Sep 27, 2024  
2016-2017 Undergraduate Academic Calendar 
2016-2017 Undergraduate Academic Calendar [ARCHIVED CALENDAR]

Course descriptions

Not all courses are offered in any one term or academic year. 

Note: If searching by Code or Number be sure to include the U at the end of the number.



  • BUSI 2505U – E-Recruitment and Human Resource Information Systems

    The focus of this course is on the procedures and variables involved in the design and implementation of human resources management information systems. Students will be introduced to issues such as planning HR systems, software evaluation, the human aspect of technology, as well as how to create a business case for the implementation of technology. Key trends such as outsourcing, telecommuting, and web-based HR in an international setting will also be examined. Using interactive techniques and case studies, students will have opportunities to apply theories, concepts and practices.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2312U  
  • BUSI 2550U – Introduction to Project Management

    This course focuses on information technology projects and applies basic project management theory on handling and managing those projects. It introduces the concepts and tools that are appropriate for phases of project life cycle, and incorporates areas outlined in the Project Management Institute’s Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) into the basic concepts associated with information systems management and software engineering.
    Formerly: INFR 2550U Information Technology Project Management
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): HLSC 2201U  or enrolment in the BIT (Hons) program or Year 3 standing in BCom (Hons) program
    Credit restriction(s): ENGR 3160U  
  • BUSI 2570U – Cybercrime

    This course covers different manifestations of cybercrime including hacking, viruses and other forms of malicious software. It presents technical and social issues of cybercrime, covers the origins and extent of the cybercrime problem, as well as the commercial and political evolution of the computer hacker.
    Formerly: INFR 2570U Cybercrime
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
  • BUSI 2603U – Introduction to Operations Management

    This course introduces students to the functional area of production and operations management as practiced in manufacturing industries and the services sector. It includes decision-making, project management, facility layout in both manufacturing and service industries, waiting lines, quality control, just-in-time systems, forecasting, aggregate planning, inventory management, materials requirements planning and operations scheduling.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 1.5
    Tutorial hours: 1.5
    Online hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 1450U  or MATH 1000U  or MATH 1010U  or MATH 1880U  or ENGR 0103U  and registration in an ‘and Management’ option with at least third-year standing
    Credit restriction(s): ENGR 3170U  
  • BUSI 2604U – Introduction to Project Management and Supply Chain Management

    This second-level course continues to study the functional area of production and operations management as practiced in manufacturing industries and the services sector. It includes decision-making, project management, facility layout in both manufacturing and services industries, waiting lines, quality control, just-in-time systems, forecasting, aggregate planning, inventory management, materials requirements planning and operations scheduling.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2603U  
  • BUSI 2610U – Quality Frameworks

    In this theory and lab-based course, students examine the planning tools and techniques used to establish a quality focused system. As well, students look at the effective monitoring and continual improvement in the quality of an organization’s products and services. Other topics include quality planning, process capability, gauge capability, Pareto analysis, quality costs, cause and effect, regression correlation, ANOVA, ISO 9000 and acceptance sampling.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
  • BUSI 2620U – Business Ethics

    This course seeks to answer some fundamental questions, including: Why do organizations need to address ethical issues? What ethical issues arise in the course of business activity? How can individuals and organizations address questions of morality in business? What are the ethical obligations of business people and organizations in society? How do organizations manage for ethical practice and social responsibility? What can individuals do to encourage ethical business practice? The following topics are examined in the course: business ethics and strategic management; stakeholder impact analysis and ethical decision-making; employees as stakeholders; customers and suppliers as stakeholders; the environment and local communities as stakeholders, the legal environment of corporations and the professions; compliance programs; crisis management and global business ethics.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
  • BUSI 2650U – Supply Chain and Vendor Management

    This introductory course in supply chain management covers the following topics: supply chain activities and functions, the role of purchasing in the supply chain, the purchasing process, purchasing and information technology, sourcing strategies, electronic marketplaces and procurement, negotiating techniques, quality considerations in purchasing, outsourcing and supplier price determination.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2604U  
  • BUSI 2700U – Entrepreneurial Finance

    This course examines how individual entrepreneurs, companies and capital providers manage the entrepreneurial process and its financial aspects. The course analyzes a wide range of business models and suggests a wide range of solutions to overcome financing and valuation challenges. The course does not only focus on valuation and the analysis of financial challenges that arise over the life cycle of the entrepreneurial venture, but also focuses on the analysis of the people and business models of entrepreneurial ventures.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 1700U  
  • BUSI 3040U – Information Systems

    This course introduces students to the management issues, concepts and terminology associated with information technology systems. This course is of interest to students with either a technical or a nontechnical background. Issues discussed include: the role of computers in modern organizations, data models and their relation to organization models, systems development processes, and systems theory. Students will learn to recognize opportunities for use of computer based technology at strategic, tactical and operational levels; the technical and organizational problems generated by introducing new technology; and the long-term organizational implications of these decisions.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 1.5
    Tutorial hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2170U , BUSI 2202U , BUSI 2312U , BUSI 2402U , BUSI 2603U  and Year 3 standing in the BCom (Hons) program
  • BUSI 3101U – Intermediate Financial Accounting I

