Sep 27, 2024  
2016-2017 Undergraduate Academic Calendar 
2016-2017 Undergraduate Academic Calendar [ARCHIVED CALENDAR]

Course descriptions

Not all courses are offered in any one term or academic year. 

Note: If searching by Code or Number be sure to include the U at the end of the number.


Computer Science

  • CSCI 2050U – Computer Architecture I

    This course introduces the basic ideas of computer organization and underlying digital logic that implements a computer system. Starting from representation of information, the course looks at logic elements used for storing and processing information. The course also discusses how the information storage and processing elements are linked together to function as a computer system. Students become familiar with the basic hardware components of a system and how they are connected, and see how secondary storage, registers and control units must co-ordinate to provide an effective environment for application programming. The components of a multi-level memory, and how it interfaces with the I/O and central processor, are examined.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): CSCI 1020U or CSCI 1030U  
  • CSCI 2072U – Computational Science I

    This course provides an overview of and practical experience using algorithms for solving numerical problems arising in applied sciences. Topics include: computer arithmetic, solution of nonlinear equations in a single variable, interpolation and data-fitting, numerical differentiation and integration, solution of differential equations, and elements of numerical linear algebra. Students will use computer software such as Maple or Matlab in the solution of numerical problems. 
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Tutorial hours: 1
    Prerequisite(s): CSCI 2000U  
    Corequisite(s): MATH 2050U  
    Credit restriction(s): MATH 2070U , MATH 2072U  
  • CSCI 2110U – Discrete Structures in Computer Science

    This is an elementary introduction to discrete mathematics. Topics covered include first-order logic, set theory, number theory, fundamental techniques of mathematical proof, relations, functions, induction and recursion, combinatorics, discrete probability, finite-state machines, and graph theory.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Tutorial hours: 1
    Prerequisite(s): MATH 1020U  
    Corequisite(s): MATH 1850U  or MATH 2050U  
    Credit restriction(s): CSCI 1010U, ELEE 2110U , MATH 2080U  
    Cross-listed: MATH 2080U  
  • CSCI 2160U – Digital Media

    This course is an introduction to the representation and processing of media in a digital form. The media covered includes sound, image, video, text, and graphics. Topics covered in this course include sampling, storage and file structures, reproduction, and the processing of different forms of media. Standard software packages for the handling of digital media are also covered.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): CSCI 1030U  or CSCI 1040U  
  • CSCI 2200U – Narrative Structure in the Digital Age

    This is an introduction to narrative and how it is used in digital media. The course covers traditional narrative theory and then expands this theory to cover interactive media. Students will apply these concepts to the design of multimedia and games.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Tutorial hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): CSCI 1200U  
  • CSCI 3010U – Simulation and Modelling

    This course provides a basic introduction to simulation and modelling. The goal is to provide the student with an appreciation of the role of simulation in various scientific, engineering, and business fields, and to provide some experience in writing simulation programs. This course exposes students to a class of applications which require and demand massive data storage and computational power to make large scale simulations possible. They gain an understanding of the need for parallel and vector processors to solve these problems.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): CSCI 1020U or CSCI 1030U , CSCI 2072U  or MATH 2072U , STAT 2010U  
  • CSCI 3020U – Operating Systems

    This course will cover a variety of topics related to computer operating systems, with emphasis on components that are unique to the role of an operating system as the interface layer between the computer hardware and the application software. The course will discuss techniques for sharing the processor, memory, secondary storage and networking between programs. The basics of networking will also be introduced, particularly involving higher protocol levels. Students will learn about the limitations of single processor architecture. This course also familiarizes students with the protocols and network communication techniques that are used to make the overall system reliable and robust.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 3 (biweekly)
    Prerequisite(s): CSCI 2010U , CSCI 2050U  
    Credit restriction(s): SOFE 3950U  
  • CSCI 3030U – Database Systems and Concepts

    The aim of the course is to provide students with an overview of database management system architectures and environments, an understanding of basic database design and implementation techniques, and practical experience of designing and building a relational database.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): CSCI 2010U , CSCI 2020U  
    Credit restriction(s): SOFE 3700U   
  • CSCI 3050U – Computer Architecture II

    Advanced architecture concepts, such as multi-level memory, caching and vector processors, are introduced in this course so that students are able to appreciate the difficult and complex task involved in the compilation of a high level language. Students become familiar with differing hardware designs and the need for an architecture independent compiler writing technique. They gain an understanding of the need for such language and machine independent techniques. The tools and formalism introduced for compiler construction, while new, are closely related to the formal notation and proof techniques introduced in earlier courses.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): CSCI 2050U  
  • CSCI 3055U – Programming Languages

    This course is a survey of different types of programming languages and an introduction to the formal study of programming languages. This course provides the student with a deeper understanding of programming languages and the basis for choosing the right language for the job. Topics covered include procedural programming languages, functional programming languages, logic based languages, scripting languages, programming language semantics and the implementation of programming languages.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): CSCI 1060U  or CSCI 2030U and CSCI 2110U  
  • CSCI 3060U – Software Quality Assurance

    Building on previous software design courses, this course concentrates on the rigorous development of high quality software systems. Topics covered in this course include software process, software verification and validation (testing, inspection), software metrics, and software maintenance. A major team project is an important feature of this course.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): CSCI 2020U , CSCI 2040U  or CSCI 3040U
    Credit restriction(s): SOFE 3980U  
    Note(s): This course is offered in a hybrid format, involving live and online lectures, as well as self-learning material.
  • CSCI 3070U – Analysis and Design of Algorithms

    This course exposes students to the fundamental techniques for designing efficient computer algorithms, proving their correctness, and analyzing their complexity. It provides students with the expertise to analyze the cost of solving a specific problem with a given algorithm. Classical algorithms are analyzed in detail and their relative performance (depending on the size of the problem) predicted. Generic efficient techniques such as recursion divide and conquer, greedy strategies and branch and bound are studied and their relative costs identified. Such a toolbox of effective techniques is necessary for the design and analysis of realistic algorithms to solve important problems in all application areas.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Tutorial hours: 2
    Prerequisite(s): CSCI 2010U , CSCI 2110U  
    Credit restriction(s): SOFE 3770U  
  • CSCI 3090U – Computer Graphics and Visualization

    This course provides an introduction to computer graphics and visualization. Basic properties of display devices, graphics objects, and common graphics operations will be identified. The use of colour, texture, lighting, and perspective will be surveyed. Development using graphics packages, including GPU programming, will be introduced. The background for the development and use of visualization techniques is also covered.
    Formerly: Scientific Visualization and Computer Graphics
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): CSCI 2010U , MATH 2050U  
    Credit restriction(s): ENGR 4860U, SOFE 4860U 
  • CSCI 3150U – Computer Networks

    Network history and architectures; reference Model for Open Systems Interconnection (OSI): descriptions, examples, and applications; bridges, routers, gateways; routing, multicast deliver; TCP/IP protocol suite; transmission media (wired and wireless), network topologies (ring, bus, tree, star, mesh); local area networks, Ethernet, Token passing, wireless AN, personal LAN, WAN; communication network management; ATM and BISDN, the Internet: from services to security.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 3 (biweekly)
    Tutorial hours: 2
    Prerequisite(s): CSCI 2050U  
    Credit restriction(s): SOFE 3850U  (formerly ENGR 4650U)
  • CSCI 3210U – Internet Based Media

    This course is an introduction to the design and production of media to be delivered over the Internet. Topics to be covered in this course include web page design, active content, web-based applications, streaming media and mobile devices. Students will gain practical experience through the development of one or more Internet-based applications.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): CSCI 1200U , CSCI 2160U  
  • CSCI 3220U – Digital Media Production

