Sep 27, 2024  
2016-2017 Undergraduate Academic Calendar 
2016-2017 Undergraduate Academic Calendar [ARCHIVED CALENDAR]

Course descriptions

Not all courses are offered in any one term or academic year. 

Note: If searching by Code or Number be sure to include the U at the end of the number.


Electrical Engineering

  • ELEE 3100U – Introduction to Control Systems

    Mathematical models of systems: differential equations and linear approximations of physical systems; open- and closed-loop control systems: parameter variations, steady-state error, sensitivity analysis; performance of feedback control systems: time-domain performance specifications, transient response, and steady state error; stability analysis: Nyquist and Routh-Hurwitz criterion; frequency response methods; stability in the frequency domain; time domain analysis of control systems.
    Formerly: Modern Control Systems
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 3 (biweekly)
    Tutorial hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): ELEE 3110U  
  • ELEE 3110U – Signals and Systems

    Linear, time invariant systems; impulse response and transfer function; autocorrelation and power spectrum; convolution; Fourier series; Laplace transforms and Fourier transforms; discrete-time signals and systems; Z-transforms and discrete Fourier transforms; poles and zeros, stability of analog and digital filters.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 3 (biweekly)
    Tutorial hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s):  ELEE 2210U ELEE 2530U  
  • ELEE 3130U – Communication Systems

    Classifications of signals, Fourier transform; and properties, basic operation on signals; classifications of systems, filter types and design requirements distortionless transmission, bandwidth, and low-pass/band-pass signals. Modulation requirements and design trade-offs; amplitude modulation (AM, DSBSC, SSB, VSB); frequency modulation; FDM, AM and FM radio broadcasting. Digital communications design objectives and constraints; filtering, sampling, quantization, line coding; TDM, PCM, DPCM, DM pulse shaping; Nyquist-I criterion, intersymbol interference; adaptive equalization and LMS algorithm; coherent and con-coherent; digital modulation techniques: BASK, BFSK, BPSK, OPSK. Source coding fundamentals; entropy and Huffman and Lempel-Ziv lossless data compression; channel coding fundamentals; interleaving, error detection schemes and ARQ techniques, FEC and Hamming codes.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 3 (biweekly)
    Tutorial hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): ELEE 3110U  
  • ELEE 3140U – Computer Architecture

    Computer systems generation: main-frame, mid-range, microcomputers; peripherals and interfaces; bus design; input/output systems and technologies; central processing units: arithmetic logic and control units; semiconductor memory (RAM and ROM), magnetic disks and tapes, optical disks; assembly and high-level programming language; integer and floating point arithmetic, pipelining and parallelism; CISC vs. RISC.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 3 (biweekly)
    Tutorial hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): ELEE 2450U  
  • ELEE 3180U – Design Principles and Project Management in Electrical Engineering

    This course covers design process and methodology including design specifications, parameters, variables, optimization, implementation, interface, troubleshooting, trade-offs, complexity, performance, and documentation in various areas of Electrical Engineering, including transmission systems, electronic circuitry, communications networks, control systems, power systems, and software systems; the course also focuses on project management fundamentals, including project stakeholders, scope, cost, scheduling, risk, resource, integration, and quality management.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 1.5
    Tutorial hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): ELEE 2250U , ELEE 2450U ELEE 2520U SOFE 2710U  
  • ELEE 3230U – Electronic Circuit Design

    Non-ideal op-amp characteristics; op-amp applications; transistor as a switch; transistor differential and multistage amplifiers, integrated circuit biasing techniques; power amplifiers, classes of power amplifiers, power BJTs and MOSFET power transistors; feedback amplifier analysis; integrated circuit biasing techniques; introduction to stability and compensation techniques for amplifiers using negative feedback, CMOS logic design.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 3 (biweekly)
    Tutorial hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): ELEE 2250U   
  • ELEE 3240U – Applications for Electromagnetics

    Time-varying electromagnetic fields; Maxwell’s equations and electromagnetic waves; waves in an unbounded medium; reflection, transmission, and refraction of waves at planar interfaces; parallel-plate and dielectric slab waveguides; cylindrical waveguides and cavity resonators, transmission lines; steady-state sinusoidal behaviour and standing waves, transient performance and impedance matching; field-matter interactions and elementary antennas.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Tutorial hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): ELEE 2520U , ELEE 2530U  
  • ELEE 3250U – Electric Machines

    Introduction to three-phase circuits; magnetic circuits; electrical transformers; force and torque generation; asynchronous machines, induction machines, DC machines; steady state and torque-speed characteristics of electric machines and their applications.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 3 (biweekly)
    Tutorial hours: 1.5
    Corequisite(s): ELEE 3240U  
  • ELEE 3260U – Power Systems

    First, various means of electric power generation-through hydroelectric, thermoelectric, geothermal, wind, solar, and nuclear sources are highlighted, and the choice of a given source-dictated by economic and environmental factors, application requirements and cost drivers is discussed. Then the course focuses on electric power systems; mainly electric power generation transmission, distribution; planning and operating inter-connected power systems; operating strategies and economic dispatch; transmission power line parameters, transformer models, symmetrical components, power system modelling, power flow on transmission lines; power system fault analysis.
    Formerly: ELEE 4110U  
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 3 (biweekly)
    Tutorial hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): ELEE 3250U  
  • ELEE 3330U – Circuit Design

    The focus of this course is on electric and electronic circuit design. Frequency response, transfer function, feedback, oscillation and stability; lowpass, high-pass, and band-pass filters, quality factor and Bode plots; passive and active filters; circuit analysis and network synthesis; power electronic circuits: amplifiers and switches.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 2 (biweekly)
    Tutorial hours: 1
    Prerequisite(s): ELEE 2790U  
  • ELEE 3450U – Microprocessors and Computer Architecture

    Introduction to Computer Architecture: CPU, ALU, I/O devices, Busses and Memory – RAM and ROM; RISC vs. CISC architecture; Assembly language programming using a microprocessor and the Hardware/Software Development Tool; Register block and associated registers; Microcontroller systems: Interrupt, timer, memory, clock and reset generation, Analog to Digital conversion (A/D) and Serial Communication Interface Systems.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 3 lab (biweekly)
    Tutorial hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): ELEE 2450U   
  • ELEE 3490U – Microprocessor Systems Design

    Basic structure of a computer; assembly-language and high level language programming; machine language and step-by-step instruction execution and debugging; digital I/O; analog to digital conversion; interrupt handling and flow from reset, operating systems; hardware implementation of an addressing map; bus interface and memory timing; state-of-the art microprocessors: features and characteristics.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 3 (biweekly)
    Tutorial hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): ELEE 3140U  
  • ELEE 4115U – Fundamentals of Smart Grid

    This course starts by introducing the basic components making the smart grid and the drivers/benefits of implementing it. The course will focus on the role/impacts of the various smart grid components on the electric energy systems, including renewable, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, demand side management, and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions. Topics such as smart metering, smart energy pricing and policies, grid optimization, distribution system automation and management, transmission system operation, power electronics and energy storage in smart grid and power quality will be introduced. The related standards to inter-operability and design will also be covered in this course.
    Formerly: ENGR 4115U
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): ELEE 3260U  
  • ELEE 4120U – Introduction to Power Electronics

    This course covers fundamentals of power conversion techniques: Review of semi-conductor switches, review of basic electrical and magnetic circuits, single-phase and three- phase rectifier and inverter circuits, switch- mode converters and power supplies, control of switch-mode DC power supplies, snubber circuit design, computer simulation of power electronic converters and systems.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 2 (biweekly)
    Tutorial hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): ELEE 3100U , ELEE 3230U , ELEE 3250U  
  • ELEE 4125U – Smart Grid Networking and Security

    Wired and wireless communications in smart grids; communications protocols and standards in smart grid, current and emerging communication technologies; quality and reliability of service in networking for smart grid; security threats and impacts on end-users and utility companies; types of attacks and possible defences; smart grid security, standardization, authentication, and management; user privacy issues.
    Formerly: ENGR 4125U
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): ELEE 4115U  
  • ELEE 4130U – Digital Communications

    Digital Communications covers optimum receiver principles: AWGN, geometric representation of signals, maximum likelihood criterion and optimum decision regions, correlation receivers and matched filters, probability of error and union bound; digital bandpass modulation (FSK, PSK, QAM), baseband systems; performance comparisons: bit error rate, bandwidth, power, complexity; adaptive equalization techniques and algorithms; carrier and symbol synchronization; fundamental limits in information theory: entropy and the source coding theorem; channel capacity and the channel coding theorem; information capacity theorem and design trade-offs.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Tutorial hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): ELEE 3070U , ELEE 3130U  
  • ELEE 4140U – Power System Protection Relaying