    This course provides an in-depth examination of the accounting concepts, principles, practices, objectives, and techniques underlying asset valuation and income determination. Special emphasis is placed on accounting policy choices and the criteria by which such choices are made. The course makes extensive use of cases to develop an understanding how and why managers make accounting policy choices and the impact of those choices on financial statement users. Critical thinking and problem solving skills are developed.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Tutorial hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2170U  
  • BUSI 3102U – Intermediate Financial Accounting II

    This course focuses on the valuation and presentation of liabilities and owners’ equity. Topic coverage includes current, long-term and contingent liabilities; leases; pensions; future income taxes; capital transactions; earnings per share, and analysis of financial statements under alternative accounting policies. The perspectives of both preparers and users of accounting information are considered in the coverage of these topics.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Tutorial hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 3101U  
  • BUSI 3110U – Introduction to Taxation

    The basic concepts and techniques of income taxation and applications to personal tax are examined.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Tutorial hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2170U  
  • BUSI 3120U – Advanced Taxation

    The basic concepts and techniques of income taxation and applications to corporate tax are examined.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Tutorial hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 3110U  
  • BUSI 3150U – Financial Statement Analysis

    The purpose of this course is to develop knowledge and experience in using and interpreting financial statement data to make informed decisions as external financial statement users. In the course a general approach to examining financial statements will be developed and this approach will be applied to four common financial statement uses: evaluating the performance of managers; evaluating risk including the likelihood of financial distress; forecasting financial statement figures; equity valuation using various evaluation techniques and assumptions.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2160U  
  • BUSI 3160U – Advanced Managerial Accounting

    This advanced level course develops problem solving skills for internal accounting applications. Topics include: cost concepts and analysis; cost accumulation for product costing and variance analysis; cost analysis for decisions involving alternatives; advanced manufacturing technology and accounting concerns are addressed including activity-based costing; target costing; international approaches to cost management; quality costing; benchmarking; life cycle costing; the balanced scorecard and new performance measures; business strategy and competitive positioning; the value chain and competitor analysis; generic strategies and control systems design; management accounting and e-commerce. Cases and problems are used. A research project is required for this course.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2170U  
  • BUSI 3165U – Management Control Systems

    This course focuses on the theory and practice of the design and administration of management planning and control systems. The point of view emphasized is management and organization theory. Theory and research literature are reviewed. Cases of actual company systems are used. A research project may be required.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2170U  
  • BUSI 3170U – Auditing Standards and Applications

    This course focuses on the standards, theory and applications underlying the functions and responsibilities of external and internal auditors. The theory of audit evidence and basic techniques are used to provide an understanding of auditing methodology and procedures. The auditor’s responsibility beyond the financial audit and current developments in auditing are also examined. Review engagements are also examined. Students are expected to complete and present a research paper or project.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2160U  
  • BUSI 3171U – Advanced Auditing

    This course extends students’ knowledge of auditing by examining the role of the profession in society, evaluating current concerns and issues facing auditors, and building on the understanding of the general audit frame work and its essential theories. This course also examines specific audit topics such as comprehensive auditing, audit of not-for-profit entities, environmental auditing and small business audits. Students generally are expected to complete and present a research paper or project.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 3170U  
  • BUSI 3172U – Auditing Information Systems

    This course is designed to introduce and enhance the students’ knowledge about the topic of auditing in computerized environments. The course will focus on issues such as information system concepts, audit and control risks, and implementation and evaluation of security and controls.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 3170U  
  • BUSI 3200U – Marketing Communications

    This course is a study of communication functions in marketing. Students will study the communication methods such as advertising, promotion, personal selling, public relations, and direct marketing in order to achieve a company’s marketing objectives. Topics include communication strategies, sales promotion, budgeting, and selection of communication channels.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2202U  or BUSI 2205U  or BUSI 2210U  
  • BUSI 3210U – Consumer Behaviour

    This course focuses on the concepts and theories of consumer behaviour. It examines the impacts of psychological, sociological and other factors on individual and group decision-making processes. Topics include perceptions, values, choices, learning, memory, attitudes, and purchase decisions.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2202U  or BUSI 2205U  
  • BUSI 3211U – Frontiers in Customer Analysis

    For many companies and non-profit organizations, success relies on understanding the “customers”. What is it that they really want, and why? What information will they attend to, and what will they ignore? How do they make decisions, why do they sometimes make bad ones, and how can we help them make better ones? Answers to these questions provide important insight to marketing planning. This course will link an understanding of behavioural principles related to customers to the development of marketing strategies. We dig deep into all the fundamental theories so that students have a thorough understanding of the root theories on which many customer insights are based. We will also introduce and provide rich examples of various marketing strategies, and discuss how the strategies facilitate consumer decision-making.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2202U  or BUSI 2205U  or BUSI 2210U 
  • BUSI 3220U – Sales Management

    This course examines the role of sales and sales management as an overall marketing strategy. Topics include recruitment, selection, training, monitoring, motivation, compensation, and supervision of the sales force; forecasting and measurement of sales performance; and the coordination of sales activities with advertising and other activities of the organization.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2202U  or BUSI 2205U  or BUSI 2210U 
  • BUSI 3230U – Marketing Channels