    This course examines the processes and techniques that are used in the production of various forms of digital media. Topics covered include budgeting, production planning, pre- and post-production, media collection and computer-based tools used in media capture and editing. Students in this course will be required to complete one or more media projects.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): CSCI 2160U , CSCI 2200U  
  • CSCI 3230U – Web Application Development

    This course serves as an applied introduction to designing and developing web applications. Topics to be covered in this course include web architectures, client-side design and interactivity, server-side web page generation, accessing and updating database data, using web services/APIs, XML, and web security. Students will gain practical experience through the development of one or more web applications.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): CSCI 1030U  or CSCI 1040U  and students must have completed 53 credits in their program
  • CSCI 4020U – Compilers

    This course provides a detailed study of the compilation process for a procedural language. Students will develop an understanding of compiler design and put these principles into practice through the construction of a fully functioning compiler for a small procedural language using widely available tools for compiler construction and a general-purpose programming language.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): CSCI 3020U  
    Credit restriction(s): SOFE 3960U  
  • CSCI 4030U – Big Data Analytics

    This course covers advanced topics in data process and analytics with special emphasis on Big Data. Topics of the course will include, but are not limited to, indexing structures for fast information retrieval, query processing algorithms, distributed storage and processing, scalable machine learning and statistical techniques, and trends of modern very large scale data systems. Students will gain understanding on the theoretical foundation and practical design principles of modern Big Data processing systems.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): STAT 2010U , CSCI 3030U  
  • CSCI 4040U – Ethics, Law and the Social Impacts of Computing

    This course is an examination of the impact that computing has on society and the impact that society has on computing. The development of laws and social mechanisms has not kept pace with the rapid development and deployment of computing and computing devices in our society. The ethics to deal with this situation exist but are not widely studied by students of computing. Current issues, developments and trends in computing ethics and law will be examined. The impact that computing has on society will be examined in light of the need for professional ethics and appropriate laws and regulatory agencies.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): Must have completed at least two years of a Computing Science program
    Note(s):  This course may be offered in a hybrid format with 1.5 hours of lectures and 1.5 hours online lectures and learning materials.
  • CSCI 4060U – Multicore and Many-core Programming

    An advanced undergraduate course on concurrent programming for multicore and many-core systems. Programming approaches for systems with multiple central processing units (CPUs) will include programming with preprocessor directives (e.g., OpenMP), threads and actors. Programming approaches for systems with many graphical processing units (GPUs) will include programming with task and data parallelism (e.g., OpenCL, CUDA). In addition to concurrent programming, this course will also introduce students to multicore and many-core debugging strategies.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): CSCI 3070U  
  • CSCI 4100U – Mobile Devices

    This course is an introduction to developing applications for mobile devices including cell phones, PDAs, and mobile games. It covers the hardware architecture of mobile devices, wireless networks, communications protocols, software architecture, and application design and development.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): CSCI 2020U  
    Note(s): This course is offered in a hybrid format, involving live and online lectures, as well as self-learning material.
  • CSCI 4110U – Advanced Computer Graphics

    This is a second course in computer graphics that treats the concepts introduced in CSCI 3090U  in more depth and introduces several advanced topics. The topics covered include graphics hardware, modelling techniques, local illumination techniques, global illumination techniques, Monte Carlo techniques, procedural textures, kinematics and dynamics for animation, procedural animation and graphical interaction. Modern software packages for computer graphics are an important part of the laboratory component. Students in the course will produce an animation or an interactive graphics application.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): CSCI 3090U  
  • CSCI 4120U – Digital Evidence

    This is an introductory course in digital forensics, the gathering of evidence from computers that have been involved in a crime. This course covers the use of computers in the commission of crimes, basic evidence gathering techniques, examination of main memory and file systems, network analysis and mobile devices.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): CSCI 3020U , CSCI 3150U  
  • CSCI 4130U – Forensic Informatics

    This course examines the use of digital information in the examination and analysis of crime scene information and evidence. It covers image and sound analysis and enhancement, pattern recognition techniques, databases, and computer models of criminal activities.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): CSCI 3030U  
  • CSCI 4160U – Interactive Media

    This course is an introduction to interactive media including computer games, interactive stories, and educational software.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): CSCI 2160U , CSCI 3090U  
  • CSCI 4210U – Information Visualization

    This course introduces the emerging fields of information visualization and visual analytics through the principles of data representation, presentation, and interaction. The course will survey best practices for visualization design, data selection and cleaning, common visualization techniques, layout algorithms, animation, uncertainty, visual emphasis, aesthetics, visualization toolkits, and the role of interaction in the analytics process. The importance of visualization in managing, analyzing, and communicating about big data in science, medicine, business, and the humanities will be reviewed. Students will gain practical experience through the development of one or more information visualization applications for real-world data.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): CSCI 3030U  
  • CSCI 4220U – Computer Vision

    This course introduces students to computer vision – the science and technology to make computers “see”. The goal of computer vision is to develop computational machinery to extract useful information from images and videos. The course will study various steps of the overall image analysis pipeline. Topics covered will include: image formation, image representation, segmentation, feature extraction, motion analysis, object detection, camera calibration, and 3D reconstruction. A secondary focus of this course will be to focus applications computer vision, including mobile vision, which rely heavily upon the fundamental theory and techniques covered in this course. 
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): CSCI 2010U , CSCI 2072U  or MATH 2072U  
    Corequisite(s): CSCI 3090U  
  • CSCI 4410U – Computer Science Thesis Project I

    The thesis project provides students with the opportunity, under the supervision of a faculty member, to integrate and synthesize knowledge gained throughout their program of study and to satisfy specific objectives and requirements. The project may comprise an individual or group design project or an individual research project that has been approved by the supervising faculty member. Once all work has been completed, each student must submit a thesis and make a presentation based on their project in the following semester.
    Formerly: Computing Science Thesis Project I
    Credit hours: 3
    Other hours: 9
    Prerequisite(s): Clear standing in fourth year of the Computer Science program. Student must also obtain prior consent of a faculty member.
    Note(s): Students are expected to take CSCI 4420U in the following semester.
  • CSCI 4420U – Computer Science Thesis Project II

    A continuation of the project started in CSCI 4410U . Students will make presentations and submit a written thesis based on their project.
    Formerly: Computing Science Thesis Project II
    Credit hours: 3
    Other hours: 9
    Prerequisite(s): CSCI 4410U  
    Note(s): Students are expected to take this course immediately following CSCI 4410U .
  • CSCI 4430U – Directed Studies in Computer Science

    This course requires independent research of a current topic in a specialized area of computing science. The topic will be selected from recent research literature and involve a review and critical appraisal of underlying theory and practice. The course comprises independent research, participation in weekly meetings, and written and oral presentations.
    Formerly: Directed Studies in Computing Science
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 1
    Prerequisite(s): Students must have completed 90 credits in their Computer Science program and must be in clear standing. Students must also obtain prior consent of a faculty member.
  • CSCI 4610U – Artificial Intelligence

    This course introduces students to the fundamental concepts and techniques of artificial intelligence. Topics include: fundamental definitions and philosophical questions; search and constraint satisfaction; knowledge representation and reasoning; advanced search techniques; agents; machine learning and neural networks; AI planning systems.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Tutorial hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): STAT 2010U , CSCI 3070U  
  • CSCI 4620U – Human-Computer Interaction

    This course provides an introduction to human-computer interaction (HCI), with emphasis placed on understanding human behaviour with interactive objects, general knowledge of HCI design issues, and a human-centered approach to software design. The course will stress the design of usable interfaces, including the consideration of cognitive factors and social contexts within which computer systems are used. Students will receive an introduction to HCI while applying this theory to a design project.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): CSCI 2040U  or CSCI 3040U
    Credit restriction(s): ENGR 4850U, SOFE 4850U 
  • CSCI 4630U – High Performance Computing

