the fuel; modes of heat transfer from fuel to coolant; boiling heat transfer; cooling by natural circulation; measurement of thermal hydraulic parameters; momentum, mass and energy transfer processes; requirements for main heat transport, shutdown cooling and emergency core cooling systems.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 2500U or NUCL 2500U  
  • NUCL 4545U – Nuclear Plant Steam Utilization Systems

    Main design and operating features of nuclear power plant steam utilization systems using pressurized and boiling light water, pressurized heavy water and gas cooled reactors; steam utilization systems for small, medium and large reactors; unit control schemes; steam generator design and operating features, steam generator level and pressure control; turbine and generator operation; condenser and feedheating systems.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 3820U or NUCL 3820U NUCL 4540U  
  • NUCL 4550U – Thesis Project I

    The thesis project provides students with the opportunity, under the supervision of a faculty member, to integrate and synthesize knowledge gained throughout their program of study, to satisfy specific objectives and requirements. The project topic will be selected to include some aspects of the student’s specialization. Students will be required to organize and conduct a project with a significant analytical component, including consideration of technical, economic, environmental and other societal impacts. Thesis Project I will typically be a group project, but with each student having clearly defined roles, objectives and outcomes. The requirements include a written paper and a group presentation of the project outcomes.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 1
    Laboratory hours: 4
    Tutorial hours: 1
    Prerequisite(s): Permission of the instructor
  • NUCL 4560U – Thesis Project II

    The thesis project provides students with the opportunity, under the supervision of a faculty member, to integrate and synthesize knowledge gained throughout their program of study, to satisfy specific objectives and requirements. The project topic will be selected to include some aspects of the student’s specialization. Students will be required to organize and conduct a project with a significant analytical component, including consideration of technical, economic, environmental and other societal impacts. Thesis Project II will typically be an individual research or design project, although with the approval of the professor, a significant and clearly delineated individual contribution to a group project is acceptable. The requirements include a written paper and an individual presentation of the project outcomes.
    Credit hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 6
    Prerequisite(s): NUCL 4550U  
  • NUCL 4610U – Corrosion for Engineers

    A study of types, causes, costs, measurement and prevention of corrosion. Topics include: effects of material choices and the environment; types of corrosion discussed: general or uniform, galvanic, crevice, pitting, intergranular, selective leaching, stress-corrosion, erosion-corrosion, hydrogen effects; corrosion testing; selection of materials; aqueous corrosion; high temperature corrosion; corrosion in nuclear and fossil plants and other industrial environments; electrochemical principles; thermodynamics; electrode kinetics; aqueous corrosion kinetics; practical applications.
    Formerly: ENGR 4610U
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Tutorial hours: 1
    Prerequisite(s): CHEM 1020U  or CHEM 1800U  
  • NUCL 4620U – Radioactive Waste Management

    Nature of radioactive waste; origin of low, intermediate and high activity waste; characteristics, forms and quantity of radioactive waste; production of radioactive waste at each stage of the nuclear cycle: mining, fuel fabrication, reactor operation and maintenance, spent fuel, reactor structural components; medical and industrial waste; handling, transporting, storing and disposing technologies for each type of waste; on-site and off-site storage; spent fuel reprocessing and disposal methods; radioactive waste management plans and practices in various countries; public concerns and perception of radioactive waste management.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 2500U or NUCL 2500U  
    Credit restriction(s): ENGR 4620U  
  • NUCL 4640U – Nuclear Plant Operation

    A combination of lectures and self-paced interactive CD-ROM study will introduce students to the principles of energy conversion, to the operating features of the main nuclear reactor types, the use of pressure vessels and pressure tubes, natural versus enriched fuel, moderators, reactor coolant systems, steam turbines and associated water systems, generators, transformers, electrical output and plant electrical systems, grid frequency and voltage control, reactor following-turbine and turbine-following- reactor unit control systems, turbine generator governing, power maneuvering capability, trips, steam dumping to the condenser, normal and abnormal operating events.
    Formerly: ENGR 4640U
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Tutorial hours: 1
    Prerequisite(s): PHY 1020U  or ENGR 3820U or NUCL 3820U  
    Credit restriction(s): ENGR 3860U , ENGR 4460U   
  • NUCL 4670U – Shielding Design