    Need for protection systems, types of relays, operating principles and relay construction, overcurrent protection, distance protection, pilot relaying schemes, ac machines and Bus protection, micro-processor based relays, Overvoltage protection.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Tutorial hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): ELEE 3100U , ELEE 3230U  , ELEE 3250U ELEE 3260U  (formerly ELEE 4110U )


  • ELEE 4150U – Advanced Control Systems

    Modelling of systems: from State Space (SS) to Transfer Function (TF). Introduction to SISO and MIMO systems. Coordinate transformation of SS models. Linearization of nonlinear systems.  Introduction to Lyapunov stability theorems. Explicit solutions to the DE for linear time-invariant (LTI) systems (and properties of these solutions) Notions of controllability and observability. Kalman decomposition. Controller Synthesis: feedforward control, pole assignment, optimal control (LQR). Observer design.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Tutorial hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): ELEE 3100U  
  • ELEE 4180U – Special Topics in Electrical Engineering

    Contemporary topics at the advanced undergraduate level. Faculty presents advanced elective topics not included in the established curriculum.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): Permission of the instructor
  • ELEE 4190U – Multimedia Systems

    Theory, features, design, performance, complexity analysis and application of multimedia engineering technologies; digital signal compression: audio, image, video, characterization, compression requirements; source entropy and hybrid coding, transform and wavelet based coding; motion estimation; object-based processing, and multimedia indexing and retrieval.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 3 (biweekly)
    Tutorial hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): ELEE 3110U  
  • ELEE 4230U – Intermediate Electronics

    High frequency model of semiconductor devices; Pole-zero analysis of single stage amplifier configurations; Frequency compensation and stability in amplifiers; Different types of device Noise and Noise sources in circuits; Sinusoidal Oscillators and Astable Multivibrators; Fully differential OPAmps; Translinear Principle and circuits; Integrated Circuits fabrication processes.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): ELEE 3230U , ELEE 3100U  
  • ELEE 4310U – Electronics

    The focus of this course is the analysis and design of electronic circuits, semiconductors, fundamental characteristics, modes of operation, and types of diodes, bipolar junction transistors, field-effect transistors; nonlinear circuit applications: small signals and rectifiers; transistor biasing and amplifiers; integrated circuits: fabrication and characteristics.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 2 (biweekly)
    Tutorial hours: 1
    Prerequisite(s): ELEE 3330U MECE 3390U  
  • ELEE 4350U – Microprocessors

    Number systems, architecture, instructions, and subroutines; algorithms; memory; PIA; interrupts and timers; transistors; binary interfaces; conversion of A/D and D/A; stepper motors; dc motors; z-transform; breadboard integration; steady state analysis and component ratings; control loop design and control loop modelling.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 2 (biweekly)
    Tutorial hours: 1
    Prerequisite(s): MECE 3350U , MECE 3390U 
  • ELEE 4420U – DSP Theory and Design

    Review of Linear Time-Invariant (LTI) systems and Z-transform, sampling and quantization of low-pass and bandpass continuous-time signals, Fourier analysis of LTI systems, block diagram representation of LTI systems, finite word length arithmetic and noise; design and realization of digital filters: Finite-Impulse Response (FIR) and Infinite- Impulse Response (IIR), Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT). Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), Digital Signal Processing (DSP) applications in communications, multimedia and engineering.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 3 (biweekly)
    Tutorial hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): ELEE 3110U  
  • ELEE 4500U – Wireless Communications

    Digital wireless phones, cordless phones and wireless data; the first and second generation wireless mobile cellular network standards; characteristics of wireless propagation channels, including slow and fast fading, Doppler shift, multipath delay spread; bandpass transmission over wireless channels; digital modulation over wireless channels; wireless channel impairment mitigation techniques; fundamental of cellular communication concept, including cellular traffic and layout, frequency reuse, co-channel and adjacent channel interferences, call-processing, hand-off process; Multiple access techniques, including Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA)/ Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA), Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA), Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM).
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Tutorial hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): ELEE 3070U , ELEE 3130U  
  • ELEE 4750U – Microwave and RF Circuits

    Signal integrity in high-speed digital circuits; wave equation, ideal transmission circuits; transient on transmission lines; planar transmission lines and introduction to MMICs; microwave network analysis; design with scattering parameters; planar power dividers; directional couplers; microwave filters; RF receiver chains; noise; solid-state microwave amplifiers; noise, diode mixers; RF receiver chains, oscillators.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 3 (biweekly)
    Tutorial hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): ELEE 3230U , ELEE 3240U  
  • ELEE 4930U – Optical Communications

    Optical technology and applications; basic characteristics of optical fibres and associated system components; design considerations for optical fibre links and multistage service requirements; engineering applications of optical devices.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): ELEE 3240U  


  • ENGR 0101U – Mathematics Foundation for Engineers

    Rates of change, tangent and velocity problems, differentiation, chain rule, higher order derivatives, logarithmic differentiation, related rates, linear approximation, curve sketching; definite integral, area, integration by parts, double and triple integrals, trigonometric integration, partial fractions; numerical integration, separable differential equations, polar coordinates; series; tests for divergence/convergence; partial derivatives, gradient vector.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Tutorial hours: 3
    Credit restriction(s): MATH 1010U , MATH 1020U  
  • ENGR 0102U – Mathematics Foundation for Engineers II

    Topics from Linear Algebra: Solving systems of linear equations with Gaussian elimination, matrices and matrix algebra, inverse of matrices, special matrices (diagonal, triangular, symmetric), computing determinants; vectors and vector arithmetic, norm of a vector, dot products, cross-products and projections; complex numbers and complex number arithmetic. Topics from Statistics and Probability: sampling, summary statistics, graphical summaries; random variables, Poisson distribution, normal distribution, central limit theorem; large-sample confidence intervals for a population mean, small-sample tests for a population mean, basic ideas of statistical quality control.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Tutorial hours: 3
    Credit restriction(s):  MATH 2050U MATH 1850U , STAT 2800U , BUSI 1450U , HLSC 3800U , SSCI 2910U , STAT 2010U , STAT 2020U  
  • ENGR 0103U – Mathematics Foundation for Engineers III

    Initial-value problems, introduction to differential equations, differential equations as mathematical models; separable variables; linear equations, linear models, modelling with systems of differential equations; basic theory of linear differential equations, homogenous linear equations with constant coefficients; linear models: initial-value problems; linear models: boundary-value problems; definitions of Laplace transforms, inverse transforms and transforms of derivatives; systems of linear differential equations, homogenous linear systems, separable partial differential equations.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Tutorial hours: 3
    Credit restriction(s): MATH 2860U  
  • ENGR 0105U – Physics Foundation for Engineers

    Introduction to basic mechanics, Newton’s laws of motion; kinematics and dynamics in one and two dimensions; work and energy; friction; momentum and collisions; electric charge and Coulomb’s law; electric field, electric flux, Gauss’ law; electrostatic potential, capacitance; Kirchoff’s laws in DC circuits; magnetic forces and magnetic field; Biot-Savart law; Ampere’s law; magnetic flux, Faraday’s law, inductance; AC circuits; introduction to nuclear physics.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Tutorial hours: 3
    Corequisite(s): ENGR 0101U  
    Credit restriction(s): PHY 1010U , PHY 1020U  
  • ENGR 0107U – Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics

    Properties of fluids and their units; fluid statics and dynamics, conservation of mass and the continuity equation; Euler’s equation; Bernoulli’s equation; flow of viscous fluids; laminar and turbulent flows; flow in pipes and fittings; the Moody diagram; boundary layers; flow separation; First Law of Thermodynamics, Second Law of Thermodynamics; properties and behaviour of pure substances; ideal gases and mixtures; equation of state for a perfect gas; conduction, convection and radiation; solutions to steady-state and transient conduction problems.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Tutorial hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 0101U  
    Corequisite(s): ENGR 0105U  
    Credit restriction(s): ENGR 2010U NUCL 2860U , NUCL 3930U  
  • ENGR 0998U – Engineering Internship Program