    This course presents a comprehensive overview of the theories and issues within distribution channels. Students will take a closer look at who the different institutions in a channel are (retailers, wholesalers, logistics companies, etc.), how to choose distribution partners (channel planning and design) and how to manage the interactions with these partners (channel management). The course also discusses some special topics in distribution (franchising, international perspectives, e-channels, direct selling and channels for services, etc.). Using interactive techniques and case studies, students will have opportunities to apply theories, concepts, and practices.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2202U  or BUSI 2205U  or BUSI 2210U 
  • BUSI 3240U – Retail Buying and Merchandising

    This course examines the roles and responsibilities of buyers and merchandising managers that must balance the needs of retailer, objectives of vendors, and the preferences of consumers. Topics include, but are not limited to, merchandise mark-up and reductions, merchandise margin planning and controlling, inventory control, seasonal budgeting, assortment planning, and buying issues. The course is well suited to prepare students for careers as a vendor, buyer, or retailer of consumer goods and services.
    Formerly: Merchandising Planning and Control
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2202U  or BUSI 2205U  or BUSI 2210U  
  • BUSI 3250U – Service Marketing

    This course analyzes the differences between marketing tangible products and marketing services. The focus is on service issues such as customer satisfaction, marketing mix variables, and the importance of service measurement and quality. Specific service industries such as health care and consulting will be studied.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2202U  or BUSI 2205U  or BUSI 2210U  
  • BUSI 3260U – Marketing Research

    This course is concerned with research methods used in marketing. The course focuses on contemporary research techniques and analysis of market-related data. Topics include research design, data collection, data analysis, interpretation, and reporting.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2202U  or BUSI 2205U  or permission of instructor
  • BUSI 3270U – Retail Management

    This course is an analysis of the principles involved in retail management. Topics include site selection, merchandise display and design, pricing, promotion, human resources management, stock planning, and inventory control.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): (BUSI 2170U  and BUSI 2202U ) or (BUSI 2205U  or BUSI 2210U 
  • BUSI 3280U – Brand Management

    This course examines the creation and management of brand equity in modern business enterprises. Special emphasis is placed on the importance of brand equity, brand extensions, brand valuation and global branding.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2202U  or BUSI 2205U  or BUSI 2210U  
  • BUSI 3290U – Marketing Management in Asia Pacific

    This course offers a broad overview of marketing management with special references to the Asia-Pacific region. This approach is a blend of theory and practical applications, which permits immediate implementation in a dynamic business environment. The topics covered in the course include marketing management, high-performance Asian economies, segmentation and positioning, new products, pricing strategies, marketing communication and distribution with special reference to Asia-Pacific markets.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2202U  or BUSI 2205U  or BUSI 2210U  
  • BUSI 3305U – Recruitment and Selection

    The focus of this course is on the procedures and variables involved in the recruitment and selection of employees. Students will be introduced to issues such as recruiting methods for locating and attracting different types of applicants, identifying and analyzing the effectiveness of the key steps in the selection process, evaluating the reliability and validity of various selection techniques and testing methods. Key trends such as outsourcing, video conferencing, and web-based recruiting and selection tools will also be examined. Using interactive techniques and case studies, students will have opportunities to apply theories, concepts, and practices.
    Formerly: Recruiting and Selection
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2312U  
  • BUSI 3312U – Industrial and Labour Relations

    The focus of this course is on the procedures and variables involved in collective bargaining and union/management relations. Students will be introduced to issues such as union development, the effect of unions on organizational behaviours, the collective bargaining process, the grievance and arbitration process, and other aspects of collective agreement administration. Emphasis will be placed on private sector labour relations. The use of case analysis and role playing will allow students to apply theories from the course and demonstrate the arbitration process.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2312U  
  • BUSI 3315U – Negotiation Theory and Behaviour

    The focus of this course is on the procedures and variables involved in the various models of negotiation. Students will be introduced to issues such as the strategies and tactics of negotiation, negotiation ethics, principles of positional, interest based, intra-organizational, and principled bargaining in a variety of organizational contexts. Emphasis will be placed on negotiations as behavioural and decision-making processes. The use of case analysis and role playing will allow students to apply theories from the course and demonstrate the negotiation process.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): Third-year standing
  • BUSI 3319U – Conciliation and Dispute Resolution

    The focus of this course is on the procedures and variables involved in conflict management and dispute resolution. Students will be introduced to issues such as the cause and consequences of conflict in organizations, and dispute resolution in international commerce. Emphasis will be placed on dispute resolution under NAFTA and WTO. Various theories of negotiation will be introduced at the beginning of the course as an initial starting point of dispute resolution discussion. The use of case analysis will allow students to apply theories from the course and demonstrate the dispute resolution process.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): Third-year standing in BCom (Hons) program
  • BUSI 3330U – The Management of Change

    As the environment of many organizations (both for profit and non-profit) becomes increasingly complex and unstable, it is crucial that top managers be able to create a climate of adaptability in their organizational practices. Students will examine issues such as the relatedness of internal and external environments, structure, technology, size and function of organizations. Emphasis will be placed on interdependencies of the components of an organization during planned change. The use of case analysis will allow students to apply theories from the course and demonstrate how to overcome obstacles during the change process.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): Third-year standing 
  • BUSI 3340U – Human Resource Planning