    Radiation sources; characteristics and utilization of various radiation detectors; statistics of radiation counting; radiation spectroscopy with scintillation detector; semi-conductor detectors; identification and measurement of source strength, spectrum and geometry; shielding requirements for various types of radiation; shielding materials for equipment and processes employing radiation; radiation heating; radiation damage; measuring the effectiveness of various shielding materials; shielding for the transportation of radioactive materials; calculation and design of shielding for industrial and power plant applications; shielding requirements for spent fuel storage.
    Formerly: ENGR 4670U
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 3 (biweekly)
    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 2950U or NUCL 2950U  or RADI 2100U, RADI 2110U
    Note(s): Elective for Nuclear Engineering or Radiation Science programs.
  • NUCL 4680U – Nuclear Materials

    Irradiation effects on material properties, including neutrons, charged particles and gamma radiation; activation products; selection of materials for nuclear applications; radiation induced damage in materials; neutronic, thermal and structural considerations; material properties of nuclear fuels and fuel cladding; pressure vessel and pressure tube material behaviour; moderator, coolant and steam generator material properties; materials suitable for reactivity control device and shielding; materials used for long term storage of radioactive waste and spent fuel; activation analysis of materials using a neutron source.
    Formerly: ENGR 4680U
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 2220U or MANE 2220U , ENGR 2950U or NUCL 2950U  
    Note(s): Elective for Nuclear Engineering or Radiation Science programs.
  • NUCL 4700U – Nuclear Plant Design and Simulation

    Introduces the main design and operating features of nuclear power plants using pressurized and boiling light water, pressurized heavy water and gas cooled reactors; small, medium and large reactors; unit control schemes; shutdown and safety systems; reactor cooling, shutdown and emergency core cooling systems; steam generator design features, level and pressure control; turbine and generator design; feedwater systems; unit electrical, service water and air systems. Where appropriate, nuclear power plant simulators will be used to demonstrate key aspects of power plant design.
    Formerly: ENGR 4700U
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Tutorial hours: 1
    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 2010U , ENGR 4640U or NUCL 4640U , ENGR 4780U or NUCL 4780U  
  • NUCL 4780U – Nuclear Reactor Design

    An introduction to thermal and fast reactors and reactor cooling systems. Topics include: natural and enriched fuels; pressure vessels and pressure tubes; reactor structures; moderator materials and systems; reactor coolant materials and systems; shutdown and safety systems, heat generation and removal in the fuel; modes of heat transfer from fuel to coolant; boiling heat transfer; cooling by natural circulation; measurement of thermal-hydraulic parameters; momentum, mass and energy transfer processes; requirements for main heat transport, shutdown cooling and emergency core cooling systems. Nuclear power plant simulators will be used to demonstrate key aspects of reactor design.
    Formerly: ENGR 4780U
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Tutorial hours: 1
    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 2500U or NUCL 2500U , ENGR 2860U or NUCL 2860U , ENGR 3820U or NUCL 3820U , ENGR 3930U or NUCL 3930U , MATH 2070U  or MATH 2810U  
  • NUCL 4810U – Nuclear Fuel Cycles

    Students study the production of fissile and fertile nuclear fuel; isotope separation; enrichment of uranium; characteristics of fuel-element materials; metal and ceramic uranium fuel; design and fabrication of fuel elements; fuelling strategies; fuel failure mechanisms and detection of failed fuel; properties of irradiated fuel; the role of plutonium; principles of spent fuel reprocessing; dissolution of spent fuel from nuclear reactors; plutonium separation; meeting safe-guards requirements; natural versus slightly enriched fuel cycles; recycling of PWR fuel in CANDU; use of plutonium from the weapons program; thermal breeders; fast breeders.
    Formerly: ENGR 4810U
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 4610U or NUCL 4610U ; ENGR 4780U or NUCL 4780U  or NUCL 4540U  
  • NUCL 4880U – Principles of Fusion Energy