    This course allows the student to explore issues in high performance computing, specifically in the areas of parallel software design and programming. The major paradigms of parallel architectures and parallel complexity will be covered. Topics covered include: current trends in high performance computing (grid computing, etc.), parallel programming models, parallel programming with MPI, designing parallel systems, efficiency and debugging, performance analysis and profiling, parallel complexity theory, applications in scientific computing.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): CSCI 3010U , CSCI 3020U , CSCI 3050U  
  • CSCI 4640U – Distributed Computing

    This course exposes the student to the major paradigms of distributed computing, from sockets to client/server to web services and grid computing. Topics covered include: distributed computing paradigms and models; distributed databases and storage issues; security (including encryption, certificates, attacks, authentication, authorization, digital signatures, firewalls, access control lists, capability access); Internet issues: name services, DNS, web services, grid computing; Globus; OGSA; project management in distributed computing, testing and performance; and design issues including in-depth coverage of techniques such as sockets, threads, Java RMI, Corba, Tomcat, servelets, and Globus.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 3 (biweekly)
    Prerequisite(s): CSCI 3020U , CSCI 3030U , CSCI 3070U  
    Credit restriction(s): SOFE 4790U  
  • CSCI 4650U – Elements of Theory of Computation

    Provides and develops an understanding of which problems are inherently computable and which problems are tractable or feasible. Topics include: Church’s thesis, recursively enumerable sets, Godel’s incompleteness theorem and the relationships of these results to complexity results involving Turing machine models and P vs. NP hardness.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): CSCI 3070U  

Curriculum Studies

  • CURS 4100U – Curriculum Studies I: I/S Biology

    This course will explore the fundamentals of learning and teaching science and biology in grades 7-10.  The course will draw on research in science and biology teaching, learning, and assessment, and will show how such findings may be used in the classroom. Students will explore, analyse and develop educational tools with special attention toward using educational technologies to promote scientific inquiry and conceptual understanding.  Students will develop knowledge of relevant Ontario Ministry of Education guidelines, policies and documents for creating safe and positive learning environments, with an emphasis on equity, diversity, collaboration, and community. Topics will include pedagogies for the development of conceptual understanding and scientific investigation in biology, inquiry and communication in biology, and critical approaches relating biology to society and the environment.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 4
    Note(s): Restricted to I/S Consecutive BEd students or I/S Concurrent BSc (Hons)/BEd students in Year 5.
  • CURS 4101U – Curriculum Studies II: I/S Biology

    This course will expand upon the foundation provided in the CURS 4100U – Curriculum Studies I: I/S Biology  course by continuing the examination of teaching methods and materials that are appropriate for the teaching of biology topics in Grades 11 and 12. Students will develop units of instruction and laboratory activities as well as learn a variety of assessment techniques for evaluating student progress.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 4
    Prerequisite(s): CURS 4100U  
    Note(s): Restricted to I/S Consecutive BEd students or I/S Concurrent BSc (Hons)/BEd students in Year 5.
  • CURS 4110U – Curriculum Studies I: I/S English

    This course introduces teacher candidates to the theory and practice of teaching English/Language Arts (ELA) in the Intermediate/Senior divisions, with a focus on teaching reading, writing, speaking, listening, viewing and representing in the digital age. The curriculum content includes a review of related curriculum documents and supporting resources, as well as a review of current subject-related theory, teaching strategies and classroom practices. The course uses a critical digital literacies approach and consists of a detailed study of English/Language Arts curriculum guidelines and requirements (7-12), adolescent development related to the development of digital literacies, development of programs for student diversity, print and non-print material related to traditional and digital literacies (7-12), a review of the role of digital technologies and media in the English/Language Arts classroom, and a review of a range of teaching strategies and assessment tools related to the English/Language Arts classroom (7-12).
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 4
    Note(s): Restricted to I/S Consecutive BEd students.
  • CURS 4111U – Curriculum Studies II: I/S English

    This course continues to introduce teacher candidates to the theory and practice of teaching English/Language Arts (ELA) in the Intermediate/Senior divisions, with a focus on teaching reading, writing, speaking, listening, viewing and representing in the digital age. The curriculum content includes a review of related curriculum documents and supporting resources, as well as a review of current subject-related theory, teaching strategies, and classroom practices. The course continues to use the critical digital literacies approach from semester one.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 4
    Prerequisite(s): CURS 4110U  
    Note(s): Restricted to I/S Consecutive BEd students.
  • CURS 4120U – Curriculum Studies I: I/S Chemistry

    This course will explore the fundamentals of learning and teaching science and chemistry in grades 7-10. The course will draw on research in science and chemistry teaching, learning, and assessment, and will show how such findings may be used in the classroom. Students will explore, analyse and develop educational tools with special attention toward using educational technologies to promote scientific inquiry and conceptual understanding.  Students will develop knowledge of relevant Ontario Ministry of Education guidelines, policies and documents for creating safe and positive learning environments, with an emphasis on equity, diversity, collaboration, and community. Topics will include pedagogies for the development of conceptual understanding in chemistry, inquiry and communication in chemistry, chemical problem solving, and critical approaches in relating chemistry to society and the environment.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 4
    Note(s): Restricted to I/S Consecutive BEd students or I/S Concurrent BSc (Hons)/BEd students in Year 5.
  • CURS 4121U – Curriculum Studies II: I/S Chemistry

    This course will expand upon the foundation provided in the CURS 4120U – Curriculum Studies I: I/S Chemistry  course by extending the examination of teaching methods and materials that are appropriate for the teaching of chemistry in Grades 11 and 12. Students will explore the development of lessons and units of instruction for particular topics in the Ontario chemistry curriculum and will learn a variety of assessment techniques for use in evaluating student progress and for curriculum development. Lab safety, lab-based teaching and the use of technology in teaching lab skills will be foci of the course.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 4
    Prerequisite(s): CURS 4120U  
    Note(s): Restricted to I/S Consecutive BEd students or I/S Concurrent BSc (Hons)/BEd students in Year 5.
  • CURS 4130U – Curriculum Studies I: I/S Physics

    This course will explore the fundamentals of learning and teaching science and physics in grades 7-10. The course will draw on research in science and physics teaching, learning, and assessment, and will show how such findings may be used in the classroom. Students will explore, analyse and develop educational tools with special attention toward using educational technologies to promote scientific inquiry and conceptual understanding.  Students will develop knowledge of relevant Ontario Ministry of Education guidelines, policies and documents for creating safe and positive learning environments, with an emphasis on equity, diversity, collaboration, and community. Topics will include pedagogies for the development of conceptual understanding in physics, inquiry, problem solving and communication in physics, and critical approaches in relating physics to society and the environment.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 4
    Note(s): Restricted to I/S Consecutive BEd students or I/S Concurrent BSc (Hons)/BEd students in Year 5.
  • CURS 4131U – Curriculum Studies II: I/S Physics

    This course will expand upon the foundation provided in the CURS 4130U – Curriculum Studies I: I/S Physics  course by extending the examination of teaching methods and materials that are appropriate for the teaching of physics in Grades 11 and 12. Students will explore the development of lessons and units of instruction for particular topics in the Ontario physics curriculum and will learn a variety of assessment techniques for use in evaluating student progress and for curriculum development. Lab safety, lab-based teaching and the use of technology in teaching lab skills will be foci of the course.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 4
    Prerequisite(s): CURS 4130U  
    Note(s): Restricted to I/S Consecutive BEd students or I/S Concurrent BSc (Hons)/BEd students in Year 5.
  • CURS 4140U – Curriculum Studies I: I/S Mathematics