    The focus of this course is on the strategies involved in planning for the human resource needs of an organization. Students will examine issues such as the assessment of current human resource assets, planning for future requirements, personnel selection and rights/equal employment legislation. Emphasis will be placed on recruitment and selection strategies and how they can be used as a competitive advantage for the organization. The use of case analysis will allow students to apply theories from the course and demonstrate a comprehensive human resource planning strategy.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2312U  
  • BUSI 3350U – Developing Management Skills

    The focus of this course is on the skills managers need to effectively run an operation within an organization. Students will examine issues such as stress and time management, leadership, motivation, conflict management, and negotiation skills. Emphasis will be placed on the application of the skills in workplace situations. The use of case analysis, presentations, and experiential activities will allow students to apply theories from the course and demonstrate the skills they have acquired. Due to the high amount of time spent on experiential exercises, absenteeism is not permitted. A high percentage of the grade is based on participation in class.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): Third-year standing 
  • BUSI 3360U – Occupational Health and Safety

    The focus of this course is on the strategies involved in managing employee health and safety in the turbulent environment of today’s modern organizations. Students will examine issues such as the demands of new technology, changing individual lifestyles, changing ethnic and gender composition of the workforce, as well as legal, technical, and management issues regarding employee health and safety. Emphasis will be placed on the impact of new technology on work processes, and innovative workplace health and safety programs. The use of case analysis will allow students to apply theories from the course.
    Formerly: Health and Safety
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2312U  
  • BUSI 3370U – Employment and Labour Laws

    The focus of this course is on federal and provincial labour laws. Students will examine issues such as the practices of federal and provincial relations boards, the practices of the ministries of labour, affirmative action and the common law of employer-employee relationships. The use of case analysis will allow students to apply theories from the course and demonstrate an understanding of the application of labour laws and employee rights.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 3705U  
  • BUSI 3380U – Compensation and Benefits

    The focus of this course is on the strategies involved in planning for the compensation and benefits needs of employees. Students will examine issues such as key legislation, the fit between compensation and organizational strategies, and how to assess benefit needs of an organization. Emphasis will be placed on creating a total compensation and benefit package that can be used as a competitive advantage for the organization. The use of case analysis will allow students to apply theories from the course and demonstrate comprehensive compensation and benefits knowledge and administration practices.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2312U  
  • BUSI 3390U – Training and Development

    The focus of this course is on the procedures and variables involved in the design and implementation of training and development programs. Students will be introduced to issues such as how training and development fits within the larger organizational context, as well as the assessment of training needs, the development and implementation of the training program, and the evaluation of the effectiveness of existing training programs. Emphasis will be placed on training methods used in employee orientation, skill training and management development in the context of adult education. The use of case analysis will allow students to apply theories and concepts from the course.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2312U  
  • BUSI 3405U – Equity Asset Analysis

    Equity assets, primarily stocks and other residual claim investments, are analyzed and valued from an investor’s perspective. The framework for such an analysis may include valuation models such as dividends, free cash flows, price multiples and residual income. The valuation models are combined with different growth phases such as single, H-model and multi-stage. This is evaluated in conjunction with the business cycle, stock market outlook and industry environment. Students interested in a career in finance or investments, as well as those wanting to manage their own investment portfolios, would benefit from studying this course.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 1450U , BUSI 2402U  
  • BUSI 3410U – Financial Institutions

    This is an introductory course on financial institutions. The primary objective of this course is to help students have a better understanding on the key roles of different financial participants, namely the private households, chartered banks, and the central bank. Both theoretical models and real-world examples will be covered to examine the interactions between financial participants which affect the term structures of interest rates, inflation rates, and the economy.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2402U , ECON 2020U  
  • BUSI 3420U – Derivative Securities

    This course studies the valuation of put and call options, real options, futures and swaps. A number of complex option strategies using derivate securities are analyzed for their ability to speculate or hedge based on capital and money market forecasts.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 1916U , BUSI 2402U , fourth-year standing 
  • BUSI 3430U – Personal Finance

    The management of the individual’s personal finances is the focus of this course. The areas of coverage include planning your personal finances, managing credit, insuring for risks, investments and planning for retirement and the individual’s estate.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
  • BUSI 3440U – Financial Modelling

    This course studies applications in MS Excel in corporate finance and investments. Using spreadsheets and functions, problems are configured and solved in MS Excel on topics such as valuation, measuring risk and return, option valuation, financial statement preparation and analysis.
    Formerly: Financial Application Tools
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 1450U , BUSI 2402U  
  • BUSI 3450U – Business Forecasting Techniques

    This course examines the theory and the application of major forecasting techniques and methods used in marketing, economics, operations management, and other functional areas of business. Simple and multiple regression models are studied, followed by time series methods of smoothing, seasonal decomposition, econometrics, and Box-Jenkins ARIMA modelling. After introducing simulation methods and forecasting expert systems, the course addresses important issues of model validation, selection, and control in a business context.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 1450U  or HLSC 3800U  or STAT 2010U  or STAT 2020U  or STAT 2800U  
  • BUSI 3460U – Fixed Income Strategies

    Fixed income strategies, from the viewpoint of the investor, for corporate and government bonds, mortgage-backs and other asset-backs are examined. Moreover, the techniques to analyze and manage the return distribution and risks associated with these debt notes are studied.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 1450U , BUSI 2402U  
  • BUSI 3480U – International Finance

    This course focuses on an understanding of the determination of exchange rates in the spot, forward, futures and swap markets. Financing and investment vehicles available to corporations, as well as how firms manage risks and take advantage of opportunities, are emphasized.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2402U , ECON 2020U  
  • BUSI 3501U – E-Business Technologies

    This course introduces the fundamental concepts and applications of e-business technologies from a managerial perspective. Electronic business (e-business) is the use of electronic communication networks (e.g. Internet) to conduct any form of economic activity between trading partners. E-business encompasses an organization’s internal operations and business processes. This course covers the topics of impacts of e-business, barriers to e-business, the Internet and the World Wide Web (WWW) for e-business, e-business applications development, information technologies for e-business, privacy and security in e-business, electronic payment systems, and e-business architecture.