    This course explores the nature and energy generating potential of fusion reactions. Topics include: matter-energy transformations; fusion reaction analysis; Coulomb repulsion; deuterium-tritium reactions; production, extraction and storage of tritium; energy efficiency; fusion fuels and wastes; fusion reactor blankets; burn cycles; characteristics and diagnostics of plasmas; magnetic and inertial confinement schemes for fusion; tokomak techniques; laser fusion techniques; damage to walls and other materials; fission-fusion reactions; ITER Project; global fusion research projects.
    Formerly: ENGR 4880U
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 2500U or NUCL 2500U , ENGR 3930U or NUCL 3930U  


  • NURS 0420U – Professional Nursing - Bridging

    Students will explore aspects of health and healing in the context of social, cultural, and spiritual diversity, values, beliefs, lifestyle choices, environment, and biophysical dimensions. The role and standards of practice for the registered nurse will be related to nursing knowledge, caring concepts and evidence based practice. Students will use reflective strategies to explore the meaning of lived caring experiences with examples from their own nursing practice and life experience. They will examine ways of caring as human beings and within the role of the registered nurse.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Corequisite(s): HLSC 1701U  
    Note(s): Registration in this course is restricted to BScN students in the PN - BScN Bridge program
  • NURS 1002U – Introduction to Nursing Praxis

    This course gives the student the opportunity to apply the concept of the therapeutic nurse-client relationship as the core focus of nursing praxis. They will also explore application of Professional Standards (College of Nurses of Ontario) and therapeutic communication techniques with clients and healthcare professionals.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Corequisite(s): NURS 1100U  
  • NURS 1003U – Foundations for Nursing Practicum I

    The practice lab is the setting used to assist the nursing student in the acquisition of the knowledge and proficiency necessary for the competent performance of selected psychomotor skills. Students will observe, practice, research, review and critique fundamental nursing skills.
    Laboratory hours: 4
    Corequisite(s): NURS 1002U  
  • NURS 1100U – Introduction to Health and Healing

    This course introduces concepts that are the basis for nursing knowledge. Students will explore aspects of health and healing in the context of social and cultural diversity values, beliefs, lifestyle choices, environment, growth and development. The focus will be on maintenance and promotion of personal, individual, and family health and healing.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Corequisite(s): NURS 1002U  
  • NURS 1420U – Development of Self as a Nurse I

    In this course students come to understand the significance of caring as a philosophy underpinning nursing praxis. Through inquiry into experience and relevant nursing knowledge, the students will understand how the concept of caring is foundational between persons in relationship with each other and the environment. Through critical thinking and reflective practice, students identify values, beliefs and assumptions; practice many ways of knowing; and understand the meaning of lived experiences. As students relate to the experience of becoming a nurse, they will utilize relevant research, literature and nursing theories.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Corequisite(s): HLSC 1701U   
  • NURS 1503U – Foundations for Nursing Practicum II

    Building on skills learned in Foundations for Nursing Practicum I, the nursing student will continue in the acquisition of the knowledge and proficiency necessary for the competent performance of selected psychomotor skills. Students will observe, practise, research, review and critique fundamental nursing skills.
    Laboratory hours: 4
    Prerequisite(s): NURS 1003U  
    Corequisite(s): NURS 1700U  
  • NURS 1700U – Health and Healing: Older Adult Nursing Theory and Practicum

    This course will provide the student with the opportunity to explore the lived experience and health needs of the older adult within the health care system. Students will apply Watson’s Theory of Human Caring to identify, assess, plan, and implement interventions to promote health and healing for individuals and families connected to this population. This course has a theoretical and practicum component. Students will care for older adults in a hospital practicum setting. This practicum experience provides an opportunity for students to develop their knowledge, skill and judgement and follow the CNO practice standards. Students will demonstrate nursing theory-guided and evidence-informed praxis relevant to this course.
    Credit hours: 6
    Lecture hours: 3
    Other hours: 14
    Prerequisite(s): HLSC 1200U , NURS 1100U , NURS 1002U , NURS 1003U , NURS 1420U  
    Corequisite(s): NURS 1503U , NURS 2320U  
    Note(s): Students must pass both the theoretical (classroom) and practicum (clinical) components of the course to pass the course.
  • NURS 2320U – Health Assessment