    An optional internship work term for students in engineering and applied science programs aimed at providing significant professional experience and exposure to an engineering workplace. The work term is between 12 and 16 months duration, normally commencing in May and concluding by August of the following year. Registration in this course is conditional on the student obtaining and accepting an acceptable internship placement offer from an approved employer partner. Interns are visited/contacted as required by the course co-ordinator to assess their progress. Internship students are required to submit a report, following established criteria, within one month of completing the internship placement. The course is graded on a pass/fail basis and the grade appears in the student’s academic transcript. Both grades have no numerical value and are not included in a student’s grade point average.
    Prerequisite(s): Completion of three years of the academic program with a cumulative GPA of at least 2.3 and permission of the faculty.
  • ENGR 0999U – Engineering Co-op Program

    An optional co-op work term for students in engineering and applied science programs aimed at providing significant professional experience and exposure to an engineering workplace. The duration of the work term is between two and four months, normally during the summer. Registration in this course is conditional on the student obtaining and accepting an acceptable co-op placement offer from an approved employer partner. Co-op students are required to submit a report, following established criteria, within one month of completing the co-op placement. The course is graded on a pass/fail basis and the grade appears in the student’s academic transcript. Both grades have no numerical value and are not included in a student’s grade point average. A student can take this course more than once.
    Prerequisite(s): Permission of the faculty
  • ENGR 1015U – Introduction to Engineering

    An introduction to engineering, the profession and core skills of engineers. Topics include: history of engineering; fields in engineering; how systems work; an overview of computer systems; information technology trends and state-of-the-art applications (scientific computing, communications and signal processing); role of engineers in society; core engineering skills including freehand sketching, basic engineering graphics and drafting techniques, engineering report writing and introduction to MAT programming; occupational health and safety, and safety standards.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 3
    Tutorial hours: 1
  • ENGR 1025U – Engineering Design

    A project-based introduction to the engineering design process, computer-aided drafting, and the use of design tools and software packages for engineering design. Open-ended design-build projects by individuals and groups and written and oral technical communications. Basics of project management including organizing, planning, scheduling, controlling, and application of spreadsheets and project management software.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 2
    Tutorial hours: 1
    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 1015U  
    Credit restriction(s): ENGR 3200U  
  • ENGR 1200U – Introduction to Programming for Engineers

    Introduction to the anatomy of a computer: CPU, memory, machine cycle, input and output devices, data representation; fundamental programming concepts: flowcharting, algorithm design, use of procedures, program control flow, arrays and vectors, arithmetic and logic operations, input and output, data declaration; programming in C++.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Tutorial hours: 2
    Credit restriction(s): INFR 1100U  
  • ENGR 1250U – Engineering Graphics

    Engineering drawing techniques, dimensions and geometric tolerances, standard viewpoints and section planes, orthographic projections, use of 3-D solid modelling and CAD software.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 1.5
    Credit restriction(s): ENGR 3200U  
  • ENGR 2010U – Thermodynamic Cycles

    A study of the basic concepts involved in thermodynamics, including: nature of thermodynamics; First Law of Thermodynamics; Second Law of Thermodynamics; properties and behaviour of pure substances; ideal gases and mixtures; equation of state for a perfect gas; Carnot and Rankine Cycles; thermodynamic efficiency; steam tables and charts; superheating and reheating; regenerative feedwater heating; conventional and nuclear steam cycles; heat exchanger thermal balance; steam turbine expansion lines; and steam generator thermal characteristics.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 1.5 (biweekly)
    Tutorial hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): PHY 1010U , MATH 1020U  
    Credit restriction(s): MECE 2320U  
  • ENGR 2020U – Statics and Dynamics

    This course provides fundamental engineering knowledge of static and dynamic force/moment equilibrium and time varying performance of different systems. It also examines the work, energy, impact, force, and kinematics and dynamics of systems of particles and rigid bodies. The course description consists of: resultant and equilibrium of force systems; distributed loads; hydrostatics; conditions of equilibrium and application to particles and rigid bodies; analysis of statically determinate structures including beams, trusses and arches; friction; centric; principle of virtual work; Cartesian, normal-tangential, and polar components of velocity and acceleration in two and three dimensions; rotating frames; kinematics of particles and rigid bodies; force/acceleration; work/energy; impulse/momentum; conservative and non-conservative systems; systems of streams of particles and rigid bodies; introduction to three dimensional problems of particles and rigid body dynamics.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 4
    Tutorial hours: 2
    Prerequisite(s): MATH 1020U , MATH 1850U , PHY 1010U  
  • ENGR 2140U – Problem Solving, Modelling and Simulation

    Students will explore processes and skills needed to define, evaluate and develop a range of solutions to design problems while working alone or as members of a group. Topics include: methods for estimating and verifying the results and levels of accuracy of alternate designs; mathematical modelling of simple processes and equipment; computer programs for solving systems of equations; use of simulation in the design and visualization of continuous and discrete process.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Tutorial hours: 1.5 (biweekly)
    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 1200U , MATH 1020U , PHY 1020U  
    Corequisite(s): MATH 2860U  
  • ENGR 2260U – Statics and Solid Mechanics

    This course provides fundamental engineering knowledge of static systems, bodies at rest, force and moment equilibrium of rigid bodies, and mechanics of materials and deformable bodies. Course topics include: forces; moments of forces; couples; resultant and equilibrium of force systems; distributed loads; equilibrium of particles and rigid bodies; analysis of structures including beams, trusses, frames and machines; mechanical joints; centric; moment of inertia; plane stress and strain; tension and compression test; Hooke’s law; Poisson’s ratio; axial load; principle of superposition; thermal stress; torsion of circular shafts; pure bending; transverse shear; shear stress in beams and thin-walled members; combined loading; stress and strain transformations; Mohr’s circle; design of beams and shafts; deftions of beams and shafts; statically indeterminate beams and shafts; buckling of columns.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 4
    Laboratory hours: 2 (biweekly)
    Tutorial hours: 2
    Prerequisite(s): MATH 1020U , PHY 1010U .
    Note(s): This course will not be offered after the 2009-2010 academic year.
  • ENGR 2330U – Mechanical Equipment and Systems

    Heating, cooling and refrigeration systems; fluid systems; pumps, compressors, turbines; valves; piping design; pressure vessels; gear and flexible drive systems; bolted and welded joints; heat exchangers and shields; measurements in mechanical systems of solids and fluids; free and forced vibration, single-plane and two-plane balancing of rotating machines, mechanism balancing; preventive, predictive and corrective maintenance; life cycle aspects of mechanical equipment and systems.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 3 (biweekly)
    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 2860U or NUCL 2860U  or ENGR 0107U  
  • ENGR 2340U – Engineering Operations and Project Management I

    An introduction to the functional area of production and operations management as practiced in engineering and manufacturing industries and the services sector. It includes decision-making, engineering project management, facility layout in engineering, manufacturing and services industries, waiting lines, quality control, just-in-time systems, forecasting, aggregate planning, inventory management, materials requirements planning and operations scheduling.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Note(s): Not offered as of 2011-2012.
  • ENGR 2350U – Engineering Operations and Project Management II

    A second level course that continues to study the functional area of production and operations management as practiced in engineering and manufacturing industries and the services sector. It includes decision-making, engineering project management, facility layout in engineering, manufacturing and services industries, waiting lines, quality control, just-in-time systems, forecasting, aggregate planning, inventory management, materials requirements planning and operations scheduling.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 2340U  
    Note(s): Not offered as of 2011-2012.
  • ENGR 2360U – Electric Power Systems

    Power system overview: generation, transmission, and distribution; elements of power systems: inductors, transformers, generators, circuit breakers, transmission lines, DC machines, AC machines, synchronous machines; single and three-phase systems; equivalent circuits, operating modes; network calculations: power flow, active and reactive power, fault analysis and protection, power system stability.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Tutorial hours: 2 (biweekly)
    Prerequisite(s): ELEE 2790U  or ENGR 2790U 
  • ENGR 3000U – Automotive Component Design

    Component design of powertrain: manual and automatic transmissions, transfer case, planetary gears, final drive including differential lock system, propshaft, synchronizing element, helical and bevel gears. Design of transmission systems; need for an automatic transmission, function of manual and automatic transmission system; design of planetary gear train transmissions, and peripheral components; Hydraulic power supply, electronic and hydraulic controls in automatic transmissions; transmission arrangements and performance characteristics; chassis design. Heating and cooling systems design for passenger comfort; design of engine cooling and exhaust systems.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 2 (biweekly)
    Tutorial hours: 1
    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 3030U, ENGR 4260U  
  • ENGR 3160U – Engineering Operations and Project Management