    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 1830U  or INFR 1100U  

  • BUSI 3502U – E-Commerce

    This course deals with the development of Internet and its impacts on business transactions. The course explains how electronic commerce affects the way companies, governments, and people conduct business. Topics include the role of the Internet, electronic marketplace, privacy and security issues and electronic payments.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 1830U  or INFR 1100U  
  • BUSI 3503U – E-Marketing

    This course analyzes the use of the Internet for marketing. The implications of electronic commerce for product differentiation, pricing, advertising, branding, and distribution of goods and services will be studied.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2202U  or BUSI 2205U  or BUSI 2210U  
  • BUSI 3504U – Database and Business Intelligence

    This course will introduce students to the techniques and tools used to manage databases and conduct basic business intelligence gathering and analysis. Students will be introduced to topics such as normalization, SQL, importance of business intelligence (operational, tactical, and strategic), database security, and developing business intelligence reports. The importance of all forms of business intelligence will be examined as well as a basic introduction to data analysis techniques such as cluster analysis, association detection, and time-series analysis. Using interactive techniques and case studies, students will be able to apply database management and business intelligence theories and practices.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 1520U  or CSCI 1800U  or permission of the instructor
    Credit restriction(s): CSCI 3030U  or INFR 3810U  
  • BUSI 3510U – Internet Engineering

    This course introduces the fundamental concepts and applications of Internet engineering from a technical perspective. The Internet is a loosely-organized international coloration of autonomous, interconnected networks, supporting host-to-host communication through standardized protocols and procedures. Internet engineering encompasses the Internet architecture and the application layer protocol and language. This course covers the topics of client-server and peer-to-peer architectures, the eXtensible Markup Language (XML) and a portfolio of related standards (e.g. DTD, XPath, XSL, XSLT, and XPointer), services computing such as web services and Grid computing, and IP telephony systems (e.g. VoIP and IP Phone).
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 1830U  and BUSI 3040U  or INFR 1100U  
  • BUSI 3520U – Applied Internet Multimedia

    This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of multimedia technologies and their applications to the development of multimedia products for the Internet. This course will also introduce the tools and procedures required for digital sound recording and editing, analog and digital multimedia presentation (e.g. sound mixers, DAT, videoconferencing equipment), software for developing presentation-based multimedia (e.g. PowerPoint), digital graphics, sound and interactive multimedia, and audio/video streaming technologies.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 1830U  and BUSI 3040U , or INFR 1100U  
  • BUSI 3530U – HTML and Website Design and Management

    This course introduces HTML programming and other web design tools. It also covers the basics of installation, configuration, and administration of web servers, including firewalls and proxy servers. Techniques on website management, collection and analysis of web server statistics, website enhancement, and content management will be discussed.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 1830U  and BUSI 3040U , or INFR 1100U  
  • BUSI 3540U – Object Oriented Programming

    This course presents the basic concepts of object oriented programming and introduces the principles underlying its practice. It also discusses the analysis, design and implementation of an object oriented system.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Laboratory hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 1830U  or INFR 1100U  
    Cross-listed: INFR 2140U  
  • BUSI 3550U – Systems Analysis and Design

    This course is designed to enable students to use the many tools and techniques used in systems analysis and design and examine alternative approaches to systems development. These approaches include structured analysis and design concepts, the prototyping of user interfaces, entity relationship diagrams, data flow diagrams and structure charts. Students will be expected to attain sufficient mastery of these concepts to apply them to a case study. Students will also use a variety of automated computer assisted software engineering (CASE) tools.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 1830U  or INFR 1100U  
  • BUSI 3570U – Server and Network Administration

    This course examines the roles of the server-client computing environment from a design and planning perspective. Topics in this course will include learning the design of a functional infrastructure by identifying organizational settings; and selecting and applying various types of servers including messaging, database, multimedia and web services. Issues on system migration, updates, performance statistics, and security will be covered. Evaluation and selection of server hardware and software systems and their optimization will also be discussed.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 1830U  and BUSI 3040U , or INFR 1100U  
  • BUSI 3580U – WWW Networking

    An introduction to the Internet networking technology covering internetworking principles and standards such as OSI model, IEEE standards, and protocols. Networking software, internetworking and interoperability of operating systems will be discussed. Implementation and administration of internetworking services and web servers, as well as monitoring, controlling and optimizing networking traffic will be covered.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 3040U  or INFR 1100U  
  • BUSI 3600U – Inventory Management