    This course is designed to provide the student with the cognitive, affective and psychomotor skills required to conduct a complete physical examination and health assessment of the client across the life cycle. Included are health history, physical examination, health promotion, and clinical assessment. Conceptual themes include holistic health practices, health promotion, client participation, cultural and diversity factors and developmental tasks.
    Credit hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 2
    Prerequisite(s): HLSC 1200U , NURS 1003U  
    Corequisite(s): HLSC 1201U , NURS 1700U  
  • NURS 2420U – Knowing Through Inquiry

    This course is a place of questioning and discovery, revealing a process of knowing nursing through inquiry. Developing reflective and critical thinking, students explore their experience and disciplinary literature to construct nursing praxis that is theory-guided and evidence-informed.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): NURS 1420U  or NURS 0420U  
    Credit restriction(s): NURS 4420U
  • NURS 2421U – Complementary and Alternative Healing Modalities for Nursing

    In this course, students will explore the philosophical underpinnings and practical application of complementary and alternative healing modalities (CAHM). Through readings, in-class discussions, guest presentations, and demonstrations, students will explore a range of CAHM, including mind-body-spirit therapies, body based therapies, the use of natural products, energy therapies, and shamanism and other aboriginal healing approaches. The current evidence-base for CAHM will be explored. The role of the Registered Nurse in relation to CAHM will be examined.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): NURS 0420U  or NURS 1700U  
  • NURS 2700U – Health and Healing: Child and Family Nursing Theory and Practicum

    This course enables students to explore the theory and practice of family-centred care. The focus is care of individuals and families experiencing health challenges and life transitions specific to pregnancy, childbirth, neonates, children, and families. Topics such as wellness, growth and development, health-teaching and health-promotion, family systems theory, and evidence-based approaches to care will be explored. Students will demonstrate nursing theory-guided and evidence-informed praxis relevant to this course.
    Credit hours: 6
    Lecture hours: 3
    Other hours: 14
    Prerequisite(s): HLSC 1201U , NURS 1503U , NURS 1700U , NURS 2320U  or HLSC 1201U , NURS 1150U, NURS 1503U , NURS 1505U, NURS 2320U  
    Corequisite(s): NURS 2810U  
    Note(s): Students must pass both the theoretical (classroom) and practicum (clinical) components of the course to pass the course.
  • NURS 2701U – Health and Healing: Adult Health Challenges Nursing Theory and Practicum

    The focus of this course is nursing science theory as it relates to care of adults experiencing health challenges such as acute or chronic illness. It facilitates students’ nursing practice in situations of health challenges. Critical thinking and clinical decision-making based on evidence is facilitated in classroom and practice settings and is guided by a nursing theoretical perspective. Previously learned nursing therapeutics (skills and assessments) will be enacted in increasingly complex care situations. The lived experiences of the client experiencing acute or chronic health challenges will be explored. Students will demonstrate nursing theory-guided and evidence-informed praxis relevant to this course.
    Credit hours: 6
    Lecture hours: 3
    Other hours: 14
    Prerequisite(s): HLSC 1201U , NURS 1503U , NURS 1700U , NURS 2320U  or HLSC 1201U , NURS 1150U, NURS 1503U , NURS 1505U, NURS 2320U  
    Corequisite(s): NURS 2810U  
    Note(s): Students must pass both the theoretical (classroom) and practicum (clinical) components of the course to pass the course.
  • NURS 2705U – Health & Healing: Life Transitions Across the Lifespan, Nursing Theory and Practicum (RPN to BScN)

    This course provides the foundational knowledge to enable students to provide safe, evidence-informed family-centered care across the lifespan. The focus of care is individuals and families experiencing health challenges and life transitions specific to pregnancy, neonates, children, families and older adults. Learners will utilize critical thinking skills and demonstrate collaborative, interprofessional care in both classroom and practicum settings as they transition from Registered Practical Nurse to the Registered Nurse scope of practice. Students will demonstrate theory-guided and evidence-informed praxis relevant to this course. The lived experience of the client experiencing health challenges will be explored.
    Formerly: Health and Healing: Child and Family Nursing Theory and Practicum (RPN to BScN)
    Credit hours: 6
    Lecture hours: 3
    Other hours: 16
    Prerequisite(s): HLSC 2202U , NURS 2820U 
    Note(s): Students must pass both the theoretical (classroom) and practicum (clinical) components of the course to pass the course. This course is restricted to students in the RPN to BScN program.
  • NURS 2810U – Pharmacology for Nurses