    This course introduces students to the field of operations and project management as practiced in various industries and the services sector. The impacts on the external environment, safety and regulatory constraints will be considered in the design and analysis of these systems. Topics include decision analysis; project management; waiting line models in customer service operations; maintenance management; process improvement techniques such as process mapping; and job design for both service and engineering operations.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
  • ENGR 3170U – Engineering Production Management

    This course introduces students to the contemporary models and methods in all aspects of engineering production planning and control. The impacts on the external environment, safety and regulatory constraints will be considered in the design and analysis of these systems. Topics include production planning; workforce and resource allocation; personnel scheduling and distribution network design using linear, integer and dynamic programming models; facility design; forecasting; inventory management; materials requirements planning; quality control; lean manufacturing principles and job scheduling.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
  • ENGR 3200U – Engineering Graphics and Design

    Engineering drawing techniques, dimensions and geometric tolerances, standard viewpoints and section planes, orthographic projections, use of 3-D solid modelling and CAD software (and possibly other design and graphics software); a case-based introduction to engineering design; use of graphics and illustrations in engineering design; design projects by individuals and groups; basics of project management, such as organizing, planning, scheduling and controlling; application of such computer tools as spreadsheets, project management software, computer-aided drafting and design tools.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 1.5
    Tutorial hours: 1.5
    Credit restriction(s): ENGR 1025U  
  • ENGR 3260U – Introduction to Energy Systems

    Energy systems, resources and use; energy classifications and terminology; energy sources and currencies; energy supply and demand; energy conversion and utilization technologies; energy storage and distribution; energy use in countries and sectors of economies; energy intensity; global energy flows and utilization patterns; principal fuels; fuel science and technology: origins of fuels, classifications and physical and chemical properties of fuels, fuel handling and fire hazards, non-conventional fuels; sustainability, sustainable development and energy; clean energy systems. Environmental impact of energy systems such as power generation, industrial processes and transportation; air, soil and water pollution and their effects on the environment; generation mechanisms of chemical pollutants, photochemical pollutants and smog; Introduction to renewable energy resources (solar, wind, geothermal, biomass), photovoltaics, microturbines. Introduction to energy storage systems. Introduction to hydrogen and fuel cells. Introduction to life cycle assessment, industrial ecology, and key environmental tools. Application of energy and exergy analysis to energy systems.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 2320U or MECE 2320U  or ENGR 2010U  or MECH 2320U, or ENGR 2640U or MECE 2640U , ENVS 1000U  
  • ENGR 3280U – Fundamentals of Computer-Aided Design Tools

    Introduction to the concepts of computer-aided design (CAD) tools using a state-of-the-art CAD software package. Subjects include design process, parametric design, surface modelling, solid modelling, design assembly, documentation with computer-aided drawings, and dimensioning. The basics of finite element analysis (FEA), optimization, and rapid prototyping will also be introduced.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 1
    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 3200U , MATH 1850U  
  • ENGR 3350U – Control Systems

    Analysis and synthesis of linear feedback systems by classical and state space techniques. Nonlinear and optimal control systems. Modelling of dynamic systems; analysis of stability, transient and steady state characteristics of dynamic systems; characteristics of feedback systems; design of PID control laws using frequency response methods and the root locus technique. Introduction to nonlinear and optimal control systems.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 2 (biweekly)
    Tutorial hours: 1
    Prerequisite(s): ELEE 2790U  or ENGR 2790U, MATH 2860U  
  • ENGR 3360U – Engineering Economics

    Aspects of theoretical and applied economics relevant to engineers, including an introduction to fundamental principles of micro and macroeconomics. Microeconomics topics include scarcity, opportunity cost, diminishing returns, elasticity, industrial organization, economies of scale and concentration. Macroeconomics topics include unemployment, inflation, economic growth, the multiplier, equilibrium, fiscal policy and monetary policy. The principle of money and banking are introduced along with the role of the Bank of Canada. Applied economics topics covered include cost concepts, time value of money, comparison of alternatives, depreciation, tax considerations, economic analysis of projects, breakeven, sensitivity and risk, and decision models. Other topics covered include: economic decision analysis applied to private and public sector capital projects, discounted cash flow methods, lease analysis, replacement decisions, inflation impacts and public sector project analysis.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
  • ENGR 3380U – Strength of Materials

    Principles of statics as applied to deformable solid bodies; stress and strain; Hooke’s law, elastic behaviour of simple members under axial force, tension, compression, shear, torsion; bending and deftion of beams; design of beams, trusses, frames and shafts; column loads and buckling; impact loading; stability of structures.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 2 (biweekly)
    Tutorial hours: 1
    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 2220U or MANE 2220U , PHY 1010U  
    Credit restriction(s): ENGR 2260U  
  • ENGR 3420U – Energy and Environmental Impact

    Environmental impact of energy systems such as power generation, industrial processes and transportation. Air, soil and water pollution. Pollutants from power production and engines and their effects on the environment, generation mechanisms of chemical pollutants, photochemical pollutants and smog, fluid mechanics of jets, plumes, thermals and turbulent diffusion in the atmosphere. Design for environment methods, including pollution prevention techniques, life cycle assessment, pollution abatement devices and control methods, including exhaust gas treatment, absorption, filtration, scrubbers. Industrial ecology. Environmental legislation. Design of sustainable energy systems.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Tutorial hours: 1
    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 3260U , ENVS 1000U  
  • ENGR 3530U – Safety and Quality Management

    Nuclear safety management: legal framework, regulatory environment, licensing process; safety culture; defence in depth; reliability concepts; investigating and reporting incidents; emergency procedures; quality assurance; total quality management: organizational structure, policies and procedures, interfaces, grading of QA processes, deficiencies and corrective actions, verification, competence of personnel, document control and records, ISO qualification process.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Credit restriction(s): RADI 3530U, NUCL 1530U
  • ENGR 3730U – Solar Energy Technologies

    Incidence, absorption, reflection and re-radiation of sunlight; spectral characteristics and material properties for absorption and radiation of sunlight; fundamentals of photovoltaic generation, typical materials used in solar cells; design, operation and maintenance of photovoltaic systems; design of solar cells, current conversion and conditioning, storage and distribution of electricity in solar systems; concentrating solar systems; design and operation of solar hot water and space heating systems, including energy storage devices for these systems.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 2 (biweekly)
    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 3260U  
  • ENGR 3750U – Integrated Engineering Laboratory

    A project based approach to hands-on experiences that cover multidisciplinary topics in Nuclear and Energy Systems Engineering. Course material integrates knowledge in chemistry, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, materials, and structural analysis. Topics include: Advanced design, drawings, systems interfaces, numerical coding, fortran coding, integral control, overpressure protection, pressure waves, water hammer, plant ageing phenomena, component performance. Practical applications will be obtained through both experimental and numerical/simulation laboratories.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 1
    Laboratory hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 2140U ; ENGR 2860U or NUCL 2860U ; ENGR 2220U or MANE 2220U  or NUCL 2220U  
  • ENGR 3830U – Wind Energy Systems

    Availability and characteristics of wind energy; location of individual generators and wind farms; wind turbine designs for maximum range of wind speeds and electrical outputs; design of associated mechanical and electrical systems; characteristics of energy storage devices for wind energy systems; operation and maintenance of wind generators; design aspects to minimize environmental impact, construction and operating costs; wind turbine and system designs to meet the needs of the bulk electric system.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Tutorial hours: 1
    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 2010U  
  • ENGR 3840U – Fuel Cell Design

    Principles and current state of fuel cell technologies; fuel cell thermodynamics; transport processes; electrochemistry; reliability and efficiency; fuel cell systems and areas of applications; design of various fuel cell types, including Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cells, Alkaline Fuel Cells, Proton Exchange Membrane, Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells, Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, Direct Methanol Fuel Cells.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 2 (biweekly)
    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 2010U  
  • ENGR 3860U – Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Technology

    This course is designed to provide the radiation science student with a working background in nuclear reactor technology, so that they may be prepared to work in and around nuclear fission (or fusion) reactors. The emphasis of the course is on health physics and radiation protection aspects of the nuclear fuel cycle. Elementary reactor operation will be covered in sufficient detail to allow the student to have a working knowledge of where radiation hazards are produced, and what controls can be used to minimize the hazards. Nuclear reactor safety and control systems will be covered, and the inherent safety of the CANDU design will be described and compared with other common light water reactor designs such as PWR, BWR, RBMK etc.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Tutorial hours: 1 (biweekly)
    Prerequisite(s): PHY 1020U  
    Credit restriction(s): ENGR 4460U  , ENGR 4640U or NUCL 4640U  
  • ENGR 4075U – Special Topics in Automotive Engineering