    This course will explore the fundamentals of learning and teaching mathematics, primarily focusing on intermediate grades. The course will draw on research in mathematics teaching, learning, and assessment, and will show how such findings may be used in the classroom. Students will explore, analyse and develop educational tools and special attention toward using educational technologies to promote mathematical inquiry guidelines, policies and documents for creating safe and positive learning environments, with an emphasis on equity, diversity, collaboration, and community. Topics will include pedagogies for fostering authentic learning of abstract and contextualized mathematics.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 4
    Note(s): Restricted to I/S Consecutive BEd students or I/S Concurrent BSc (Hons)/BEd students in Year 5.
  • CURS 4141U – Curriculum Studies II: I/S Mathematics

    This course will expand upon the foundation provided in CURS 4140U  by extending the examination of the learning and teaching process as it applies to mathematics, primarily focusing on the senior grades.  Students will enhance their understanding of the major themes from IS Mathematics I as they relate to developing and sustaining technology-enhanced rich learning environments.  Topics include the content in mathematics courses taught in these divisions, relevant Ontario Ministry of Education documents, research-informed praxis, and socio-mathematical issues.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 4
    Prerequisite(s): CURS 4140U  
    Note(s): Restricted to I/S Consecutive BEd students or I/S Concurrent BSc (Hons)/BEd students in Year 5.
  • CURS 4180U – Curriculum Studies I: I/S General Science

    This course will explore the fundamentals of learning and teaching general science in grades 7-10. The course will draw on research in science teaching, learning, and assessment, and will show how such findings may be used in the classroom. Students will explore, analyse and develop educational tools with special attention toward using educational technologies to promote scientific inquiry and conceptual understanding.  Students will develop knowledge of relevant Ontario Ministry of Education guidelines, policies and documents for creating safe and positive learning environments, with an emphasis on equity, diversity, collaboration, and community. Topics will include pedagogies for the development of conceptual understanding and scientific investigation in general science, inquiry and communication in general science, and critical approaches relating science to society and the environment.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 4
    Note(s): Restricted to I/S Consecutive BEd students or I/S Concurrent BSc (Hons)/BEd students in Year 5.
  • CURS 4181U – Curriculum Studies II: I/S General Science

    This course is intended to continue to provide teacher candidates with experience in becoming teachers of science and technology in the Intermediate (Grades 7, 8, 9 and 10) and Senior (Grades 11 and 12) divisions in Ontario schools. In this course, teacher candidates will continue to examine the curriculum and teaching methods in General Science. The emphasis in the course will be on determining the contexts in which learning will occur and then developing expertise in devising appropriate environments to support student learning. The Ontario Curriculum documents for the Intermediate and Senior divisions will be used as guidelines to the strands, topics and concepts that will be covered. The learning and understanding of the processes of science (inquiry) and technology (design) will continue to be integrated into the teaching practices that will be studied.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 4
    Prerequisite(s): CURS 4180U  
    Note(s): Restricted to I/S Consecutive BEd students or I/S Concurrent BSc (Hons)/BEd students in Year 5.
  • CURS 4281U – P/J Science and Technology II

    This course is intended to provide teacher candidates with an extended study of teaching and learning science and technology from JK to Grade 6. Candidates will be provided with the knowledge and scientific processes needed to develop a thorough understanding of the science concepts. This course will be presented in a manner which models a discovery approach and includes the knowledge and skills necessary to design an inquiry-oriented, activity-based, hands-on interactive program. The curriculum content will include a review of related curriculum documents and supporting resources as well as a review of current subject-related theory, teaching strategies, and classroom practices.
    Credit hours: 1.5
    Lecture hours: 2
    Prerequisite(s): CURS 4280U  
    Note(s): Restricted to P/J Consecutive BEd students.
  • CURS 4501U – Curriculum Studies I: I/S History

    This course familiarizes students with the content, theories, and practices that are currently advocated by the Ontario Ministry of Education for the teaching of history in intermediate and secondary schools. Students will explore assessment, active learning, curriculum planning and problem based learning.  Emphasis will also be placed on student learning styles and accommodating diversity within the classroom. They will engage deeply with the mandated curriculum through exploration of the documents in class and through the creation of lesson plans. Students will explore the above topics while engaging in various digital and online technologies both in the classroom and as a means of assessment. Throughout the course students will develop the interpersonal and professional skills necessary to succeed in an educational setting. 
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 4
    Note(s): Restricted to I/S Consecutive BEd students.
  • CURS 4502U – Curriculum Studies II: I/S History

    This course continues the work begun in CURS 4501U Curriculum Studies I: I/S History , by familiarizing students with more of the content, theories, and practices that are currently advocated by the Ontario Ministry of Education for the teaching of history in intermediate and secondary schools. Students will further explore assessment and the Growing Success document. They will continue to develop their understanding of the mandated curriculum through the creation of a detailed unit plan. Students will explore Aboriginal issues in education, as well as continue to discuss how to accommodate diversity within the classroom.  Students will examine in detail, the use of reflection as part of effective pedagogy.  Students will explore the above topics while engaging in various digital and online technologies both in the classroom and as a means of assessment. Throughout the course students will continue to develop the interpersonal and professional skills necessary to succeed in an educational setting. 
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 4
    Prerequisite(s): CURS 4501U  
    Note(s): Restricted to I/S Consecutive BEd students.
  • CURS 4503U – Curriculum Studies I: I/S Health and Physical Education

    This course will explore health and physical education content, philosophies and teaching methodologies from Grades 7 to 12 in the Ontario context. Students will be shown how to infuse multimedia technologies into the delivery of the curriculum. They will be encouraged to explore Physical Education and Health topics by taking part in projects, presentations and practical labs. Many of the health topics in the Ontario Health Curriculum such as the compulsory CPR unit will be presented and discussed. In addition, many of the current issues that are related to health and wellness will be studied in the course. The physical education portion of the course includes activity sessions in dance, outdoor recreation; leisure time sports activities and many individual and team sports. This course will include methods of assessment and evaluation of students and programs, curriculum development and the practice of maintaining a balanced program of curricular, interschool and intramural activities.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 4
    Note(s): Restricted to I/S BEd Consecutive students or I/S Concurrent BSc (Hons)/BEd students in Year 5.
  • CURS 4504U – Curriculum Studies II: I/S Health and Physical Education

    This course will continue to explore health and physical education content, philosophies and teaching methodologies focusing on Grades 11 to 12. Students will continue to be shown how to infuse multimedia technologies into the delivery of the curriculum. They will be encouraged to explore Physical Education and Health topics by taking part in projects, presentations and practical labs.  Many of the current issues that are related to health and wellness will be studied in the course, including personal wellness, mental, physical, social and emotional health. Students will continue to be encouraged to explore physical and health literacy. The physical education portion of the course includes activity sessions in dance, outdoor recreation; leisure time sports activities and many individual and team sports. This course will continue to include methods of assessment and evaluation of students and programs, curriculum development and the practice of maintaining a balanced program of curricular, interschool and intramural activities.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 4
    Prerequisite(s): CURS 4503U  
    Note(s): Restricted to I/S BEd Consecutive students or I/S Concurrent BSc (Hons)/BEd students in Year 5.