    This course introduces the student to the concepts of pharmacology and medication administration. The student will learn about common drug classifications, and the psychological and cultural aspects of drug therapy. As well, the student will learn about the legal aspects, nursing responsibilities and decision-making processes required for the safe and accurate administration of medication to a variety of client populations.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 2
    Laboratory hours: 2
    Online hours: 1
    Prerequisite(s): HLSC 1201U , NURS 1503U , NURS 1700U , NURS 2320U  
    Corequisite(s): HLSC 2460U  
  • NURS 2820U – Integrated Health Assessment and Pharmacology

    This course created for students in the RPN to BScN stream introduces the student to the concepts of pharmacology and advanced medication administration. The student will focus on understanding the mechanisms of action, and classifications of many common medications administered to clients with a variety of health challenges. As well, the student will develop advanced health assessment skills to facilitate the decision-making process required for the safe and accurate administration of medication to a variety of client populations. This learning will take place in a highly interactive laboratory environment.
    Formerly: Comprehensive Pharmaco-therapeutics
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 1.5
    Laboratory hours: 4
    Online hours: 1.5 online
    Prerequisite(s): HLSC 0880U , NURS 0420U  
  • NURS 3150U – Health and Healing: Mental Health

    This course focuses on concepts and principles of mental health nursing. Common mental health challenges are discussed, with an emphasis on nursing strategies for assessing, promoting, maintaining, and restoring mental health. Students are provided with opportunities through the course content, online discussions, and learning activities/assignments to apply concepts of mental health nursing to the care of individuals experiencing acute and long term mental health challenges. Nursing assessment skills including mental status assessment and nursing intervention strategies such as therapeutic communication skills are facilitated. Students will also develop greater self-awareness and an understanding of the role of the therapeutic use of self in the provision of care.
    Credit hours: 3
    Online hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): HLSC 0880U , NURS 0420U  
    Note(s): This course is restricted to students in the RPN-BScN program.
  • NURS 3400U – Providing Supportive Care to Oncology Patients: Nursing Implications

    The course focuses on the supportive care needs of the patient diagnosed with cancer. It will provide the student an understanding of cancer and its treatments modalities, management, patient and family teaching and survivorship issues. The student will work toward the integration of the supportive care framework and the practice standards of oncology nursing.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): HLSC 2461U , NURS 2700U  or NURS 2701U  or NURS 2705U  
  • NURS 3401U – Advanced Pediatric Nursing

    Focusing on the partnership relationship between the nurse, the child, the family, and the multidisciplinary team, this course will allow students to explore the philosophical underpinnings and application of pediatric nursing.  Building on the learning outcomes of Child and Family Nursing Theory and Practicum, this course allows nursing students to recognize the unique healthcare needs of children as patients requiring specialized knowledge and expertise in their growth, illness, and injury. Through readings, online discussions, video presentations, case studies, and simulations, students will engage in the role of the pediatric nurse within the context of the patient’s experience of selected health challenges. Deeply rooted in family‐centered care, learners will advance their communication, critical thinking, and systematic inquiry skills within the context of pediatric nursing which are essential to provide quality child and family‐centered care. In particular, students will explore additional comprehensive assessment strategies, will be challenged to make clinical decisions, and plan care for selected seriously ill children. This course emphasizes synthesis of knowledge, skills and attitudes that enable nurses to provide safe and competent care to vulnerable children.
    Credit hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): NURS 2700U  or NURS 2705U 
  • NURS 3700U – Health and Healing: Healthy Communities Nursing Theory and Practicum

    This course will present a comprehensive and critical analysis of community health nursing within a variety of settings and with a variety of patients (individual, family, group, community and society). This course will examine the process of community health nursing; including community assessments, planning, evaluation and strategies for promoting community health. The historical and philosophical basis of community health nursing praxis will be examined. Topics include primary health care, epidemiology, determinants of health, program planning and evaluation, social justice, and healthy public policy. Students will demonstrate nursing theory-guided and evidence-informed praxis relevant to this course.
    Credit hours: 6
    Lecture hours: 3
    Other hours: 16
    Prerequisite(s): NURS 2420U , NURS 2700U , NURS 2701U , NURS 2810U  or NURS 2100U, NURS 2150U, NURS 2007U/NURS 2507U, NURS 2008U/NURS 2508U, NURS 2810U  or NURS 2705U , NURS 2820U  or NURS 2155U, NURS 2506U
    Note(s): Students must pass both the theoretical (classroom) and practicum (clinical) components of the course to pass the course.
  • NURS 3701U – Health and Healing: Mental Health Nursing Theory and Practicum