    Contemporary topics at the advanced undergraduate level. Faculty presents advanced elective topics not included in the established curriculum.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): Permission of the instructor
  • ENGR 4080U – Automotive Systems Design I

    This course constitutes the first part of a two term design endeavour which will culminate in ENGR 4081U – Automotive Systems Design II . It covers design considerations for automotive systems. Students will learn the automotive product development process. The increasing complexity of automotive systems and the pressure to deliver these systems to market faster is driving the need for better engineering design approaches to product development. Students work in small groups and complete a series of assignments building to the development of an automotive system. By the end of this course students will have completed the following parts of the design process to cover the fundamentals of vehicle design: customer requirements; background search; design plan and project management; brainstorming; preliminary concept generation: sketching ideas; engineering specifications (benchmarking); detailed concept generation; functional decomposition; concept development and screening/ selection; preliminary project presentation; preliminary design report; and preliminary vehicle design proof-of-concept demonstration.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of all non-elective courses in third year, i.e. ENGR 3030U or MECE 3030U , ENGR 3190U or MANE 3190U , ENGR 3270U or MECE 3270U , ENGR 3350U  or MECE 3350U , AUTE 3010U  or ENGR 3010U or ENGR 4260U , AUTE 3290U  or ENGR 3000U  or ENGR 3290U, ENGR 3210U or MECE 3210U , ENGR 3220U or MECE 3220U , ENGR 3320U or MECE 3320U , ENGR 3360U  or BUSI 1700U , AUTE 3450U  or ENGR 3450U
  • ENGR 4081U – Automotive Systems Design II

    In this course, students will complete the design and development of the vehicle they started in ENGR 4080U Automotive Systems Design I. By the end of this course students will have completed the following parts of the design process for their vehicles: Design Refinements based on findings from proof-of-concept prototype; detailed design and engineering analysis; test plan; test results and product validation; final project presentation; final project report; and prototype system demonstration.
    Credit hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 3
    Tutorial hours: 1
    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 4080U  
  • ENGR 4220U – Mechanical Systems Design I

    This course constitutes the first part of a two term design endeavour which will culminate in ENGR 4221U – Mechanical Systems Design II . It covers design considerations for systems that predominantly incorporate mechanical components. The engineering design process will be reviewed along with its application to the design of mechanical systems. Students will work in small groups on a project of major breadth that will require them to integrate the knowledge that they have gained throughout their course of study and apply it to the design and development of a complete predominantly mechanical system. By the end of this course students will have completed the following parts of the design process for their projects: customer requirements; background search; design plan and project management; brainstorming; preliminary concept generation: sketching ideas; engineering specifications (benchmarking); detailed concept generation: functional decomposition; concept development and screening/selection; preliminary project presentation; preliminary design report; and proof-of-concept prototype demonstration.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of all non-elective courses in third year, i.e. ENGR 3030U or MECE 3030U , ENGR 3190U or MANE 3190U , ENGR 3270U or MECE 3270U , ENGR 3350U  or MECE 3350U , ENGR 3210U or MECE 3210U , ENGR 3220U or MECE 3220U ENGR 3360U  or BUSI 1700U , ENGR 3390U or MECE 3390U , ENGR 3930U or NUCL 3930U  or MECE 3930U  
  • ENGR 4221U – Mechanical Systems Design II

    In this course, students will complete the design and development of the system that they first started in ENGR 4220U – Mechanical Systems Design I . By the end of this course students will have completed the following parts of the design process for their projects: design refinements based on findings from proof-of-concept prototype; detailed design and engineering analysis; test plan; test results and product validation; final project presentation; final project report; and prototype system demonstration.
    Credit hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 3
    Tutorial hours: 1
    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 4220U  
  • ENGR 4230U – Thermofluids and Energy Systems Design I

    This course constitutes the first part of a two term design endeavour which will culminate in ENGR 4231U – Thermofluids and Energy Systems Design II . It covers the science and morphology of design as applied to thermal, fluids and energy processes and systems. Design criteria include energy efficiency, environmental impact, economics etc. Students work in small groups of three or four on thermofluids and energy systems processes or component projects in which they integrate the principles of fluid mechanics, thermodynamics and heat transfer into designs. The project topics are in thermofluids and energy systems area such as heat exchangers, cooling towers, combustion systems, power plant systems, air conditioning systems, heat pumps, pipe networks, design and selection of pumps, blowers, compressors etc. By the end of this course the students will have completed the following parts of their project: customer requirements; background search; design and analysis plan; brainstorming; preliminary project presentation; preliminary design report.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of all non-elective courses in third year, i.e. ENGR 3030U or MECE 3030U , ENGR 3190U or MANE 3190U , ENGR 3260U  or MECE 3260U , ENGR 3350U  or MECE 3350U , ENGR 3320U or MECE 3320U , ENGR 3360U  or BUSI 1700U , ENGR 3450U or AUTE 3450U , ENGR 3930U or MECE 3930U  or NUCL 3930U , ENGR 4240U or MECE 4240U  
  • ENGR 4231U – Thermofluids and Energy Systems Design II

    In this course, students will complete the analysis, design and development of the thermofluids and energy systems process or component they first started in ENGR 4230U – Thermofluids and Energy Systems Design I . Students will work to complete design report for the process or component and depending on the scope of the project and financial support, they will work to develop a model of this in the laboratory. By the end of this course the students will have to come up with the design of the process or component; validation; final project presentation; final project report.
    Credit hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 3
    Tutorial hours: 1
    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 4230U  
  • ENGR 4260U – Automotive Engineering

    Technical systems and related engineering aspects of vehicles are covered with a focus on how they pertain to vehicle design, analysis, and performance development. Topics covered include: engine design for robustness, performance and emissions compliance. Layout of the powertrain, engine torque and the influence of traction on driveability are discussed. Mechanics and properties of road-tires of the camber and caster, cornering, steady-state handling as they relate to suspension and steering design, ride comfort, handling and performance objectives are studied. Static and dynamic weight transfer, accelerating and braking, rolling resistance, aerodynamic influence, vehicle road load, and the proving ground testing of vehicles are covered.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Tutorial hours: 1
    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 2020U  or ENGR 2430U or MECE 2430U , ENGR 3350U  or MECE 3350U  
    Credit restriction(s): AUTE 3010U  or ENGR 3010U
  • ENGR 4330U – Mechatronic Systems Design I

    This course constitutes the first part of a two term design endeavour which will culminate in ENGR 4331U – Mechatronic Systems Design II . It covers design considerations for systems that incorporate mechatronic components. The engineering design process will be reviewed along with its application to the design of mechatronic systems. Students will work in small groups on a project of major breadth that will require them to integrate the knowledge that they have gained throughout their course of study and apply it to the design and development of a complete mechatronic system. By the end of this course students will have completed the following parts of the design process for their projects: customer requirements; background search; design plan and project management; brainstorming; preliminary concept generation: sketching ideas; engineering specifications (benchmarking); detailed concept generation: functional decomposition; concept development and screening/selection; preliminary project presentation; preliminary design report; and proof of concept prototype demonstration.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of all non-elective courses in third year, i.e. ENGR 3030U or MECE 3030U , ENGR 3190U or MANE 3190U , ENGR 3270U, ENGR 3350U  or MECE 3350U , ENGR 3320U, ELEE 3330U  or ENGR 3330U, ENGR 3390U or MECE 3390U  
  • ENGR 4331U – Mechatronic Systems Design II

    In this course, students will complete the design and development of the system that they first started in ENGR 4330U – Mechatronic Systems Design I . By the end of this course students will have completed the following parts of the design process for their projects: design refinements based on findings from proof-of-concept prototype; detailed design and engineering analysis; test plan; test results and product validation; final project presentation; final project report; and prototype system demonstration.
    Credit hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 3
    Tutorial hours: 1
    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 4330U  
  • ENGR 4395U – Manufacturing Systems Design I