  • ECON 2010U – Microeconomics

    As a first course in economics, microeconomics introduces the student to principles such as scarcity, opportunity cost, diminishing returns, elasticity, industrial organization, economies to scale, and concentration. The course begins with an introduction to the market and price determination. The course reviews the cost structure of the firm in both the long and short run. Price and quantity decisions for firms in various competitive situations are discussed. Canada’s Competition Act is examined. The course also analyzes the markets for factors of production.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 2
    Tutorial hours: 1.5
    Credit restriction(s): BUSI 2050U  
  • ECON 2020U – Macroeconomics

    As an introductory course in economics, macroeconomics introduces the student to principles such as unemployment, inflation, economic growth, the multiplier, equilibrium, fiscal policy, and monetary policy. The student builds on the knowledge of the market from microeconomics and proceeds to an understanding of aggregate demand and supply. The principle of money and banking are introduced along with the role of the Bank of Canada. The course also introduces the student to the principles of international trade theory.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 2
    Tutorial hours: 1.5
    Credit restriction(s): BUSI 2050U  


  • EDUC 1300U – Foundations I: Planning and Preparation + 22 days Field Experience

    This course provides teacher candidates with an overview of approaches to teaching and learning, with an emphasis on the interconnected nature of planning, instruction, assessment, and managing student behaviours within a classroom. The course will include an examination of Ontario curriculum documents, supporting resources, as well as a review of current research and theory related to instruction and classroom practices within the Ontario context. The emphasis will be on classroom methods and approaches that have broad applicability across curriculum areas and across a wide range of behavioural, emotional, and academic issues.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 4
    Note(s): Restricted to BEd students.
  • EDUC 1301U – Learning and Development

    This course provides teacher candidates the opportunity to explore key theories and issues in human development and learning specific to primary and junior teaching. Teacher candidates will be introduced to the major psychological theories and latest research related to human development, in the areas of physical, cognitive, social, emotional, and personality development, as well as learning methods and styles. This knowledge is then applied to the classroom setting in order for teacher candidates to understand and guide student behavior, learning, and achievement. An objective of this course is promoting healthy development in all areas of life such as academic, personal, and social.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 4
    Note(s): Restricted to BEd students.
  • EDUC 1302U – P/J Digital Literacies I (Language Arts and Digital Technology)

    This course supports teacher candidates to understand multiple literacies both as producers and consumers. In addition, teacher candidates become more familiar with aspects of the Ontario curriculum: Language, including the expectation organizers: listening, speaking, writing, reading, media, and drama. This course examines how technology enables JK to grade 6 language learners to participate in formal and informal learning settings. Through this course teacher candidates also study how they, as learners, and the learners they teach can become self-directed, autonomous, co-creators of communications. This course employs a critical theory approach to examine children’s literature for social justice and other forms of inclusive curriculum.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 4
    Note(s): Restricted to P/J Consecutive BEd students.
  • EDUC 1303U – P/J STEM I (Science-Technology and Mathematics)

    This course provides prospective elementary teachers with an opportunity to explore key issues in math, science, and technology teaching and learning. Emphasizing the interconnected relationships between math, science, and technology, this course will explore major themes such as: how technology and concrete materials can be used to develop and foster interdisciplinary learning environments; how mathematical, scientific, and technological literacies can be connected amongst themselves and other subjects in the Ontario curriculum via interdisciplinary activities; how aesthetic and affective experiences can be used to enrich learning and to teach for equity, diversity, collaboration, and community. Course participants will explore concrete examples of inquiry-style learning with an emphasis on scientific and mathematical reasoning. Through readings, classroom activities, and discussions, students will develop knowledge and skills in math and science, while exploring their personal values and beliefs about education in these disciplines, with an eye toward creating positive learning environments for their future students.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 4
    Note(s): Restricted to P/J Consecutive BEd students.
  • EDUC 1304U – P/J Arts/Health and Physical Education

    This course has two streams – The Arts; and Health and Physical Education. Stream 1: The Arts: This stream is a brief introduction to the four Elementary Education Level disciplines of The Arts – dance, drama, music, and visual arts. The common background material to these disciplines, emphasizing the creative process and critical analysis, will be conducted through the discipline of visual arts. A restricted coverage of some of the theoretical and practical classroom aspects, as well as the fundamental concepts for each of four disciplines will be conducted in the limited remaining time for this course. Stream 2: Health and Physical Education: This stream provides teacher candidates with an overview of teaching fundamental movement skills, active living and healthy living, the three strands in the health and physical education curriculum. The curriculum content will involve activities and strategies for promoting healthy active living, as well as health-related content. Students will focus on the development of physical literacy and health literacy.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 4
    Note(s): Restricted to P/J Consecutive BEd students.
  • EDUC 1305U – Foundations II: Curriculum Theory and Practice + 32 days Field Experience

    This course builds on concepts established in EDUC 1300U - Foundations I: Planning and Preparation + 22 days Field Experience , exploring more deeply approaches to teaching and learning and how such approaches align with visions of teaching/learning for the 21st century. Although the interconnectedness of planning, instruction, and management of students and class behaviours remain key foci of the course, the emphasis shifts to a deeper analysis of assessment within the Ontario context. The course provides students with analysis of assessment within the Ontario context. The course provides students with opportunities to analyze Ontario curriculum documents, supporting resources, and current research and theory related to instruction, assessment, and classroom practices within the Ontario context. Continued reflective practice is emphasized, as well as increased problem-solving and creative solutions to the complexities of planning, instruction, assessment, and managing classrooms to optimize student learning.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 4
    Prerequisite(s): EDUC 1300U  
    Note(s): Restricted to BEd students.
  • EDUC 1306U – P/J Digital Literacies/Social Studies II (Language Arts and Social Studies)

    Teacher candidates will apply their learning from P/J Digital Literacies I into practice in realistic contexts during this course.  The overall approach to this course continues to examine how technology enables JK to Grade 6 learners to participate in formal and informal learning settings. Through micro-teaching experiences, teacher candidates will have opportunities to apply their knowledge and teaching strategies. Teacher candidates will continue to utilize the Ontario curriculum: Language with an emphasis on curriculum planning, particularly through integrating subjects, such as Language Arts and Social Studies. Through an inquiry process, teacher candidates will explore citizenship, spatial literacy, and critical thinking across current and historical contexts. Teacher candidates will become familiar with the Ontario curriculum: Social Studies, including the strands of Heritage and Identity, and People and Environments. Related digital resources will provide gateways into communicating ideas and exploring significant events and issues in our diverse communities. This course has a focus on creating inclusive classroom environments through considerations of differentiated learning and experience, as well as attention to equity and social justice.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 4
    Prerequisite(s): EDUC 1302U  
    Note(s): Restricted to P/J Consecutive BEd students.
  • EDUC 1307U – P/J STEM II (Science-Technology and Mathematics)

    Designed as a follow up to EDUC 1303U - P/J STEM I (Science-Technology and Mathematics) , this course addresses, builds on, and extends the major themes introduced in the fall. This course will provide prospective elementary teachers with a more in-depth look at the intricate connections between science, technology, and mathematics thinking and learning, and how these connections can be used to design and develop interdisciplinary classroom activities that meet the needs of diverse learning communities. A focus of this course will be on the design, development, and critique of assessment methods for, of, and as learning in an inquiry-based classroom environment.  Course participants will explore, debate, discuss, analyze, and reflect on a variety of traditional and innovative instructional and assessment approaches, with special attention toward the use of technology for interdisciplinary learning. Students will also be required to show proficiency in the subject matter they will teach, as per the course corequisites.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 4
    Prerequisite(s): EDUC 1303U  
    Note(s): Restricted to P/J Consecutive BEd students.
  • EDUC 1308U – P/J Mathematical Thinking and Doing