    This course covers strategic role of inventory management, key strategic drivers of uncertainty in the supply and demand of products, and the tools and techniques for inventory analysis. The course emphasizes inventory control methods with both deterministic and stochastic demand. Other topics included in the course reflect the demands of the manufacturing sector such as machine scheduling, material requirements planning, and multi-echelon production and distribution systems.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 3601U , with a C grade or better
  • BUSI 3601U – Operations Analysis using Spreadsheets

    This second course in operations and supply chain management extends the study in the areas of global services and manufacturing organizations. Students will engage in the development of schedules, advanced forecasting techniques, inventory management models, global logistics decisions, network design models, and supply chain management strategic decision making. Through the use of spreadsheets, student will learn how to manage the logistics and supply chain aspects for both manufacturing and service sector firms.
    Formerly: BUSI 2605U Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Tutorial hours: 1.5
  • BUSI 3620U – Emergent Technologies in Supplier Management

    This course covers the emerging technologies used in supply chain management and discusses the role of technology and technological change in creating challenges and new opportunities for companies working to meet the demands of supply chain relationships. It presents the impact of technology on supply chain operations and the development of products and services. The course examines the current practices and future technological directions in supply chain management and business strategy, and provides innovative new ideas about integrating new technologies into operations, technology-based product and service development, and knowledge management and supply-chain integration issues.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 3601U , with a C grade or better
  • BUSI 3630U – Logistics in the Supply Chain

    Logistics is the area of the supply chain that deals directly with customers and customer satisfaction. This course covers issues which are critical to supply chain performance as perceived by the customer, including finished goods inventory planning, transportation industry cost and performance structure, and other third party logistics services, especially warehousing, information technology, and integrated logistics services. Order fulfilment process and the role of internal supply chain functions; measurement issues and practices in the supply chain; transportation cost drivers and structure of the transportation industry; other cost drivers within the supply chain (such as warehousing); planning the logistics network using operations research tools; operations issues for logistics with an emphasis on logistics procedures and legalities; third party logistics and outsourcing; logistics decision support systems and current and best practices in logistics.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2603U  
  • BUSI 3640U – Optimization

    This introductory course in optimization covers the following topics: structure and classification of optimization problems, branch and bound algorithms, linear optimization models, linear programming including geometric interpretations, basic solutions, the simplex method, cutting plane algorithms, and network optimization. Students will use various software packages to apply the optimization techniques to inventory and project management problems.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 1916U  with a C grade or better
  • BUSI 3650U – Innovation Management

    This course will introduce students to the techniques and tools used to manage the innovation process for a variety of forms of innovation (including product, services, processes, social and technological). Students will be introduced to topics such as models of innovation, recognizing potential of innovations, supporting organizational change, and commercializing innovations. The importance of leadership, culture and organizational structure on the innovation process will be explored. Using interactive techniques and case studies, students will be able to apply innovation management theories and practices.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Tutorial hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): Third-year standing in BCom (Hons) or BIT (Hons) program
  • BUSI 3660U – E-Business in the Supply Chain

    Electronic commerce for Supply Chain Management: process automation systems; operations resources management; purchasing systems; buying on the Internet; EDI; electronic catalogues; electronic auctions; electronic markets; buyer/supplier interfaces; cost/benefit analysis; technical issues; international business issues; legal issues; company case studies.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 3601U , with a C grade or better
  • BUSI 3670U – Risk Management Frameworks and Processes

    In any organization or process, whether in business, education, health services, applied sciences or engineering, risk is unavoidable - that is, something undesirable and unexpected could occur. Whoever is in charge would be irresponsible to not make every effort to identify and realistically plan for the risks that are faced. This course provides a general framework for managing risks, in whatever field, and introduces time-tested procedures for assessing the risks (i.e. Risk Analysis). Also addressed is the important area of Risk Communication to colleagues, clients, and when appropriate, the general public. lecture materials are supplemented by cases, and students are encouraged to bring cases from their own work and academic backgrounds.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): Third-year standing
  • BUSI 3700U – Strategic Management for Professionals

    This course examines strategy and related concepts. The focus is on strategic management: choosing and defining purposes and objectives, formulating and implementing a viable strategy, and monitoring strategic performance. The thrust of the course is to view the organization in its totality: the external environment in which it operates its strategy, and its internal administrative activities. The emphasis is on assessing the kinds of problems and issues that affect the success of the entire organization.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
  • BUSI 3705U – Legal Environment of Business

    This introductory business law course covers the following subjects: the Canadian legal system, the US legal system (including class actions, contingency fees, jury trials, punitive damages, cost structures etc.), the legal profession, constitutional law, legal research, contract law (including offer, acceptance, consideration, legality, capacity, misrepresentation, breach, remedy etc.), business associations (sole proprietorships, partnerships and corporations), corporation law, officer and director liability, commercial transactions, civil litigation, alternative dispute resolution, employment law, negligence, professional liability, tort law, real estate law, consumer protection, competition law, marketing law, environmental law, intellectual property law, Internet law, comparative laws and damages and remedies.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2170U , BUSI 2202U , BUSI 2312U , BUSI 2402U , BUSI 2603U  and Year 3 standing in BCom (Hons) program
  • BUSI 3710U – Small Business Management