    This course constitutes the first part of a two term design endeavour which will culminate in ENGR 4396U – Manufacturing Systems Design II . It covers the concepts for product design using the principles of concurrent engineering, design for assembly, environmentally conscious design and public safety issues while also addressing the relevant manufacturing and the competitive aspects of manufacturing the product. The students will work in small groups on a project of sufficient breadth that will require integration of the knowledge acquired throughout their courses in the previous years. By the end of this course students will have completed the following parts of the design process for their projects: customer requirements; background search; design plan and project management; brainstorming; preliminary concept generation: sketching ideas; engineering specifications (benchmarking); detailed concept generation: functional decomposition; concept development and screening/selection; preliminary project presentation; preliminary design report; and proof-of-concept prototype demonstration. The students will complete the design and development of their projects in part II of the course; ENGR 4396U .
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of all non-elective courses in third year, i.e. ENGR 3030U or MECE 3030U , ENGR 3190U or MANE 3190U , ENGR 3270U or MECE 3270U, ENGR 3350U  or MECE 3350U , ENGR 3360U  or BUSI 1700U , ENGR 3300U or MANE 3300U , ENGR 3390U or MECE 3390U , ENGR 3460U or MANE 3460U , ENGR 4045U or MANE 4045U  
  • ENGR 4396U – Manufacturing Systems Design II

    In this course, students will complete the design and development of the system that they first started in ENGR 4395U – Manufacturing Systems Design I . By the end of this course students will have completed the following parts of the design process for their projects: design refinements based on findings from proof-of-concept prototype; detailed design and engineering analysis; test plan; test results and product validation; final project presentation; final project report; and prototype system demonstration.
    Credit hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 3
    Tutorial hours: 1
    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 4395U  
  • ENGR 4410U – Fossil Fuel Energy Conversion

    Electrical systems loads, peaks, reliability. Types of fossil fuelled power plants. Complex Rankine and Brayton cycles. Combined-cycle power plants. Cogeneration and trigeneration. Efficiencies, irreversibilities and losses. Steam supply systems: coal firing systems; steam generator types; steam plant efficiencies; heat transfer and thermal transport in fossil fuel fired steam generators. Steam turbines: impulse and reaction blading; mechanical design of turbine components and operational considerations; efficiencies. Gas turbines: gas path design; heat balance and efficiency determination; performance analysis of actual power plant turbines; design aspects. Fans, centrifugal and axial-flow compressors, and their design. Auxiliary power plant equipment: heat exchangers, fuel preparation, water treatment, cooling equipment.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 2 (biweekly)
    Tutorial hours: 1
    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 3260U  or MECE 3260U  
  • ENGR 4440U – Advanced Power Generation

    Fundamental and applied aspects of nuclear engineering: structure of the nucleus; nuclear stability and radioactive decay; interaction of radiation with matter including radiological health hazards; interaction of neutrons including cross-sections, flux, moderation, fission, neutron diffusion and criticality; engineering of nuclear reactors; reactor start-up, shut down and refuelling; reactor systems including CANDU and U.S. reactors, and gas-cooled and breeder reactors; reactor accidents, fuel cycles and waste disposal. Fusion. Hydroelectric power generation: turbines and other components, water reservoirs, pumped energy storage. Aircraft gas turbine engines, including turbojets and turbofans; intakes, nozzles; aeroderivative gas turbines for terrestrial applications.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 4
    Tutorial hours: 1
    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 4240U or MECE 4240U  
  • ENGR 4460U – Nuclear Power Systems

    Principles of fission; nuclear fuels; thermal and fast reactors; converters and breeders; light water reactors; heavy water reactors, gas cooled reactors; direct and indirect cycle nuclear plants; unit control strategies; nuclear plant safety; fuel cycles; plant decommissioning; waste management; environmental effects; life-cycle costs. Principles of fusion reactors; experimental fusion facilities.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Tutorial hours: 1
    Prerequisite(s): PHY 1020U  
    Credit restriction(s): ENGR 3860U , ENGR 4640U or NUCL 4640U  
  • ENGR 4470U – Hydrogen Power Systems

    Potential benefits of the hydrogen economy; hydrogen production by reforming and by electrolysis; storage methods, including compressed gas, liquid hydrogen, metal hydride, graphite, iron sponge; minimizing combustion and explosion hazards; applications in transportation, small and large scale stationary power applications; integrated energy systems using hydrogen as the key energy carrier.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 3840U  
  • ENGR 4480U – Emerging Energy Systems

    This course will examine recent advances in energy systems, including fossil, nuclear, solar, wind, biomass, municipal waste, geothermal, tidal and wave energy; new energy sources, methods of conversion, transportation, storage and disposal will be examined from a systems point of view, and include environmental, economic and political aspects; feasibility of new technologies and significant advances in existing technologies will be examined.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 3260U  or MECE 3260U  
  • ENGR 4520U – Nuclear Plant Safety Design

    This course describes the regulatory requirements and the principles guiding the protection of workers and the general public from being harmed as a result of nuclear plant operations. Topics include: worker and public safety requirements; codes and standards; sources of radioactive release; defence in depth; principle of control, cool, contain; accident prevention, mitigation and accommodation; separation and independence; redundancy; common mode events; inherent safety features; plant safety systems; safety culture, management of plant safety; design basis accident; accident analysis; quantitative and probabilistic risk assessment; examples of nuclear accidents; online and off-line computer codes for the design and safety analysis of nuclear plants.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Tutorial hours: 1
    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 4640U or NUCL 4640U ENGR 4660U ; ENGR 4700U or NUCL 4700U  
  • ENGR 4530U – Hydroelectric Power Systems

    Principles of hydroelectric energy conversion; design of dams and reservoirs; run-of-river plants; design of hydroelectric turbine-generators; AC and DC generators; mini- and micro-hydro generators; operating and maintenance aspects; special uses as spinning reserves and for frequency control of the bulk electric system; pumped storage; environmental impacts.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 2360U ENGR 3260U  or MECE 3260U  
  • ENGR 4540U – Energy Efficiency, Management and Simulation

    Exergy analysis and other second-law analysis methodologies: theoretical foundations, exergy efficiencies and losses, applications to devices and systems; use in efficiency improvement and design. Energy management: energy control and usage strategies, energy economics, energy audits, energy conservation strategies, design for energy improved management. Simulation and computational methods for energy and thermofluids systems: Conservation and energy equations; finite difference and element methods; one- and two-dimensional steady and unsteady problems; computational fluid dynamics; use of simulation in energy systems design.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Tutorial hours: 1
    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 4240U or MECE 4240U  
  • ENGR 4620U – Radioactive Waste Management Design

    Students will study: nature of radioactive waste; origin of low, intermediate and high activity waste; characteristics, forms and quantity of radioactive waste; production of radioactive waste at each stage of the nuclear cycle: mining, fuel fabrication, reactor operation and maintenance, spent fuel, reactor structural components; medical and industrial waste; handling, transporting, storing and disposing technologies for each type of waste; on-site and off-site storage; spent fuel reprocessing and disposal methods; radioactive waste management plans and practices in various countries; public concerns and perception of radioactive waste management. Two field trips will be arranged.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Tutorial hours: 1
    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 3570U or RADI 3570U ; ENGR 3930U or NUCL 3930U ; ENGR 4610U or NUCL 4610U  
    Credit restriction(s): NUCL 4620U  
  • ENGR 4660U – Risk Analysis Methods

    Students will apply probability theory to discrete and continuous events. Topics include: random variables; decision theory, including Bayes’ Theorem, the likelihood principle, prior posterior and predictive distributions and survival models. Students will also study chemical, physical, biological hazards; recognition, evaluation, prevention and control of hazards; industrial hygiene and occupational health; analysis, assessment, characterization and communication of risks.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Tutorial hours: 1
    Prerequisite(s): STAT 2800U  
  • ENGR 4730U – Reactor Control

    The time and frequency domain performance characterizations of control loops are introduced with consideration of actuator and sensor limitations. Different controller design and tuning methods and instrumentation calibration procedures are discussed. Advanced control technologies, such as distributed control systems are introduced in view of their potential applications in the existing and newly constructed CANDU power plants. Students gain familiarity with the use of indicators and alarms; the role of the operator, man-machine interface design; the use of computers in reactor control; in-core and out-of-core measurement of neutron flux, spatial flux control, start-up instrumentation, failed fuel detection and location; reactivity control methods, mechanisms and algorithms; reactor shutdown methods, mechanisms and systems; loss of reactor control; heat transport system pressure and inventory control.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): MATH 2860U  or ENGR 0103U  
  • ENGR 4760U – Ethics, Law and Professionalism for Engineers

    Legal aspects of engineering practice; business organizations and corporations; intellectual and industrial property; conflict resolution; tort liability and contract law; employment and labour law; public safety and health considerations; occupational health and safety and WHMIS; Canadian and international engineering standards and commercial practices; international trade; environmental laws and regulations; environmental stewardship and sustainable development; corporate social responsibility; equity. Ethics and moral philosophy; applied ethics; ethical aspects of engineering practice; engineering codes of ethics and ethical obligations of engineers; detecting ethical dilemmas and methods for resolving them; research ethics. The engineering profession and its history; engineering associations and societies; engineering licensure; the role and responsibilities of the professional engineer in society; engineers in industry, management and private practice.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
  • ENGR 4940U – Capstone Systems Design for Electrical, Computer and Software Engineering I