    The focus of this course is on concepts and principles of mental health nursing. Common mental health challenges are discussed, with an emphasis on nursing strategies for assessing, promoting, maintaining, and restoring mental health. Students are also provided with opportunities to apply concepts of mental health nursing to the care of individuals experiencing acute and long term mental health challenges. Practice occurs in a variety of mental health settings including acute care, long term care and community facilities. Nursing assessment skills, such as mental status assessment, and nursing intervention strategies, such as therapeutic communication, are facilitated. Students will also gain a greater awareness of the self and the role of the therapeutic use of self in the provision of care. Students will demonstrate nursing theory-guided and evidence-informed praxis relevant to this course.
    Credit hours: 6
    Lecture hours: 3
    Other hours: 16
    Prerequisite(s): NURS 2420U , NURS 2700U , NURS 2701U , NURS 2810U  or NURS 2100U, NURS 2150U, NURS 2007U/NURS 2507U, NURS 2008U/NURS 2508U, NURS 2810U .
    Note(s): Students must pass both the theoretical (classroom) and practicum (clinical) components of the course to pass the course.
  • NURS 4100U – Nursing Leadership and Innovation

    This course focuses on the leadership and responsible followership roles of the nurse within the context of nurses’ scope of practice, as defined by current legislation and professional standards. Emphasis is on critical reflection on experience, and utilization of research and relevant academic/theory literature for positioning as a Registered Nurse within diverse social contexts, contributing to quality of work-life and healthcare innovation.
    Formerly: Nursing Leadership
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3 (biweekly)
    Prerequisite(s): HLSC 3601U , HLSC 3800U , NURS 3700U , NURS 3701U  or HLSC 3601U , HLSC 3800U , NURS 3007U/NURS 3507U, NURS 3008U/NURS 3508U, NURS 3100U, NURS 3150U or HLSC 3601U , HLSC 3800U , NURS 2705U , NURS 3700U  or HLSC 3601U , HLSC 3800U , NURS 2155U, NURS 2506U, NURS 3100U, NURS 3507U
  • NURS 4700U – Health and Healing: Synthesis Professional Practice

    This course provides students with the opportunity to apply problem solving, critical thinking, clinical reasoning, effective and productive inter- and intra-personal communication, resource identification, and technical competency so that students may explore the complexities and types of problems that may arise in praxis. This course will require students to attend laboratory preparation sessions in the first weeks of the semester. Students will complete 190 hours of nursing practice in an assigned practicum setting, collaborating with faculty advisors, colleagues, and clinical partners (preceptors) to provide holistic, patient centred nursing care. Throughout the semester, students will participate in weekly evidence-based in-class and online seminar discussions based on clinical case studies.
    Credit hours: 6
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): HLSC 2461U , HLSC 3910U , NURS 3700U , NURS 3701U  or NURS 2705U , NURS 3700U  or HLSC 2461U , NURS 3100U, NURS 3150U, NURS 3507U, NURS 3508U or NURS 2155U, NURS 2506U, NURS 3100U, NURS 3507U
    Note(s): Students must pass both the theoretical (classroom) and practicum (clinical) components of the course to pass the course.
  • NURS 4701U – Professional Nursing Integrated Practicum

    This course provides the student with the opportunity to work and learn in a health care setting based on student interests, individual learning needs, lifelong goals and program progression policy. This integrated practicum experience uses the preceptor model and may occur in a variety of settings. Using a preceptor model the student has the opportunity to develop leadership and independence in her/his nursing practice and to achieve the competency level expected of nurses entering the profession.
    Credit hours: 9
    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 2830U , HLSC 1300U  or HLSC 1701U , HLSC 2820U , HLSC 3710U , HLSC 3910U NURS 2420U  or NURS 4420U, NURS 4100U , NURS 4700U , PSYC 2010U , SOCI 1000U  or NURS 0420U  

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