    This course is an exploration of the functional skills areas needed to manage a successful owner/managed small business in the Canadian business environment. It includes detailed reviews of the operating and management needs of small business in a broad spectrum of challenges for owners/managers, including management capacity, strategic planning and other challenges unique to small business in Canada. Coping strategies for owner/managers will be addressed.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
  • BUSI 3720U – Family Business

    This course provides insights into the role of family business locally and globally. Family businesses make up over three quarters of all businesses in the world and they contribute significantly to the GDP in most countries. The course is structured to enable students to confront theory with practice. This course explores the concepts and skills required to work with (as an accountant, banker, lawyer, etc.) or work within a family business. Students will have direct contact with family business owners.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 1.5
    Online hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 1700U 
  • BUSI 3730U – Creative Problem Solving, Entrepreneurship and Imagination

    Ideation, individual and group creativity, creative blocks and approaches for overcoming these as they relate to entrepreneurship are discussed. Methods for generating and recognizing ideas using divergent thinking are examined. Theoretical and conceptual foundations for the application of creativity to entrepreneurial problems are investigated.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 1.5
    Online hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 1700U   
  • BUSI 3740U – Introduction to Strategic Foresight

    Introduction to Strategic Foresight focuses on methods for the development of strategic proposals in the private, public, voluntary or not-for-profit sectors.  Foresight is the ability to see developments before they become trends, to recognize patterns before they emerge, and to grasp the features of social currents that are likely to have an impact in future environments.  Students will learn about time-tested strategic foresight methods to gather and develop critical knowledge, guide proactive policy, guide and enable present-day decisions, and shape strategic plans and partnerships.   Students will learn how to frame future projects, conduct horizon scanning, analyze the impact of trends and identify drivers, confront critical uncertainties and methodically develop scenarios.  The course also provides tools to assess scenarios and develop concepts into capabilities for organizations. 

    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): Third-year standing

  • BUSI 3750U – Lean Start-up

    This course covers the process of starting and growing a company with maximum acceleration.  The focus of this course will be on experimentation over business plans, customer feedback over intuition and iterative design over traditional development.
    Formerly: Advanced Entrepreneurship
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 1700U , third-year standing in BCom or IT program, or registered in the Entrepreneurship minor
  • BUSI 3800U – International Business

    This course examines the unique opportunities and problems facing companies in the global business environment. Major economic, social, political, legal, and cultural factors affecting international business will be examined.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): Third-year standing in BCom (Hons) program
  • BUSI 3810U – International Management

    This course examines the international dimensions of business management in foreign countries. Emphasis is placed on the managerial implications of conducting business in the global business environment. The course provides a framework for analyzing managerial issues and problems faced by management as a result of economic, cultural, political, and social differences in the global environment.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): Third-year standing in BCom (Hons) program
  • BUSI 3820U – International Human Resource Management

    The focus of this course is on the strategies involved in managing the human resource needs of an international organization. Students will examine issues such as the effect of cultural differences, the strategic use of technology, managing personnel transitions, and organizational design for global competition. Emphasis will be placed on international human resource strategies and how they can be used as a competitive advantage for the organization. The use of discussion and case analysis will allow students to apply theories from the course.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2312U , BUSI 3800U  
  • BUSI 3930U – Leadership, Negotiation and Teamwork

    This course examines the practice and impact of leadership, negotiations and teamwork in organizations and communities. These practices will be examined in a variety of settings as described in both popular and academic writings on the subjects. It is organized around sets of activities critical to managerial success, each involving face-to-face interaction and a high degree of interpersonal skill: developing leadership for exceptional performance, obtaining commitment to goals and standards, negotiating and resolving conflict, cultural awareness, and relating well with one another in team environments. Implications for personal and career development will also be incorporated. Other topics covered include current thinking and research on negotiating, international negotiations and the effect of culture on negotiating styles.
    Formerly: BUSI 2930U
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
  • BUSI 4101U – Advanced Financial Accounting

    This course examines complex accounting topics including inter-corporate investments and international activities. The application of accounting principles to case situations in specialized industries and non-profit organizations is also covered.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Tutorial hours: 1.5
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 3102U  
  • BUSI 4110U – Critical Thinking, Analysis and Decision Making in Accounting I

    This is a capstone case course stressing the enabling competencies and critical thinking skills required from business school graduates, future professional accountants and advisors. The course provides students with an opportunity to integrate the technical and practical knowledge obtained in the prerequisite and other university courses and to apply this knowledge to case type situations. Because of the integrative nature and content of the course, it is designed for students with a strong background in accounting and those seeking a professional accounting designation.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 4101U , BUSI 3171U  or permission of the program director
    Corequisite(s): BUSI 3160U , BUSI 3120U  
  • BUSI 4140U – Contemporary Issues in Accounting

    This course concentrates on the application of accounting theory to current and controversial issues in accounting. The topics covered vary with the changing contemporary environment. Students will read from the current accounting literature to gain depth in their appreciation of accounting. The course will include independent research, presentations, and class discussion.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 4101U  
  • BUSI 4190U – Special Topics in Accounting

    This course is an exploration of contemporary issues and topics in accounting. Specific topics and any additional prerequisites will be announced with the schedule each time this course is offered. This course may be retaken with a change in topic to a maximum of 9 credits.
    Credit hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 3102U , BUSI 3110U , BUSI 3160U  
  • BUSI 4199U – Directed Independent Studies in Accounting