    This course is designed to provide teacher candidates with opportunities to develop their conceptual understanding, procedural skills, and confidence in the mathematical knowledge required for teaching. Through a problem-solving approach, teacher candidates will be invited to reconstruct their current perspectives of mathematics and enhance their understanding of mathematics pedagogy. The course will emphasize diverse ways of reasoning with and about mathematics, which includes a focus on mathematical communication and contextualized explorations with connections to other subject areas. Specific considerations for teaching in the P/J classroom, such as making connections amongst mathematical ideas, physical and virtual representations, and emotional experiences will be addressed.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 4
    Note(s): Restricted to P/J Consecutive BEd students.
  • EDUC 1309U – I/S Digital Literacies and Information and Communication Technology

    The purpose of this course is to discuss and review digital technologies and the impact of embedding these technologies in learning environments. A series of modules have been designed to allow learners to increase their comfort and competence with digital technologies within educational settings. The tools and resources available to students will be introduced on a thematic basis, encompassing key areas pertaining to 21st-century learning and skills development. This includes, but is not limited to: digital presentations, game-based learning, digital storytelling, website design, adaptive and assistive technologies, and teacher productivity applications. In-class activities will be dedicated to acquiring and practicing essential skills for integrating ICT into the classroom. This includes practical or technical knowledge (e.g. troubleshooting, converting files), understanding the theoretical and pedagogical underpinnings of technology-enhanced learning practices, and how to apply these skills in their classrooms.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 4
    Note(s): Restricted to I/S Consecutive BEd students.
  • EDUC 1310U – I/S Mathematical Thinking and Doing

    This course is designed to provide teacher candidates with opportunities to develop their conceptual understanding, procedural skills, and confidence in the mathematical knowledge required for teaching. Through a problem-solving approach, teacher candidates will be invited to reconstruct their current perspectives of mathematics and enhance their understanding of mathematics pedagogy. This course will emphasize diverse ways of reasoning with and about mathematics, which includes a focus on mathematical communication and contextualized explorations with connections to other subject areas. Specific considerations for teaching in the I/S classroom, such as making connections amongst mathematical ideas, physical and virtual representations, and emotional experiences will be addressed.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 4
    Note(s): Restricted to I/S Consecutive BEd students.
  • EDUC 1311U – I/S STEM (Science-Technology and Mathematics): Coding and Communication

    Today’s adolescents are born into a technology-rich environment vastly different from that experienced by even quite recent generations. Students will increasingly need skills in coding and computational communication to be active participants in a digital world and for the future workplace. This course will introduce Intermediate/Senior teacher candidates to leading-edge pedagogies and skills for learning and teaching the foundations and fundamentals of programming. By exploring and analyzing an array of adolescent-friendly software geared at developing the basics of coding and digital communication for Grade 7 to12 learners, teacher candidates will develop innovative pedagogies for teaching and learning in the 21st century. Topics may include: coding educational games, developing mobile apps, LEGO robotics, and multi-platform digital projects.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 4
    Note(s): Restricted to Consecutive BEd students.
  • EDUC 2400U – Equity and Diversity

    This course aims to demonstrate that diversity within a learning community is a rich resource, and one that requires clear commitment to policies and practices that ensure equitable opportunities for academic success. We will explore how the intersectionalities of gender, socio-economic status, race, language, faith, culture, sexual orientation and ability position students differently with respect to power and privilege. These diverse positions will result in varying levels of academic achievement. Students will examine ministry publications and explore culturally responsive teaching strategies for using students’ prior linguistic and cultural knowledge, as well as other aspects of their identities to scaffold the learning of new concepts and skills. This course is framed from the standpoint that both theory and lived experience can powerfully inform our pedagogy, and therefore strikes a balance between drawing on theoretical concepts (critical multiculturalism, language acquisition, and aboriginal traditional knowledge) and the real life experiences of students from diverse backgrounds.
    Credit hours: 3
    Online hours: 4
  • EDUC 2401U – Learning in Digital Contexts

    The purpose of this course is to discuss strategies for integrating digital technologies in the classroom based on current research practice and to examine the impact of embedding these technologies in learning environments. This course will address practical and technical knowledge, the pedagogical and theoretical practices associated with technology enhanced learning and the intersections of race, gender, ethnicity, class, ability and culture as they relate to the consumption, production and utilization technology. The tools and resources available to students will be introduced on a thematic basis, encompassing key areas pertaining to 21st-century learning and skills development. This includes, but is not limited to: digital presentations, game-based learning, digital storytelling, website design, adaptive and assistive technologies, and teacher productivity applications. In-class activities will include group discussion as well as practice acquiring and utilizing essential skills for integrating digital tools into the classroom.
    Credit hours: 3
    Online hours: 4
  • EDUC 2402U – Teaching for Inclusion: Special Needs and Individualized Education

    This course focuses on the theory and practice to address the diverse needs of all students in the classroom, including those students who have special needs. The course provides rationale and understanding into the principles of inclusion and equity for all learners, with emphasis on the role of the teacher in differentiating instruction and applying culturally responsive teaching strategies, and strategies that support diverse family needs. Instructional and assessment strategies most likely to succeed with diverse learners are explored, with an emphasis on assistive technology and other digital technologies that support special needs and diverse learners. The course includes a review of legislation and relevant documents including required procedures such as Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and identification, placement and review committee processes (IPRC).  Students are encouraged to see effective partnerships with parents and other professionals as essential to effective learning and integration.
    Credit hours: 3
    Online hours: 4
  • EDUC 2403U – Independent Inquiry/Internship

    A key aspect of learning in the 21st century is that learning is becoming more individualized, and self-directed. The purpose of this course is to enable teacher candidates to work in depth on an area they identify as the one in which they most need to build new or deeper skills and understandings about subject knowledge or professional knowledge. In consultation with faculty, teacher candidate will: a) identify the area in which they most need to build greater competence; and b) devise a learning plan that includes study components, observation components, and a supervised internship in a field setting.
    Credit hours: 3
    Online hours: 4
    Note(s): Restricted to P/J and I/S BEd students.
  • EDUC 2404U – Education Law, Policy and Ethics

    Education Law, Policy and Ethics introduces teacher candidates to the basic legal issues related to teaching in the publicly-funded school systems in Ontario. Teachers must be aware of their rights and obligations as defined in legislation. They must also understand how education is delivered to pupils in Ontario and the basic structure supporting that delivery. Teacher candidates will develop an understanding of their role as a teacher and their responsibilities through the study of Ontario education law, policy, and related legislation including the Constitution Act 1867 and 1982, the Child and Family Services Act, the Education Act, the Ontario College of Teachers Act, and the Teaching Profession Act.
    Credit hours: 3
    Online hours: 4
    Note(s): Restricted to BEd students.
  • EDUC 2405U – Foundations III: Long Range Planning and Assessment + 31 days Field Experience

    This course examines more deeply the continued interplay of theory and practice drawing upon their experiences, previous course work, and promising pedagogies through practioner inquiry. This course builds upon the theoretical principles that guide assessment within the Ontario context including assessment for learning, assessment of learning, and assessment as learning. The course allows teacher candidates to integrate knowledge of learners, learning, subject matter, pedagogy, assessment, and educational goals to design short-term and long-range plans for their applicable grades and subjects. Major aspects of this course are self-directed; teacher candidates are encouraged to design plans for specific contexts related to career goals. The course further establishes the initial pre-service teacher education foundations upon which beginning teachers could build upon throughout their teaching careers.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 4
    Prerequisite(s): EDUC 1300U  and EDUC 1305U  
    Note(s): Restricted to BEd students.
  • EDUC 2406U – Reflective Practice/Action Research