    This final year capstone design engineering course culminates a major design experience for ECSE students. It allows students to integrate their engineering knowledge and produce useful engineering artifacts. The course exposes students to successfully implement the engineering design process and appropriate engineering design methods into creatively solving design problems conditioned with realistic constraints while using state-of-the-art engineering tools and incorporating engineering standards with a focus on economic, environmental, sustainability, manufacturability, ethical, health and safety, and socio-political considerations. Yet another objective of the course is to focus on improving the students’ soft skills that include the ability to work in teams, participate in project planning and scheduling, give presentations, and be able to deal with uncertainties in a professional manner. This design-built project based course normally includes studying open-ended engineering design topics. These may consist of real-world design projects proposed and sponsored by industrial partners, or design projects on topics proposed by Faculty Advisors, or topics proposed by a group of enrolled students. In this context, the engineering design process will be reviewed along with its application to the design of the said systems. By the end of this course students will have completed the following parts of the design process for their projects: Customer Requirements; Background Search; Design Plan and Project Management; Brainstorming; Preliminary Concept Generation; Sketching Ideas; Engineering Specifications (Benchmarking); Detailed Concept Generation; Functional Decomposition; Concept Development and Screening/Selection; Group Preliminary Proof of Concept Prototype Demonstrations and Oral Presentations; and Final Engineering Term Report.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 1.5
    Laboratory hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): For Electrical Engineering program students, this course requires successful completion of all program-respective non-elective courses in third year as a prerequisite, i.e.: ELEE 3230U , ELEE 3110U , ELEE 3240U , ELEE 3250U , ELEE 3450U , ELEE 3260U ELEE 3100U , ELEE 3180U , ELEE 3130U , ELEE 3070U , ENGR 3360U ; For Software Engineering program students, this course requires successful completion of all program option-respective non-elective courses in third year as a prerequisite, i.e.: ELEE 3450U , SOFE 3650U SOFE 3770U , SOFE 3200U , SOFE 3700U , ENGR 3360U , SOFE 3490U , SOFE 3720U SOFE 3950U , SOFE 3950U , SOFE 3850U .
  • ENGR 4941U – Capstone Systems Design for Electrical, Computer and Software Engineering II

    This capstone design engineering course constitutes the second part (continuation) of a two-term capstone design endeavour which started in the Fall term through Capstone Systems Design for Electrical, Computer and Software Engineering I course. These two consecutive capstone design courses (Capstone Systems Design for Electrical, Computer and Software Engineering I and Capstone Systems Design for Electrical, Computer and Software Engineering II) represent a critical mandatory component of the CEAB (Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board) accredited engineering degree. They provide a culminating capstone design engineering experience that integrates aspects of many prior engineering courses taken by the enrolled students. This second part of a two-part graduating year capstone design courses is envisioned to represent a culminating major teamwork design experience for engineering students specializing in the areas of electrical and software engineering. It is meant to allow senior-level students to integrate their engineering knowledge and produce useful engineering artifacts. During this winter term, the students will continue to work in the same small groups that were created during the previous fall term. By the end of this course students will have completed the entire design process for their projects including the following tasks: Design Refinements based on findings from Proof-of-Concept Prototype; Detailed Design and Engineering Analysis; Test Plan; Test Results and Product Validation; Final Project Presentation; Final Project Report; and Prototype System Demonstration.
    Credit hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 4940U  
  • ENGR 4950U – Capstone Systems Design for Mechanical, Automotive, Mechatronics and Manufacturing Engineering I

    This capstone design engineering course is envisioned to represent a culminating major teamwork design experience for engineering students specializing in the areas of automotive, mechanical, thermofluids and energy, mechatronics, and manufacturing engineering. It is meant to allow senior-level students to integrate their engineering knowledge and produce useful engineering artifacts. The paramount objective of the course is to expose engineering students to successfully implementing the engineering design process and appropriate engineering design methods into creatively solving design problems conditioned with realistic constraints while using state of the art engineering CAD/CAM/CAE tools and incorporating engineering standards. Another objective of the course is to train design engineering students to focus on a variety of considerations with respect to their designs, such as: economic, environmental, sustainability, manufacturability, ethical, health and safety, social, and political. Yet another objective of the course is to focus on improving the students’ soft skills that include the ability to work in teams, participate in project planning and scheduling, give presentations, and be able to deal with uncertainties in a professional manner. In this context, this capstone design course serves as one of the final preparations for students entering into industry. A wide range of engineering design-related product, process, technology, service or system development topics may be covered in this course. The course covers design considerations for systems that predominantly incorporate automotive, mechanical, thermofluids and energy, mechatronics, and/or manufacturing components and systems. This design-built project based course normally includes studying open-ended engineering design topics of interest to the students. These may consist of real-world design projects proposed and sponsored by industrial partners, or design projects on topics proposed by faculty advisors, or topics proposed by a group of enrolled students. In this context, the engineering design process will be reviewed along with its application to the design of the said systems. Students will work in small groups on a capstone design engineering project of major breadth that will require them to integrate the knowledge that they have gained throughout their program of study and apply it to the design and development of a complete device and/or a complete predominantly automotive, mechanical, thermofluids and energy, mechatronics, and/or manufacturing system. By the end of this course students will have completed the following parts of the design process for their projects: customer requirements; background search; design plan and project management; brainstorming; preliminary concept generation; sketching ideas; engineering specifications (benchmarking); detailed concept generation; functional decomposition; concept development and screening/selection; group preliminary proof of concept prototype demonstrations and oral presentations; and final engineering term report.
    Formerly: Capstone Systems Design for Mechanical, Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering I
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): For Mechanical (comprehensive) Engineering option students this course requires successful completion of all program option-respective non-elective courses in third year as a prerequisite, i.e.: MECE 3030U , MANE 3190U , MECE 3270U , MECE 3350U , MECE 3210U , MECE 3220U , ENGR 3360U  or BUSI 1700U , MECE 3390U , MECE 3930U 

    For Energy Engineering option students this course requires successful completion of all program option-respective non-elective courses in third year as a prerequisite, i.e.: MECE 3030U MANE 3190U , MECE 3260U , MECE 3350U , MECE 3320U , ENGR 3360U  or BUSI 1700U AUTE 3450U , MECE 3930U , MECE 4240U .

    For Mechatronics Engineering option students this course requires successful completion of all program option-respective non-elective courses in year three as a prerequisite, i.e.: MECE 3030U , MANE 3190U , MECE 3270U , MECE 3350U , MECE 3320U ELEE 3330U , MECE 3390U 

    For Mechatronics Engineering program students this course requires successful completion of all program option-respective non-elective courses in year three as a prerequisite, i.e.: MECE 3030U , MANE 3190U , MECE 3270U , MECE 3350U , MECE 3320U ELEE 3330U , MECE 3390U 

    For Automotive Engineering program students this course requires successful completion of all program-respective non-elective courses in year three as a prerequisite, i.e.: MECE 3030U , MANE 3190U , MECE 3270U , MECE 3350U ENGR 4260U , ENGR 3000U , MECE 3210U , MECE 3220U , MECE 3320U , AUTE 3450U 

    For Manufacturing Engineering program students this course requires successful completion of all program- respective non-elective courses in year three as a prerequisite, i.e.: MECE 3030U , MANE 3190U MECE 3270U  , MECE 3350U , MANE 3300U , MECE 3390U , MANE 3460U MANE 4045U  .