    This is a project-based course as supervised by one or more faculty members on an approved topic related to current trends and issues in accounting.
    Credit hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2170U  and permission of instructor
  • BUSI 4203U – Advertising Management

    This course focuses on the management of a firm’s advertising strategy. Topics include advertising decisions, the advertising campaign, segmentation and positioning, message content, budget allocation, media planning, and the social responsibility of advertising.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2202U  or BUSI 2205U  or BUSI 2210U  
  • BUSI 4210U – High-Tech Marketing

    This course is designed to provide an advanced understanding of the strategies and practices involved in marketing technology-based products. These include understanding the unique context of the high-tech industry, the rapid process of innovations, and the specific strategies to build competitive advantage. Specific topics covered include marketing research in high-tech firms, understanding high-tech consumers, product development and management issues, distribution channels, pricing considerations, and advertising/promotions in high-tech markets. The objective of the course is to provide a set of tools and frameworks to be more effective in marketing high-technology products.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2202U  or BUSI 2205U  or BUSI 2210U  
  • BUSI 4220U – Marketing Strategy

    This course focuses on strategic planning and evaluation of marketing decisions in a competitive environment. The purpose of the course is to help students develop analytical abilities by integrating all major areas of marketing. Special emphasis is placed on problem-solving and decision-making in the formulation of marketing strategies.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2202U  or BUSI 2205U  or BUSI 2210U  and Year 4 standing in the BCom (Hons) Marketing major or minor
  • BUSI 4230U – Marketing Analytics

    Marketing analytics is a growing field that uses statistical and mathematical programs and develops metrics to improve marketing strategies and return on marketing investment. Topics include marketing mix models and predictive analytics, such as new product diffusion models, and price and sales promotion decision models. The course utilizes market data and industry standard software to train students who are interested in building their careers in marketing analytics, marketing research and marketing consulting.
    Formerly: Quantitative Marketing Analysis
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2202U  or BUSI 2205U  or BUSI 2210U  
  • BUSI 4250U – International Marketing

    This course examines issues in marketing in the international environment. It focuses on economic, political, legal, and cultural factors in international marketing with special emphasis on the formulation of marketing strategies in foreign countries.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2202U  or BUSI 2205U  or BUSI 2210U  
  • BUSI 4270U – Business to Business Marketing

    This course analyzes problems and processes in marketing to businesses, governments and non-profit organizations rather than final consumers. It focuses on the managerial aspects of industrial marketing and the adjustments required for the formulation of marketing strategies.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2202U  or BUSI 2205U  or BUSI 2210U  
  • BUSI 4290U – Special Topics in Marketing

    Selected topics of current interest in marketing.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2202U  or BUSI 2205U  or BUSI 2210U  
  • BUSI 4299U – Directed Independent Studies in Marketing

    Independent study in selected marketing topics under the supervision of a faculty member.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2202U  or BUSI 2205U  or BUSI 2210U  and permission of instructor
  • BUSI 4340U – Business of Gaming

    This course provides an overview of game production cycles, preparation of user documentation, writing of strategic game playing, business models, development resource and models, legal issues, and other related topics.
    Formerly: INFR 1340U
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2700U  
  • BUSI 4390U – Special Topics in Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources Management

    A seminar course in advanced organizational behaviour and human resource topics. The focus of this course is to study current trends and studies in specific areas of organizational behaviour and human resource management. Course content may vary from offering to offering but may include such topics as performance management, organizational behaviour and human resources research methodology, or strategic human resource policy.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2312U  and one 3000-level human resources related course
  • BUSI 4399U – Directed Independent Study in Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources Management

    Directed study and research under the supervision of a faculty member in an area in which the student has shown particular competence and interest. The focus of this course is to study current trends and studies in specific areas of organizational behaviour and human resource management. This course is normally reserved for students intending to continue their studies and pursue advanced education degrees.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2312U  and one 3000-level human resources related course, and permission of instructor
  • BUSI 4400U – Electronic Trading and Exchange

    This course provides an understanding of how trading and financial markets work with a focus on recent technological developments. The course covers the entire trading process including pre-trading, trading and post-trading. Topics covered are market data analysis, market selection, transaction cost analysis, execution systems, smart order routing, auction types, algorithmic and high frequency trading, liquidity, risk management and clearing and settlement.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 3405U  
  • BUSI 4405U – Portfolio and Investment Strategies

    This course studies the techniques to manage investment portfolios from the perspective of mutual funds and other financial institutions such as insurance companies and trust funds. Investment strategies for fixed income securities, equities, real estate and commodities are evaluated.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 3405U  
  • BUSI 4410U – Advanced Corporate Finance Applications

    This course applies advanced corporate finance topics such as capital budgeting, dividend policy, raising financing, capital structure changes, working capital management, and mergers and acquisitions valuation. Business decision making is simulated in the case study method.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): Year 4 standing in BCom (Hons) program
  • BUSI 4420U – Working Capital Management

    Working capital management is the financial management of the short-term assets and liabilities of the corporation. Methods to manage the cash, marketable securities, accounts receivable, inventory, payables and short term debt-financing of the firm are studied.
    Credit hours: 3
    Lecture hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 1450U , BUSI 2402U  

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