    In this course, students will explore reflection in the context of professional practice. This course will focus on ways in which reflection informs professional actions and facilitates learning, growth, and development.  Students will examine theoretical perspectives and research approaches that inform reflective practice. The theories and perspectives of John Dewey, Donald Shon, John Heron, Kurt Lewin, and relevant others will be examined in the context of reflective practice and research. Research traditions, including action research, collaborative inquiry, and Japanese Lesson Study will be addressed. Topics include: the role of reflection in professional practice and professional development; the relationships among reflection, learning, professional practice, and research; the roles of reflection in constructivist teaching and learning; reflection in case study research, self-research, and action research.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 4
    Note(s): Restricted to P/J and I/S Consecutive BEd students.
  • EDUC 2407U – Mental Health Issues in Schools

    This course focuses on the growing concern of mental health issues for students in the education system. Students in the course will learn of the various mental health problems facing children and youth in primary and secondary grades such as depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and self-injurious behaviours. Future teachers will learn the proper steps of addressing mental health issues within the school context; including the roles and responsibilities of various individuals and agencies, teaching strategies, accommodations, and current intervention strategies that assist students with mental health problems. In addition, this course will review parental mental health issues and the impact on children, learning, and the teaching profession. Canadian practices, legal issues, diagnostic procedures, IEP’s, ethical issues, and prevention methods related to the school environment will be underlying concepts throughout the course. A highlighted focus will be addressing the stigma of mental health in schools. The course will be delivered in a module/hybrid style format that allows students to become immersed in the content and address current beliefs and views related to mental health in a safe and reflective manner.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 4
  • EDUC 2408U – P/J STEM III (Science-Technology and Mathematics): Coding and Communication

    Today’s children are born into a technology-rich environment vastly different from that experienced by even quite recent generations. Students will increasingly need skills in coding and computational communication to be active participants in a digital world. This course will introduce Primary/Junior teacher candidates to leading-edge pedagogies and skills for learning and teaching the foundations and fundamentals of programming geared for K-6 learners. By exploring and analyzing an array of child-friendly software aimed at developing the basics of coding and digital communication for K-6 learners, teacher candidates will develop innovative pedagogies for teaching and learning in the 21st century. Topics may include: coding educational games, developing mobile apps, LEGO robotics, and digital storytelling.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 4
    Note(s): Restricted to P/J Consecutive BEd students.
  • EDUC 3200U – Pedagogy of the Land

    This course explores Indigenous understandings of the land as the first teacher. Participants experience and analyze the significance of the specific spaces where teaching and learning take place. Indigenous epistemologies, storying and decolonizing methodologies guide and inform. Students will learn about historical and contemporary politics of territory and treaty, and how documentary technologies such as maps, treaty documents, and federal legislation frame political concepts and practices of indigeneity, colonization, post-coloniality, and de-colonization.
    Credit hours: 3
    Online hours: 4
  • EDUC 3201U – Environmental Education

    In this course, students will have opportunities to develop critical skills for implementing environmental education in the Ontario context. The course will employ a project-based approach, enabling participants to develop resources for infusing Environmental Education in academic, professional, and everyday lives. Students are expected to complete readings, reflections and research tasks; participate in individual and group learning activities; and complete projects and demonstrate knowledge, understanding, and application of environmental content and issues. Activities will include digital technology-based learning (blogs, discussion boards), field studies (outdoor/experiential learning) and traditional (Aboriginal) environmental knowledge.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 4
  • EDUC 3205U – Visual Arts: An Introduction to Indigenous Art

    This is an introductory hybrid course using Visual Arts to develop a personal understanding and appreciation of diverse indigenous cultures through past and present artwork/artifacts. A sampling of artwork/artifacts from indigenous cultures from various parts of the globe will be studied with a portion of this course considering the artwork/artifacts from various Canadian indigenous cultures. As well as applying Critical Analysis, Art History, and art-making elements associated with Visual Arts, an interdisciplinary approach using inquiry based learning will be used to achieve the course goals. A culturally responsive pedagogical approach will affirm the students’ own cultural heritage and develop an appreciation of indigenous cultures. This course is designed for those in both the Education and the broader university student population.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 4
  • EDUC 3206U – Teaching the Catholic Religion in Schools

    This course, which is compulsory for teacher candidates who want to teach in Ontario Catholic schools, is designed to enhance the professional knowledge, understanding and skills of those teacher candidates. They will study ways in which curriculum can be designed to reflect the philosophy and values of the Catholic system and examine the relation between educational principles and everyday classroom practices.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 4
    Note(s): Restricted to P/J and I/S BEd students.
  • EDUC 3207U – Teacher as Coach

    This course is intended to encourage teacher candidates to learn more about how to become involved in the life of the school outside of the classroom, whether through sports or other leadership opportunities. During the classroom component, teacher candidates will develop an understanding of the variety of co-curricular activities and the responsibilities associated with coaching/leadership. To develop a better appreciation of the complexities of organizing student activities, candidates will also have the opportunity to tour and survey the facilities within a school.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 4
    Note(s): Restricted to P/J and I/S BEd students.
  • EDUC 3208U – Teaching Kindergarten

    This course provides teacher candidates with an overview of teaching and learning at the kindergarten level. The content will include a review of related curriculum documents and supporting resources, as well as a review of current theory, teaching strategies and classroom practices at the kindergarten level.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 4
    Note(s): Restricted to P/J and I/S BEd students.
  • EDUC 3209U – Outdoor Education Leadership: Backpacking

    In this course students will have opportunities to develop critical skills for implementing leadership in the curriculum, the outdoors, and the broader context of education. The course will provide learning opportunities through a project-based approach combined with direct, personal experience on a multi-day, backpacking field trip. The course will enable students to develop resources for incorporating leadership into the areas of their academic, personal, professional and community lives. Students will be required to complete readings, reflections and research tasks; participate in individual and group learning activities; complete projects; and demonstrate knowledge and understanding of leadership content and issues. Activities will include digital technology-based learning, oral presentations and experiential field studies.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 4
    Note(s): A supplemental course fee will apply.
  • EDUC 3210U – Teaching French in Schools

    This course is designed for teacher candidates who are aspiring to teach French as a Second Language at a future point in their careers. The course is designed to approach the learning of a second language through an integrated approach for the key skills of listening, speaking, reading, writing and appreciation of French culture. The focus will be on how students acquire second language proficiency in both Core French and French Immersion settings in the Ontario school system. A significant portion of class content will be in French.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 4
    Prerequisite(s): Working facility in the French language. A French language proficiency test may be required.
    Note(s): Restricted to P/J and I/S BEd students.
  • EDUC 3211U – Outdoor Education: Winter

    In this course students will have opportunities to develop critical skills for implementing outdoor education in the curriculum and the broader context. The course will provide learning opportunities through a project-based approach combined with direct, personal experience on a winter field trip in the outdoors at a residential camp. The course will enable students to develop resources for incorporating the natural world into the areas of their academic, personal, professional and community lives. Students will be required to complete readings, reflections and research tasks, participate in individual and group learning activities and complete projects and demonstrate knowledge and understanding of outdoor education content and issues. Activities will include digital technology-based learning, oral presentations and experiential, field studies.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 4
    Note(s): A supplemental course fee will apply.
  • EDUC 4700U – Models of Teaching

    This course provides students with an overview of approaches to learning and teaching in various educational contexts. It is designed to provide students with an opportunity to explore key theories and principles in learning. Students will be introduced to behavioural, cognitive and humanistic principles of learning. Students will explore issues such as qualities of good teachers, setting objectives, and teaching strategies all within numerous contexts.
    Credit hours: 3
    Online hours: 3
    Note(s): This course is available to all undergraduate students with the exception of those enrolled in the P/J or I/S Consecutive BEd program or I/S concurrent BSc (Hons)/BEd program.
  • EDUC 4701U – Teaching and Learning: Instructional Design and Technology in Adult Learning