  • ENGR 4951U – Capstone Systems Design for Mechanical, Automotive, Mechatronics and Manufacturing Engineering II

    This capstone design engineering course constitutes the second part (continuation) of a two-term capstone design endeavour which started in the fall term through ENGR 4950U–Capstone Systems Design for Mechanical, Automotive, Mechatronics and Manufacturing Engineering I  course. These two consecutive capstone design courses (ENGR 4950U and ENGR 4951U) represent a critical mandatory component of the CEAB (Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board) accredited engineering degree programs offered by UOIT’s Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science. They provide a culminating capstone design engineering experience that integrates aspects of many prior engineering courses taken by the enrolled students. This second part of a two-part graduating year capstone design courses is envisioned to represent a culminating major teamwork design experience for engineering students specializing in the areas of automotive, mechanical, thermofluids and energy, mechatronics, and/or manufacturing engineering. It is meant to allow senior-level students to integrate their engineering knowledge and produce useful engineering artifacts. During this winter term, the students will continue to work in the same small groups that were created during the previous fall term. Students will complete the design and development of the system that they first started in the Capstone Systems Design I course on a project of major breadth that will require them to integrate the knowledge that they have gained throughout their program of study and apply it to the design and development of a complete device and/or a complete predominantly automotive, mechanical, thermofluids and energy, mechatronics, and/or manufacturing system. By the end of this course students will have completed the entire design process for their projects including the following tasks: design refinements based on findings from proof-of-concept prototype; detailed design and engineering analysis; test plan; test results and product validation; final project presentation; final project report; and prototype system demonstration.
    Formerly: Capstone Systems Design for Mechanical, Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering II
    Laboratory hours: 3
    Tutorial hours: 1
    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 4950U  
  • ENGR 4994U – Capstone Design Project I

    The capstone design project provides students with the opportunity, under the supervision of a faculty member, to integrate and synthesize knowledge gained throughout their program of study. Through completion of their design project, students working in a team, will demonstrate an understanding of the design engineering process and the ability to apply it. The project topic will typically be selected to include some aspects of the student specialization. Students will be required to organize and conduct a design project with a significant analytical component and demonstrate understanding of several aspects such as technical, economic, environmental and other societal impacts. Capstone Design Project I, will typically be a group design project, but with each student having clearly defined roles, objectives and outcomes.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 1
    Laboratory hours: 4
    Tutorial hours: 1
    Prerequisite(s): Dean’s or dean’s designate’s permission. Students must have completed all courses up to and including third year and be in clear standing.
  • ENGR 4998U – Capstone Design Project II

    The capstone design project provides students with the opportunity, under the supervision of a faculty member, to integrate and synthesize knowledge gained throughout their program of study, to satisfy specific objectives and requirements. The project topic will be selected to include some aspects of the student specialization. Students will be required to organize and conduct a design project with a significant analytical and/or experimental component, typically including aspects such as technical, economic, environmental and other societal impacts. Capstone Design Project II will typically be an individual design project progressing an aspect of the work done in ENGR 4994U  unless specifically approved by the supervising faculty member. With approval of the supervising faculty member, a clearly delineated individual contribution to a group design project is acceptable. The requirements include a written project report and an individual presentation of the project outcomes.
    Credit hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 6
    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 4994U  and dean or dean designate permission
  • ENGR 4999U – Design Thesis

    An engineering thesis project relating to design, on a topic relevant to the student program, will be carried out under the supervision of a faculty advisor. The course stresses independent work skills and the synthesis of knowledge acquired from previously studied courses. A wide range of design-related topics may be covered, including research and development, testing and/or evaluation of a system, process or device. Each student will prepare a formal technical report and will make an oral presentation. A special requirement for students in engineering and management programs is that, because of the dual orientation of such programs, the thesis topic be selected so as to allow the student to investigate, integrate and apply engineering and management principles, objectives and practices as a component of the design thesis.
    Credit hours: 3
    Tutorial hours: 6
    Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of all third year non-elective courses; ENGR 3395U or ENGR 4220U  or ENGR 4330U  or ENGR 4230U  or ENGR 4080U  or ENGR 4920U  or ENGR 4900U  

Environmental Science

  • ENVS 1000U – Environmental Science

    This course will introduce the conceptual, interdisciplinary framework of environmental science by examining its physical, biological, economic and social components. Topics will include environmental problems and scientific principles; ecological principles (ecosystems, nutrient cycles, geographic ecology, climate and biodiversity); resources and sustainability (food, water, energy and minerals); climate change; pollution (indoor and outdoor air, water, effects on health and ecosystems); energy (renewable, non-renewable, management); agriculture and food production (pesticides and pest control, energy and chemical inputs, land, soil water resources, population and economic issues); waste management and remediation and prevention of environmental degradation. Canadian examples will be used wherever possible but the underlying theme will include a more global approach.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Note(s): This course may be offered in a hybrid format with 1.5 hours of lectures and 1.5 hours of online lectures and self-learning material.
  • ENVS 2010U – Introductory Environment Science

    This course will introduce the scientific framework associated with the Earth’s environment system. Topics include Earth’s energy budget, structure and circulation of the atmosphere and oceans, hydrologic cycle, mass budget, cloud formation, precipitation, and surface runoff. Particular attention will be focused on the science of important environmental issues including climate change, ozone layer depletion, pollutant transport, impact of mercury, PCB and other contaminates, and land-use influence on precipitation run-off and flooding. Whenever possible, case studies of actual environmental problems will be used to highlight the importance of the scientific issues.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): CHEM 1020U  or CHEM 1800U , PHY 1020U  or PHY 1040U , MATH 1020U  
  • ENVS 3020U – Introductory Energy Science

    Energy systems, resources and use; energy classifications and terminology; energy sources and currencies; energy supply and demand; energy conversion and utilization technologies; energy storage and distribution; energy use in countries and sectors of economies; energy intensity; global energy flows and utilization patterns; principal fuels; fuel science and technology: origins of fuels, classifications and physical and chemical properties of fuels, fuel handling and fire hazards, non-conventional fuels; sustainability, sustainable development and energy; clean energy systems. Environmental impact of energy systems such as power generation, industrial processes and transportation; air, soil and water pollution and their effects on the environment; generation mechanisms of chemical pollutants, photochemical pollutants and smog; Introduction to renewable energy resources (solar, wind, geothermal, biomass), photovoltaics, microturbines. Introduction to energy storage systems. Introduction to hydrogen and fuel cells. Introduction to life cycle assessment, industrial ecology, and key environmental tools. Application of energy and exergy analysis to energy systems.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): ENVS 1000U  and one of CHEM 2040U , PHY 2050U , ENGR 2010U , ENGR 2320U, ENGR 2640U, MECE 2320U  or MECE 2640U  
    Credit restriction(s): ENGR 3260U or MECE 3260U 
  • ENVS 3110U – Economics and Politics of the Environment

    This course provides an overview of the social aspects of energy and the environment, with particular focus on economic, political, and management dimensions. The course will emphasize practical applications of theory to contemporary issues. Examples and discussion in the course will focus on matters of energy and the environment.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Tutorial hours: 1 (biweekly)
    Prerequisite(s): ENVS 2010U  or ENVS 1000U  

Forensic Science

  • FSCI 1010U – Introductory Forensic Science

    This course introduces forensic science to students with no prior knowledge of the subject. The course is co-ordinated by the professor but taught predominantly by guest speakers from the police and forensic community. A range of topics are covered and provide an overview of the many disciplines involved in forensic science. Having completed the course, the student will be aware of the multidisciplinary nature of forensic science, how a case is studied, the use of scientific techniques in case investigations and the presentation of evidence in court. The student will be encouraged to develop a critical approach to assessing evidence.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
  • FSCI 2010U – Crime Scene Science

    This course introduces students to all the processes that occur at a crime scene. Students will be taught crime scene procedures, from record keeping at the scene through to the preservation and collection of evidence. This will include techniques for the recovery of fingerprints, footwear impressions, tool marks and the collection and correct packaging of items such as hairs, fibres, glass and biological fluids. In addition to theoretical knowledge, students will experience the practicalities of searching for and recovering evidence from crime scenes. A special concentration will examine the theory and techniques of forensic photography, specifically focusing on Digital Single Lens Reflex cameras. Students will gain an in-depth understanding of photography concepts and equipment as it relates to crime scenes and evidence documentation.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): FSCI 1010U  and enrolment in second year of the Forensic Science program
    Note(s): This course may be offered in a hybrid format with 1.5 hours of lectures and 1.5 hours online lectures and self-learning material.
  • FSCI 2020U – Essentials of Crime Scene Science

    This course is a survey study of the processes that occur at a crime scene, directed toward non-forensic science students. Students will be taught crime scene procedures, from record keeping at the scene through to the preservation and collection of evidence. This will include techniques for the recovery of fingerprints, footwear impressions, tool marks and the collection and correct packaging of items such as hairs, fibres, glass and biological fluids. This course emphasizes self-directed learning and is offered in hybrid format, involving both in-class and online lectures. Tutorials will be offered online.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 1.5
    Tutorial hours: 1.5
    Online hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): FSCI 1010U  
    Note(s): This course is not available to students enrolled in the Forensic Science, Physics specialization in Forensic Physics, or Computing Science specialization in Digital Forensics programs.

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