    This course is an examination of traditional instructional design principles (the ADDIE model), contemporary offshoots and new directions (like ‘constructivist design’) especially as they bear on learning and the teaching of diverse populations. Particular attention will be paid to the different roles technology may play in differing instructional designs.
    Credit hours: 3
    Online hours: 3
    Note(s): This course is available to all undergraduate students with the exception of those enrolled in the P/J or I/S Consecutive BEd program or I/S concurrent BSc (Hons)/BEd program.
  • EDUC 4702U – Teaching and Learning: Evaluation and Assessment

    This course addresses theory, research and practice related to the evaluation and assessment of achievements related to learning objectives. Approaches to both summative and formative evaluation will be considered and there will be a particular focus on assessment in adult learning contexts. Traditional testing practices will be studied as a basis for an examination of authentic, performance, and portfolio assessment strategies.
    Credit hours: 3
    Online hours: 3
    Note(s): This course is available to all undergraduate students with the exception of those enrolled in the P/J or I/S Consecutive BEd program or I/S concurrent BSc (Hons)/BEd program.
  • EDUC 4703U – Problem and Inquiry Based Learning

    This course introduces an approach to teaching that focuses on the value of learning from real and meaningful activities. Students will learn to find and structure activities around the kind of ill-defined problems that face professionals in their work and they will learn to use these activities as the basis for promoting self-directed inquiry.
    Credit hours: 3
    Online hours: 3
    Note(s): This course is available to all undergraduate students with the exception of those enrolled in the P/J or I/S Consecutive BEd program or I/S concurrent BSc (Hons)/BEd program.
  • EDUC 4704U – Teaching and Learning: Curriculum Design

    This course will build on previous educational courses and introduce students to curriculum design. Students will work on an educational project in designing a curriculum based on a realistic learning situation in their profession.
    Credit hours: 3
    Online hours: 3
    Note(s): This course is available to all undergraduate students with the exception of those enrolled in the P/J or I/S Consecutive BEd program or I/S concurrent BSc (Hons)/BEd program.
  • EDUC 4902U – I/S Concurrent Field Experience III

    This third field experience for Concurrent Science/Education students, involves observation periods, practice teaching opportunities and a weekly field experience class to prepare teacher candidates for these field experiences. Placements in schools are designed to provide teacher candidates with opportunities for growth as successful teachers and learners under the guidance of professional associate teachers in the field and faculty advisors. Weekly class hours: 2 hrs. + four-week (20 days) field experience at the end of the academic year.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 2
    Prerequisite(s): EDUC 2901U  
    Note(s): Restricted to I/S Concurrent BSc (Hons)/BEd students.

Electrical Engineering

  • ELEE 2110U – Discrete Mathematics for Engineers

    Sets and set operations, propositional logic, predicate logic, rules of inference; methods of proof and reasoning, modular arithmetic, counting, pigeonhole principle, induction, deduction, relations, functions, graphs, graph algorithms, shortest path, trees, combinatorics; applications to cryptosystems, hashing functions, coding.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Tutorial hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): MATH 1850U , MATH 1020U  
    Credit restriction(s): MATH 2080U  
  • ELEE 2200U – Electrical Engineering Fundamentals

    Coulomb’s, Ohm’s and Kirchoff’s laws; electrostatics and electromagnetics; resistance, capacitance, inductance and impedance and reactance; series and parallel circuits, independent and dependent voltage and current sources; energy, power; superposition, Thevenin, and Norton Theorems; maximum power transfer; node-voltage and mesh-current analysis of DC and AC circuits; initial, steady state and transient conditions; complex power and phasor domain analysis; poly-phase circuits and transformers.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 3 (biweekly)
    Tutorial hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): MATH 1020U  , MATH 1850U  , PHY 1020U  
  • ELEE 2210U – Circuit Analysis

    Impulse and step responses and their relationship. Convolution Integral and its application to circuit analysis. Mutual inductance and transformers. Applications of Laplace transform to analyze electric circuits. Natural frequencies of a network. Transfer function and frequency response of circuits. Poles and zeros of transfer function and their meaning in electric circuits. Two-port networks, impedance and admittance matrices, hybrid and transmission matrices, parallel and series connection of two-port networks.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Tutorial hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): ELEE 2200U MATH 2860U 
  • ELEE 2250U – Introductory Electronics

    Conduction in semiconductors; single-time constant networks; operational amplifiers; diodes; non-linear circuit applications, such as rectifiers and digital logic circuits; bipolar junction transistors (BJT); DC biasing methods for BJT amplifiers; different AC configurations of single-stage transistor amplifiers; small and large signal models and amplifier frequency response; two-stage amplifiers; field-effect transistors; digital logic, integrated and memory circuits.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 3 (biweekly)
    Tutorial hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): ELEE 2200U  
  • ELEE 2450U – Digital Systems

    Boolean algebra and truth tables; combinational logics: AND, OR, NOT, XOR gates; sequential circuits: flip-flops, counters, memory circuits; logic circuit analysis, synthesis, and optimization; A/D and D/A interfaces; ROM and RAM; Programmable Logic Arrays (PLA), Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) and Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASIC).
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 3 (biweekly)
    Tutorial hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): ELEE 2110U  
  • ELEE 2520U – Fundamentals of Electromagnetics

    Vector analysis, including orthogonal co-ordinate systems, and the calculus of field quantities; length, surface and volume; line, surface, and volume integrals; del operator and gradient of a scalar; divergence theorem; Stoke’s theorem; Laplacian, classification of vector fields; electrostatic fields including the concepts of electric potential, capacitance, and current and current density; magnetostatic fields including inductance.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Tutorial hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): ELEE 2200U , MATH 2860U  
  • ELEE 2530U – Complex Analysis for Engineers

    Basic complex analysis; complex number and topology of complex plane, continuity and differentiability of complex functions, power series and convergence tests, elementary complex functions, contour integration, Cauchy theorem and Cauchy integral formula, Taylor and Laurent series, residue theorem; applications selected from evaluation of real integrals, planar flows and potential theory, Laplace transform and inversion of residues, transform solution of ordinary differential equations with constant coefficients, complex Fourier Series, complex Fourier Transform and its relationships with Laplace Transform, convolution property of Fourier Transform. Application to engineering systems.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Tutorial hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): MATH 2860U  
  • ELEE 2790U – Electric Circuits

    Basic concepts of electricity, magnetism and electric circuits; DC and AC driven circuits; series and parallel circuits; Ohm Law, Kirchhoff Laws, Thevenin Theorem, Norton Theorem, operation of electrical equipment such as instruments, motors, generators; response to step functions; response to sinusoids, steady state AC, resonance, parallel resonance, AC power, power factor, power factor correction; introduction to magnetic circuits: coils, solenoids, transformers; single and three phase circuits, basic operation of electrical measuring equipment; basics of electronics: diodes, transistors, operational amplifiers.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 2 (biweekly)
    Tutorial hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): MATH 1020U , MATH 1850U , PHY 1020U  
  • ELEE 3070U – Probability and Random Signals

    Basic concepts of probability theory: the axioms of probability, conditional probability, Bayes’ theorem, mutually exclusive and independent events. Single random variable: discrete and continuous random variables, probability mass and density functions; mean, median, mode, variance, and functions of a random variable; Markov and Chebyshev inequalities; reliability of series and parallel components, mean time to failure and failure rate functions. Multiple random variables; joint cumulative distribution and probability density functions, independence, covariance correlation, and linear transformations; joints Gaussian random variables; sum of random variables, law of large numbers and central limit theorem. Statistics: sampling estimation, confidence intervals and hypothesis testing. Random processes; wide-sense staionarity autocorrelation function and power spectral density. Gaussian processes, White noise and noise equivalent bandwidth.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Tutorial hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): ELEE 3110U  

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